� � � � 2� 15�8�73
<br /> Tr�nsfer af th�Prope���ar a �enefici�l Int�res��n Borrar��r. �f a�l or any par�of�he Property�r any xnterest
<br /> in it is sold or �ransferred �o�� if a benef��a� iriteres� in Borrow�r is sold or �ransferred and Borr�wer is no� a
<br /> natural persan� vv��hout Lend�.r's �rior �rrr�t�en �ansent, Lender ma�, �.t ��s op�ion, require immedia�e pa�rnent in
<br /> full of all sums secured by ���is Securit� �ns�rurmen�. Hfl�ever, fh�s �ption shal�l not be �xercised by Lender if
<br /> exercise�s prahib��ed by federa�la�v as af�he da�e of this S��ur�ty�ns�rument.
<br /> �f Lender ex�rcises �his o �ic�ri, Lender shall give Barrow�r n��ic� �f accelerat�on. The natice sha]� provide a
<br /> �
<br /> per�od of n�� less �han the minimum �umber of days es�a�b�ished hy 1�pp�icable Law frox�.�he date �he no�i�e �s
<br /> de�ivered ar mai�ed �vit��n w��ich Borr�v�er must pay a1I sums secured by �his Secur�ty �nstrumen�. �f Borrower
<br /> fails to pay �hese_sums pr�or �;� the expiratio�l of this p�riod, Lender�nay in�ake any remedies per�nitted by this
<br /> Securzty�nstrument v�i�ho�t fu.r�her no�ice�r d�mand on Borro'wer.
<br /> Borr�wer's Ri h� t� Re�ns�ate. If Bflrr�w�r mee�s certain conditions, Borr�v�er sha�I have the righ� ta have
<br /> � .
<br /> enforc�men� of�his Security �ns�run�en� disc�ntinued a� a�y ti��ne prior��the earl�er af: �a� 5 days �or such o�her
<br /> periad as Applicable Law ma��specify for reins�a�ement� before sale ot�he Propert.y pursuant��any pawer of sale
<br /> con�ained in fhis Securi�y Ir�s�rumen�; or �b� eniry of a �udg��nen� �nfarc�ng this Security �nstrument. Those
<br /> c�ndit�ans ar� �hat Borr�wer: �a} pays Lender al��sums which then w�uid be due ur�der�his Se�urity Ins�rument
<br /> � and the��ntrac�as if no acce��ration had occurred;�b}c�res any defaui��f any other�o�enants�r agreements;�c�
<br /> a s ali expenses incurred�n��nforcing�his Securi�y�nstrument,inc�uding,but na�Iimited to,reasonable at�orneys'
<br /> pY
<br /> fees to�h� extent perm�t�ed by Iaw; and�d}�akes such ac�i�n as Lender may reas�nably require�o assure that the
<br /> l�en of this Security�.ns�rumerit, Lenc�er's righ�s in the Property and Barr�wer's oblig�.�i�n to pa��he sums secured
<br /> by this Securi� �ns�rument s��ai1 �on�inue unchanged. Up�n reinstatemen�l�y Barrower, �his Secur��ty Instrument
<br /> and the obliga�ions s.ecured �ereby shal� remain fuliy effec�i�� as �f�� acceierati�n had occurr�d. Hav�reWer, th�s
<br /> right��reinsta�e shall no�:apply�n�the case�f a�ce�eration under the sec�ian��tled Transfer of the Property or a
<br /> B�neficial Int�res�i��orro��ver. .
<br /> �Iazardous Substanees. Bo�•��ver sha�l n�t cause or permi�the prese��ce,use,�disposal, s�orage, or re�ease of any
<br /> Hazard�us Substan�es fln�r i:��he Praperty. Borr��v�r shai�not do,r���allovv anyone else to da,any�hing affect�g
<br /> the Proper�y that is �n vio�ation of any Er��iranmental Lav�. The pre�edi�g two sentences sha�1 nat apply t� the
<br /> preserice,use,.or starage�n���e Proper�y of smal�quantities�f Hazard�us Substances�hat are genera�ly recogn�zed
<br /> to be appropria�e to nor��a�re�s�dentia�uses and�a ma�n�enance af th�:Proper�y.
<br /> B�rrov��r sha11 promp�ly�give Lend�r v�ri�t�n n����e af any in�es��gation,claim, demand, lawsuit or��her action by
<br /> any g��er��men�al or regu�at��ry agenc� ar �riva�e party �r��ra�ving ��i� Proper� and any Hazard�us Subs�ance or
<br /> � En�ironmerital Lavv� �f �rrhi��h Borro�er has ac�ua� knovv�edge. �f Borrovv�r �earns, or is n���f ed�by any
<br /> go��rnmenta� or regula�ory a��thor�ty;tha��ny remo�al or��her remediat�on of any Ha�ard�us Substance affecting
<br /> the Praper�y is necessary, ���rrower shal� promptl� ta�e ail necessary reinedial actions in accardance with
<br /> Envirtinmentai Law. .
