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2� 15�8�42 <br /> �EEv �F T�v�°r <br /> Lvan No: 'I�1�9'I'I 37 ��ol�t�rlu�d� Page Z <br /> amounts secured by �his D��� Qf Trus� as they becvme due, and sha[I strictly and in a ��mely manner perf�rm all of <br /> Trustor's obEigations under�he Note, this De�d af Trust, and�the R�lated Dflcumen�s, <br /> P�SSESSIDN AIVD 1111A�NTENAN�E �F THE PR�PERTY. Trus�or agrees tha�k Trus�tor's possessi�n and use of the <br /> Pr�perty shal� be govern�d by the tollowing pro�isi�ns: <br /> Pnss�ssion and Use. Un�il �h� occurrence ofi an E�en�t �f �efault, Trust�r may �1} rema�n in passession and <br /> contrvl of th�Property; {2} use, operate�r mana�e the Property; and t3� collect the Rents�ram the Property, <br /> Duty tv Maintain, Trustor shal� main�ain �the Properfiy in good condition and pramp�ly perform all repairs, <br /> replacem�nts, and main�enance necessary to preser�e its Walue. <br /> Cvmpriance Wi�h En�irvnmen�ta� Laws. Trus�or represents and rrvarran�s to Lender that: 41 y ❑uring the period vf <br /> Trus�or's ownership vf the Pr�perty, there has been n� use, generation, manufacture, starage,treatment, disposal, <br /> r�leas� or threatened rel�ase of any Hazardous Substance by any p�rson on, under, abou� �r from the Property; <br /> (�} Trustor has no knaw[ed�e af, �r reasvn �a be�ie�e that there has been, e�cept as pre�iously disclased �a and <br /> a�knawledged by Lender in writing, �a� any br�ach or ��ola�ion of any Environm�nfial Laws, �b� any use, <br /> �eneration, manufac�ure, storage, �reatmen�� dispasal, release or fihrea��n�d release vf any Hazard�us 5ubstan�e <br /> on, under, abnut vr from the Praperty by any priar owners �r o�cupants ❑f �he Praperty, or ��} any actual ar <br /> threatened litigation or claims vf any kind by any person relating �o such matters; and �3} Except as pre�ivusly <br /> � disciased�a and acknowl�dged by Lend�r in writ�n�. �a� neither Trustor nor any tenant, can�ractor, agen�vr other <br /> authariz�d user of th� Property shail use, generat�, manufacture, s�ore, treat, dispose of or release any Hazardous <br /> 5ubs�fian��on, und�r, abou��r'�rom the Proper�y; and {b� any such acti�ity shaEl be condu�ted in compliance with <br /> al{ appEicable federal, stat�, and la�al laws, regufa�ivns and ardinances, including withou� �imitation alf <br /> Environmental Laws. Trustor authorizes Lender and i�s agents ta enter up�n the Property to make such <br /> inspections and tes�s, at Trustvr's exp�ns�, as Lender may deem apprapriate to determine compliance of th� <br /> Pr�perty with this sec�ion of �khe Deed o� Trust. Any inspecti�ns vr �es�ts macle by Lender shal� be �or L�nder's <br /> purposes only and shall not be cvnstrued t� create any respans�hility❑r iiability on�he part of Lender�o Trustor ar <br /> to any oth�r person. The representations and warran��es contained herein are based on Trustvr's due diligence in <br /> inWestigating the Pr�p�rty for Hazardous Su�stances. Trustar her�by ��y r�leases and wai�es any future claims <br /> against L�nder for indemnity or contribu�ion in fihe e�ent Trus�vr beGvmes liable for cleanup or other costs under <br /> any such laws; and {2y agrees�o indemnify, defend, and hald harmless Lender agains�any and all claims, losses, <br /> liabi�iti�s, darnag�s, penalti�s, and expenses whi�h Lender may directly or indir�c�ly sustain or su�Ffer resul�ing from <br /> a breach of�his s��tion o�f �he Deed ❑fi Trus� or as a cons�quence o�f any use, generation, manufacture, stvrage, <br /> disposal, release vr