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' 2� 15�8�41 <br /> � <br /> Farm �redif S�rvices of Ame�ica, FLCA <br /> 5��5 S �18th S�ree�, P� Bax�4�9 <br /> �maha, N E 68�03-�4�9 <br /> Truste�: <br /> AgriBank, FCB <br /> P� Bvx 64949 <br /> S�. Paul, Minnesota 55��4-�94� <br /> Def�ned Terms: <br /> Beneficiary: As s��forth a�o�e and us�d in�erchangeably wi�h �he term Lender. <br /> B�rrawer: Maker vr ca-maker, signer or co-signer of any Laan I]ocum�n� representing any �bliga�ions <br /> secured by this frus�deed. <br /> Lender: As se�for�h abo�e and used in�erchangeabiy v�rith �he term Bene�iciary. <br /> L�an Documents: The described na��s and any and aCl o�her nofes, credi� agreements; security <br /> agreemen�s, U�C financing sta�ements, lease ag�eemen�s, morkgages, deeds of trust, any o�her <br /> dacumenfi granting a �ien t� secure �he �bl�ga�ions, and any afher document or ins�rumen� executed In <br /> connec�ion wi�h ar evidencing any �bligaflon �including any amendment, resfa�ement or madifica�lon <br /> fh�r�ta}. <br /> DhNigat�ons: Inc[udes, wifhout limi�ati�n, al� credit incEuding pr�ncipal and any advances, in�eres� and <br /> a�he� amoun�s due tv Lender under �he Loan Documen�s `rvhether ar not this �rust deed is specifically <br /> referr�d ta in �he evidence of debf, rnclud�ng wifho�t limi�atian, fees, costs, and exp�nses, tage�her with <br /> a[I renev�rals, ex�ensi�ns, �r refinancing of same and any fu�ure and addr�ional loans or�ad�ances made <br /> at Lender's option ta or on beha�f of B�rrower by Lender or under any ather Loan Dacumen� for any <br /> purpvse whe�her re[a�ed �r unre�afied �o �he purpos� of �he origrnal c�edit, inc[uding ad�ances f�r the <br /> prof�ction of �he Property, a[[ atforney f�es, c�sts an� expenses incurred by Lender �o the ex�en� <br /> permifi�ed by lavtir in the collection of any Ivan or In the enforcemen� or pr�eserva�ion of the rights of <br /> Lender in and ta �he Praperty, regardless �f whether Trus�ar is obligated thereon as a maker or co� <br /> maker, s�gner or co�signer, or as a guaran��r, endorser, sure�y ar o�her accammodation party. <br /> Personal Property: All equipment, fix�ures and v�her p�rsana[ pr�operty that are nvw ar hereaf�er <br /> a�fached or affixed to the Real Property; �ogether wi�h aIl accessions, parts and addifrons �o, a11 <br /> rep[acements of and al[ substitutions for any af such property. <br /> Rea� Property: Tage�h�r with �he belvw fegally described rea! es�a�e, alI e�isting or subsequen�[y <br /> er�cted �r affixed buildings, structures, impravements or f�x�ures; ali crvps, �imber, �imber tv be cu�, <br /> trees, plants, vines ar other plantings; all water, wa�er righ�s, includrng riparian rights and surface�rafer <br /> ��gh�s, wa�er�ourses, irrigation, drainage and d��ch rRghts, ail ren�s, issues, uses, income, profi�s and <br /> r�yal�ies; all [eases, permits, licens�s, privileg�s, easements, righ�s of way, righ�s �a possession; a�C <br /> rights in and ta the lands lying in streets, al�eys and roads adjoining the Real Praperty and <br /> appurtenances; a[I [eases, permits, licenses, or priv�feges, appurtenant or non�appurtenan� to the <br /> pr�perty, now ar hereafter issued, ext�nded, ar rene�red by Trus�o�, any 5�a�e, �he Un��ed States, or <br /> any d�partmen�, bureau, ins�rumen�a[��y, or agency �hereof; alf proceeds in eminen� domain, �nsuTance <br /> payments, proceeds or refunds af pr-emiums or any o�her payment or settiemen� relafing �� �he <br /> Property; aIl oR�, gas, gra�el, rock, geothermal and simElar resources �r o�h�r mineral �ights vf wha�e�er <br /> nature; and any and a11 ❑ther righ�s related�o the reai pr�perty. <br /> Prvperty: Collec�i�ely the R�aI Property and �he Personal Property, incEuding �rvi�hou� Iimi�atron al! <br /> insurance proceeds and refunds of Insurance premiums re�afied�o said Property. <br /> Trustee: As se�forth above. <br /> Trustor: As set fvrth abaWe. <br /> App#:534�648; C[F#: ��366�; Note#:2�7 2�2EA Legal Doc.Date:Novembe��3,2��5 � <br /> FaRN[50�1,Trust Deed and Assignment af Rents Page 2 of 9 <br />