2� 15�8�73
<br /> Pa��nent of Princip��an�In�t�rest; ��her�harg�s.Borr�vver shail prompt�y pay w�en due the principal of and
<br /> �nfer�s�an�he debt awed unde�r the�on�act and la�e charges or any�ther fees and charges due under�he C�ntrac�.
<br /> A �icahle La�v. As used in t�is Securi�y Ins�rument, the term "App�icable Law" shaXl mean all can�rolling
<br /> PP �
<br /> app�icab�e federal, sfiate,and �acal sta�utes, regu�a��ons, ardinances and adrn�nistra��ve rules and orders ��hat ha�e
<br /> �he eff�c�of�avv}as well as ail a�plicable��al,n�n-appealable�udi�lal opinians.
<br /> Char es; L�en�. Borrower sl�a�l pa�r all taxes, assessments, charges, fnes and impositi�ns a�tributa��� to the
<br /> �
<br /> Prop�r�which may at�a�n pri�arity o�e�this S�Gurity Ins�rument, and �easehold paymen�s or graund rents, if any.
<br /> A��he request of Lender,Borr��wer sha1�prompt�y furr�ish t�Lender re�e�p�s e��denc�ng the paymen�s.
<br /> Borrov�rer shall ram �I disc��arge any lien which has priorif.y over i:h�s Secur�ty �ns�rumen�unless B�rro�wer: �a�
<br /> � P �
<br /> agrees �n wr�ting to �he pa�n.lent of�he ob�igation secur�d by �he l��n �n a manner ac�ep�able to Lender; (b�
<br /> contes�s �n good fai�h �he l�en by, or defends agains� enforcement �f the l�en in, 1ega� procee�ings vvhich in�he
<br /> Lender's op�nion aperate �tti �re�ent �I�e enforcement of�he l�en; �� �c� seCures from the hfllder of the lien an
<br /> agreemen�t satisfa�t�ry to Lender subordina��ng the lien ta���is Secur�ty�nstrumen�. If L�nder de�erm�nes�hat any
<br /> par� of�he Pr�per�y is sub�ecl:�o a Iien�hich may at�ai�pr�or��y o�e��h�s Se�urity �ns�rumen�, Len�er n�ay g���
<br /> Borrov�er a.no�ice.identi�ying�he�lien. Barrflv�er sha�� sa�isfy�he l�en or take �ne.or more of the act�ans se�forth
<br /> above�r�th�n 1 a days of�he gi�ing�of natice. � �
<br /> Hazard �r Pro erty Insurar�c�. Bflrrower shall keep�he impro�vements now exis�ing or hereafter erec�ed an�he
<br /> p
<br /> Pr�perty insured agains�Ioss��y fire,ha�ards�ncluded wi�hin the�erm "extended co�erage" and any o�her ha2ards,
<br /> in�lu��ng floods or fl�oding, for which Lender requ�res �nsurance. Th�s �nsurance shall be ma�ntained in the
<br /> am�unts and�for the peri�ds t���a�Lender`require�. The insurance carr�er providi�ng the insurance shall be chosen by
<br /> Barrower subjec� �� Le��der's appro�al which sha�1 not be unreasoraably �vithheld. If Borr�vver faits �o rnainta�n
<br /> co�erage descr�bed above, L�ender may, at Lend�r's ap�ion, �btain coverage �� protect Lender's ri�hts in the
<br /> Proper�y in a�c�rdance wi�h s€��tian tit�ed Protec�i�n of L�nder's Rights in the Property.
<br /> A11 insuran�e.policies and r�7�e�rals s�atl:he acceptable to Lender and shall inc�ude a standard mo�gage claus�.
<br /> Lender shall have�he r�ght�o h�id the p�lic�es and renewais. �f Lender requires,B�rrower sha�I prompt�y gi�e to
<br /> Lender all receipts of paid prE�miums.and renev�al no���es. In th� e�er��of l�ss, Borr�v�er shall g�ve promp�not��e
<br /> �a th�insurance carr�er and L��nder.L�nder may make proaf�f lass��r��t made pr�mptly by Borrov�rer.
<br /> Unl�ss Lender and Borra�e��.a�herwise agree. in �vritiing, insurance proceeds shal� be app�ied to rest�ration or
<br /> repair of the Propert� damaged, if, �� L,ender's so�e dis�re�i�n, �h� restora�i�n or.repa�r is e�ono�mical�y feasxb�e
<br /> and Lender's security�is n�t ���ssened. If, in �Lender's so�e discre�ton, �he rest�ration or repa�r xs not ecanomically
<br /> feasib�e or Lender's securi�y would be lessened,�he�nsurance�rocee�is sha11 be appl�ed to�he sums secured by this
<br /> Secur�ty �nstrumen�, v�he�her� ar no� �hen due, v�i�h any ��cess p�id ta Borrower. If BQrrovver abandans the
<br /> PraperLy,ar does no�answer�w��hin�he�number�f days pr�scribed b�Appl�cable Lav�as se�.forth in a nt�tice from
<br /> Lend�r to B�rrower�ha��he Insurance car�-ier has flffered to settle a claim,�hen Lender may collect the insuranc�
<br /> praceeds. Lender may us� �h�� proceeds t� repair or res�or� the Properry or to pay sums secured by�his Security
<br /> Instrument,whether or n���h��n due.The period of�ir�ie f��-Borrower�o ansv�rer as se��forth in the nfl���e v�i11 begxn
<br /> when�he notice is gi��n.
