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2� 15�8�58 <br /> under, grawing out of or in any mann�r c�nne�t�d with or affecting any�f the <br /> Leases or �h� obligations, duti�s �r liabili�ies of the Borrnwer or any Lessee <br /> thereunder, a.n.d to pay all costs and expenses af the Lender, includ�ng <br /> attarneys' fees (prior ta trial, at trial and on appeal�, in connection with any <br /> such disputie, a�t�on or proceeding in which the Lender may appear or w�th <br /> respect ta which it may o�herwise in�ur costs or expenses, whether ar not the <br /> Lender prevails therein. <br /> 3. Lender's Ri ht to Perform. Sh�uld the Borro�ver fail to make any payment �r <br /> to d� any act as herein pro�ided, then the Lender may, but vvithout abl�gati�n <br /> to da so, with�ut notice ar demand �o or upon the Borrower, and without <br /> r�leas�ng the B�rrovver fr�m any abli�ation hereof, make or do the same in <br /> such mar�r�er and to such ex�ent as the Lender may deem necessary or desirable <br /> to protect the security hereof, includ�ng specifically, without limiting its <br /> general powers, appearing in and defending any action or proceeding <br /> purporting tio affect the security hereof or the rights or powers of the Lender, <br /> and obser�ing, perfarming and dischar�ing a11 or any of the obliga�ions, <br /> covenants and agreements �f the B�rro�ver in the Leases contained. In <br /> exercising any such pavvers, the Lender may pay its costs and expenses, <br /> employ Gounsel and incur and pay attarr��ys' fees �pr�or to tr�a�, at trial and on <br /> appeal}. <br /> 4. Borrower to Reimburse L�nder. The Borrow�r agrees to reimburse the Lender, <br /> upon demand, f�r ali surns expended by the Lend�r under the au�hor�ty hereof, <br /> t�gether with interes�thereon at�he I�efault Rate specifi�d in the Not� from the <br /> date expended, and �he same shall be added to the indebtedness e�idenced by <br /> �he Note and sha11 be secured hereby and by the Mortgage. <br /> 5. Non-Mer�er of Leases. Each Lease shall remain in fu11 force and effect <br /> despite a.riy merger of the interest of the Borrovver and any L�ssee thereunder; <br /> the Borrower shall not transfer fee title to the Mortgaged Prem�ses to any <br /> Lessee, withou� the prior written consent of th� Lender; and na such transfer <br /> shal� re�ieve the Borrower of any liabi�ity to the Lender, unl�ss the Lender <br /> specif�cally agr�es otherwise in v�riting. <br /> 6. S�curit De osits. In the Event �f Defau�t, th� Borrower, after any notic� <br /> requirements or cure period provid�d in the Loan Docum�nts or mandated by <br /> law, if such default remains un�ured, shall deli�er or caus� t� be d�Iivered t� <br /> �he Lender, promptly upon request �y the Lender, all security deposits heid by <br /> the Borrower pursuant ta the terms �f the Leases, whi�h the Lend�r shali <br /> thereafter ho�d and disburse in accordance with the terms of the Leases. Until <br /> any such request by the Lender, a11 secur�ty deposits shall be deemed to be held <br /> by Borrawer�n trust for the Lender. <br /> B. The Borrower hereby co�enants, represents and warrants to the Lender tha�: <br /> 3 <br />