threatened release v�curr�ng prior ta Trust�r's ov�rnership ar interest in the Property, whether or <br /> nvt the same was or shauld ha�e been knvwn �to Trus��r. The pro�isions of this secti�n vf the Deed o� Trust, <br /> including the obligation to indemnify and defend, shall survi�e�h� paymen��f the lndeb�edness and�he satisfaction <br /> and rec�nveyance of�he lien of�his ❑eed of Trus� and shall not be affected by Lender's acquisitian af any interest <br /> fn th� Pr�perty, whether by fore�losu��ar otherw�se. , <br /> Nuisance. V�las�e. Trustor shall n�t cause, conduct or permit any nuisancs nflr commi�, permi�, vr suf�er any <br /> stripping ofi ar was�e �n or to the Property or any partion of �he Prop�rty. Without limiting th� generality of the <br /> fvregoing, Trustar wili not remoWe, or �rant to any o�her par�y the right to r�mo�e, any�imber, minerals {includin� <br /> vil and gasy, cval, clay, scoria, soil, gravel ar rack produ�ts without Lender's prior written cansent. <br /> Remarral af Improv�ments. Trus�or shall not dem��ish or remo�s any Improvements fram�he Real Proper�y wi�hou� <br /> Lender's privr wr�tten consent. As a condition t��he removai of any Impr��ements, L�nder may require Trustor t� <br /> make arran��men�s satisfactory to Lender to replace such lmprv�ements with Impra�ements �f at least equal <br /> �alue. <br /> Lenc�er's Right to Enter. Lender and Lender's agents and repres�ntatiWes may enter upon the Rea� Proper�y at ali <br /> reasonab�e �imes to attend tv Lender's infieres�ts and to inspect the Real Pr�perty for purp�s�s of Trust�r's <br /> compliance v►rith the terms and c�nditivns�f this Deed of Trust. <br /> �ampliance wi�h Go�ernmental Requ�rements. Trustar shall promptly �omply wi�h all laws, ardinances, and <br /> r�gulations, now or hereafter in e�f�ect, of a11 gv�ernmental authorities applicable �� the use �r occupanGy of the <br /> Praperty. Trustor may contesfi in gaad faith any such law, nrdinance, ar regulation and withhald compliance during <br /> any praceeding, including appr�pria�e appeals, so long as Trustor has notified L�nder in wrifiing privr t� dving sv <br /> and sa long as, in Lender's sole opinion, Lender's in�eresfis in the Proper�y are nat jevpardized. Lender may require <br /> Trustor�o pvst ad�quate securi�y or a surety bond, reasona�ly satisfactory to Lender, to pr�tect Lender's inter�st. <br /> Du�y tv Pro�ect. Trustar agrees neither �❑ aband�n or lea�e unattended the Property. Trustar shall da al� ather <br /> a�ts, in addition to�hose acts set forth above in this se�ti�n, which from the charact�r and use of the Property are <br /> reas�nably necessary to protecfi and pres�rve fh� Pr�perty. <br /> aUE �N SALE- CDNSENT BY LEN!]ER. Lender may, at Lend�r's optivn, deClare imm�diately du� and payable ail sums <br /> secured by this Deed of Trust up�n the sai�or�ransfer, without Lender's prior written consen�, of a[1 or any parf vf the <br /> Real Prvperty, ar any inter�st �n the Real Property. A "sale ar trans�Fe�" m�ans th� c�n�eyance of Rea� Property ar any <br /> right, �it�� ar interest in th� Real Pr�perty; wh�ther �ega�, beneficial or equitab[e; whether �ofun�ary �r inva�un�ary; <br /> vuhe�th�r� by autrigh� sal�, d�ed, instaflment sale �ontract, land �ontract, canfiract far deed, leasehol�! �nterest wi�h a <br /> t�rm greater than�hree �3} years, lease-option cantract, or by sal�, assignment, or�ransfer�f any b�ne�E�ial interest in <br /> ❑r�a any [and trust ho3din� ti�le tv the Real Proper�y, or by any a�her meth�d of conveyance of an interest in the Real <br />