<br /> Unless Lender and��rrawer o�herwise agree in�ri�ing, ax�y appiication of proceeds�o pr�n�ipal sha�l not extend
<br /> �r postp�ne�he due da�e �f t'he paymen�s due under the Cc�ntrac�or change the am�un�Qf the paymen�s. If under
<br /> �he sec��on�itled Acc�lerati�n� l�ern�dies, the Prope�y is ac�uired by Lender, B�rr�wer's righ��a an�insurance
<br /> p�lic�es and pro�eeds resul���:�g from damage �o �he Prope��.y pr�or ta the acquisi��on shall pass to Lender to �he
<br /> ex�ent of the su�ns secured by this Security�n��rument�rnmed�a�e�y priar to the acquisi��an.
<br /> Pr�servat��n, Main��nance at�d Protec�i�r� �f the Proper�y; Borrvwer's Loan Applicat�on; Lea�eho�ds.
<br /> Bflrrawer sha�i nat des�roy, d.amage �r impair�he�'roperty, a�i�w the Pr�perty�o deteri�ra�te, ar c�mmit vvaste an
<br /> the Proper�y. Barrower shal��be�n defau���f any forfei�ure acti�n or pr��eeding,vvhether civi�or cr�minal, is b�gun
<br /> tha� in Lenderts good faith jL�dgment cauld resul� in farfeiture af�he Pr�per�y ar o�hervvise materially impair the
<br /> l�en created by th�s Securit�� Instrument or Lender's secur�ty inter�st. Borrower may cure suGh a defau�� and
<br /> reinsta�e, as pravided �n se���:on titl�d Borrov�er's laight t� l�einstat�, by causxng the ac�ion or praceeding tfl be
<br /> dism�ssed�vi�h a rul�ng�hat, �n Lender's g�ad fai�h deter�nina�ion,pre�ludes forfe�ture of the Borrovver's in�erest zn
<br /> �he Proper�y �r o�her mat�rial impa�rment of�he lien crea�ed by �his Securit� �nstrumer�t ar Lender's securxty
<br /> interest.Borrower shall a�so l�e in default if Boi�rov�er, during the lo�.n applica�ion pracess,gave ma�erially fa�se or
<br /> inaccurate informa�i�n or st���ements �a Lender �or fa�Ied �a �rov�de Lender vv��h any ir�ater�a� informa��on� in
<br /> cannec�ion with the loan evit�enced b��he �on�ract. If thi� Se�ur�ty Ins�rument is �n a leaseh��d, Borrower sha�l
<br /> comply w�th all the pravis��ns�f the�ease. Y�Barrov�er ac�u�res�fee title t�the Pr�per�y,the�easehold and the fee
<br /> title shall n���tnerge unless Lf.nder agrees�o�he merger�n v�riting.
<br /> Protecti�n of I..►end�r's �i�;h�s in the Propert�. If Barrvwer fai�s ta ��rform the covenants an� agreem�nts
<br /> contained in th�s Securi�y�ns�rument, or there is a legai proceeding tha�may signifcan�ly affect Lender's r�ghts in
<br /> the Pr4perty �such as a proceeding in hankrup�cy, probate, f�r condemnatifln or forfei�ure or t� enfQrce �a�s or
<br /> regula��ons�, then Lend�r m��.y d� and pay for whate�er is necessary t� prfl�ec� the value nf the Property and
<br /> Lender's r�ghts in the Property. Lender's ac�i�ns may inci�de paying any sums secured by a lie�which has prior��.y
<br /> o�rer this Secur��Instrumen�, appearing in cour�,paying reasonable a�tarneys'fees ancl en�ering�n�he Praperty ta
<br /> make repairs.A�thaugh Lender may�ake action under this sec�i�n,Le�der does no�ha�e ta d�sa.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by I�e�der under this section shall became addi�i�na1 deb� af Borro�ver secured by �h�s
<br /> Security �ns�rument. Un�ess ��rrower and Lender agre� to other �erms �f payment, these amounts sha1� bear
<br /> C�2a�4-2D15 Campiiance SysEerns,Inc.DBCB-tii5a1-24I5.]1.�.1092
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