<br /> As us�d in this paragraph, "�[a2ardous Subs�an��s" are�hase substan�es defned as�ox�c ar hazardou� subs�ances
<br /> by Environmen�al Lav� and �he fallov�ing substances: g�.sotine, kerosene, ��her flammable or toxic pe�roleum
<br /> products,_toxic pesticides and herb���des, �alat�le so��rents, materia�s conta�ning asbest�s or formaldehyde, and
<br /> radi�ac�ive ma�eria�s. As usec��n�his paragraph, "Envir�n�en�al La�"�neans federa��av�s and laws of the sta�e�f
<br /> Nebrasl�a that re�a�e�a health,safety or en�r�ronmen�al pra�ec�ion.
<br /> Accetera��on; Rem�di�s. I.���nd�r sha�l gi�e no�ice t� �orrow�r pritir to acce�erati�n fo��owing Borrvwer�s
<br /> �reach nf any cov��nan��r��greemen�in this S�cu�-�ty���strumen�or the Cantrac�under vvh�ch a�celeration
<br /> is �ermitted (bu� nat prxor t�a�ce��ratian und�r�h� se�t�vn tit��ed Transfer of th�Pro��rty or a B�nefcia�
<br /> In�erest in �3orravve�, un�ess Appli�abie Law �ro�id�s n�h�rvvis��. 'The no�ice sh-a��specify: �a} th� defaui�;
<br /> �b� th� �c�ion required t�� �ure the defaul�; (c} � �.ate, �lU� ��55 than th� minimum number of days
<br /> e��ablished by Applx�ab�e I�avv fr�m th�date th�n�t�ce��gi�en t� �orrower, by v�h�ch the defaul�must be
<br /> cured; and [d� tha� failure ta cure the default or� or b�fare f�� date specifedl in t�e not��e may resu�t in
<br /> acceleration of the �ums se�ure��by �this Se�urity I���rumer�t and saie o� �h� Property. T� th� extent
<br /> permi��ed by �avrj, th� n�t�c� s�all furth�r �nfo�-m Bor�r�wer of the �-�ght �a reins��te after acce�eratian and
<br /> the right�n br�ng a cour�a4�tian ta�as5��-t the�on--exis�e�ce�f a��faul�ar any oth�r defense of Borrower t�
<br /> acceleratian and sai�. �f�h�� defaul� is not cured an or befor� tl�e dat�specif�ed in th� nat��e, Lender at its
<br /> oP��vn may re.�uire inr�med[iat� paymer�t ir� fu�� of a�� sums s���red by �his Securi�y Instrument without
<br /> fu r�her demand and m�y i n►voke th� p�wer of s��e ��c� �ny �t�ner remedies permitted by Appl�ca��e Law.
<br /> To the ex�en� permi�ted �b�� �aw, Lend�r shali be ���ti���d ta cal��ct all e�penses incurr�d �n pursuing the
<br /> remed�es pro��ded in this S�ec��on, �nc�uding, but no� l�m�ted ��, r�a�onable attorneys' fees and �osts of t�t�e
<br /> e�idence. - .
<br /> If�he p�wer of sale �� �r�vo��ed,'I'ruste�shal� rec�rd a no��c�of�d�fault in each caunty in wh�ch an�part of
<br /> the Property �s �ocated and shal�mai�c�pi�s of such not��e�n �h.e m�nner prescri�ed by Appli�able Law tu
<br /> Borrower and��o th� o�her persuns prescr�b�d by App�icak�le I1aw. After the t�me requ�red by Appli�able
<br /> Law, 'I`rustee sha�� g��e pu�blic notice af�ale to the per5or�� and �n the manner prescribed by Appl�cable
<br /> Law. Trus�ee,v�i�hout dema�d �n Bar�°o�ver, shal�sel�the Proper�y at�ub�ic auctin� to the highe��bidder
<br /> a�th�time and piace and under the terms des�gnated �r�the nu�ice af sale in an�or m�re parce�s and in any
<br /> order Trus�ee determ�ne�. 'I`rustee ma� pastpor�e sale of a�� ar a�y parc�I of �he Prvperty h� public
<br /> annauncemer�t at the��m�i��d �alac�of any previvus��sc�edule� �a�e.Lender or its desigr�e�may purchase
<br /> the Prap�rty at any sale.
<br /> i�p�n re�eip�of payment af�he pri�e lbid, Trust�e s�a�� de�i�er t� the purchaser Tru�t�e's deed c�n�eying
<br /> #he Prop�r�y. T'he reci�als �in the'T`rustee's deed �ha�i b� prim� ����e��idence flf the�ruth of the sta�ements
<br /> C�2b44-2Q15 Cgmpliance Systems,In�.�BCB-ti541-2D15.�I.O.��92
<br /> Cansumer Reai Estate-Security�nstx-umer�t DL2�3b �B�E�p�S WWW.CQ�1Z�?I11I1CL'S�5#EI315.CDiSI.
<br />