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. . .. . 2� 1 5�7984 <br /> T�ansfer of the Property or a Benef�c�a1 Intere�t in Borrower.�f all flr a�y par�of th�Properfiy ar any in�eres� <br /> in it is s�ld or �ransferred �or if a benefc�al �interest in Borrawer is sa�d ar �ransferred and Borr��nrer is nat a <br /> na�ural pers�n} �ithflut Lender's pri�r vvritten�consen�, Lender may, at i�s op��on, require immed�a�e payment in <br /> ful� flf a1� sums secured by this Se�ur�ty �ns�-umen�: Havvever, this �p�ion shall not be exerc�sed by Lender if <br /> e�ercise�is�prfl��bited�by federai.lav�r as o�f�he d�a�e af th�s�e�uri�y Ir�strument. <br /> If Lender exercises �his �pt�on, Lender shal� give B�rrov�rer notice of a�celerati�n. The natice shal� pro��de a <br /> period�of no� less �han the m��rimu�n number af days�es�ab�ished by App��ca��e Law fr�m �he date �he no��ce is <br /> delivered or mai�ed �iithin which Barrower must�pay al� sums �se�ured by this Security �ns�rumen�. �f Barrav�er <br /> fai�s �t� pay these sums p�ior�a �he exp�ration �f�hi� peri�d, Lender may in�ake any remedies permitted by thzs <br /> Security Ins�rumen�vvithou�fu�her�ot��e�r demand on B�rrower. <br /> Borrov�er's Rig�t ta R�ins�ate. �f B�rr�wer meets cer�ain conditions, B�rrornrer shail have �h� r�ght �� ha�e <br /> enf�rcement of�his Securi�y ��strument d�scontinued at any tim.e pr�or to the earli�'r of �a} 5 days ��r such other <br /> period as App�i�able Law may spe�ify far�e�nstatemen�}befa�-e sale of the Praper�y pursuant to ariy povver of sale <br /> contained in th�s Security Yns�rum�nt; or �b} en�ry of a �udgmen� enforcing �his -Security Instrument. Those <br /> cond��ians are �hat�Barrav�er: �a) pays Lender atl�sums which �hen �ou1d be�due under this Secur�ty Instrun��n� <br /> and th�C�n�rac�as if no.acce��rati�n had accurred;��}cures any default of any o�her�a�enan�s ar agreements;�c} <br /> pays ali e�penses incurred,in enforcing�his Securi�y�nstrumen�, in��uding,bu�not Iim��ed t�,reasonable attorneys' <br /> fees�o the.extent permi�ed b�1avv; and �d�takes such ac���n as Lender may reas�nabXy require�o assure tha�the <br /> �z�n�f this Se�urity�ns�rumen�,.Lender's righ�s in the Prflpert�and Borrower°s obl�gation to pay�he sums secured <br /> by �his Security �nstrumen� shall continue un�hanged. Upon r��ns�atement by Borr�vver, th�s Security �ns�rurnent <br /> and the obliga���ns secured h�reby shal� r�main fu�ly effecti�e as �f�o accelera�ion had acCurred. H�we�er, �his <br /> right.��reinstate shall nat app�y_�n�he case of acce�era�ion un�er the section��t�ed Transfer�f the Pr�pQr��or a <br /> B�neficia�Iriteres�in Barr��wer. . � <br /> Hazard�us �uhs�anc�s. Borr�wer shall not cause or permi�the presence,use, dispasal, s�arage, or r�leas�af any <br /> Hazardous Subs�ances�n��r�n�he Pr�pe�-ty. Borrower shali�ot do,nor a�law anyone e�se to da,an�hi�g affec��ng <br /> �he Pro�ert�y �ha� is in �io�a��an af an� En��ranmen�al Law. �'he preceding twa sentences sha�1 not apply to the <br /> preSenCe,.use,�r stara�e on th�Property of smatl quan�i�ies�f Ha�ardous Substances�hat are genera��y rec�gni�ed <br /> to be appropria�e�fl n�rmal residenfial us�s and�o ma�ntenance of�he Property. <br /> Borrov�er shail promptly give Lend�r wr�t�en nflti�e of any in�es�iga�ion,c�a�m,demand,�awsuit or other ac�ion by <br /> any go��rnmental or regu�ato�-y agency �r pri�ate pat�y inv��ving �he Praper�y and any Hazard�us Substance or <br /> Environmenta� Lavv of which Sorro�er �aas a��ual know�edge. �f B�rrower �earns, or �s natif�ed by any <br /> go�ernm�ntal or regulator�au�hor�ty;tha�ar�y�-emo�al br other remed�a�ti�n�f any Hazardous Substance affecting <br /> �he Praper�y is necessar�, Borrower sha�l pr�rnptly �ake a�l nec�ssary rern.edial-acti�ns in accordance v��th <br /> Enviranmen�at Lavv.� �. � �� , ��. � . � <br /> As used in�his paragraph, "��zardous Substances" are those substances defined as tox�c or hazardous suhstances <br /> by Enr��ronrnen�a� �Law and the fo��avrring subs�ances: gasoline, keros�ne, o�her flammabie or to�ic petr��eum <br /> pradu�ts, �o��c pes�i�ides and herbicides, vola�ile soivents, ma�eria�s c�n�aining asbestos �r forma�dehyd�, and <br /> radaoactive ma�erials. As us�d in�his paragraph, "Env�ronmen�al Lav�r"means federa�lav�rs and laws of the s�ate�f <br /> Nebraska that r�la�e to�ealth, safefiy ar enWironmen�al pro�ec��on. <br /> Accelerat�on; R�medies. Le�der shal� g�ve n��ice to ��rrawer prior to acce�e�rat�an f�Ilowing �3orrvw�r's <br /> br�ach of any coWenant�r ag;reem�n�in this Securit� Ins�rument or�he�ontract under�hich acce�eration <br /> is perm��t�d �but not prior�o accel�ration u�der �h�sect�on �i��ed Transfer of the PrQper�y or� Ben�f�cia� <br /> �nt�rQst in Bor.rvwer, unles� Ap.plicable Law pradides ��hervvise�. The noti�e shal� sp�cify: �a� the default; � <br /> �b] t�e action r�quired �v cure the d�faul�; �c} a da�e, no� Iess than the minimum numb�r af days <br /> estab�ished by�ipp�icable Lavtr frnm the date the nntice is gi�en to Borrower, by which the default must be <br /> cured; and (d} that failure �o cure �he defaul� an or �efore the date specifie� in the n�tice may resu�t in <br /> acceleratian af �h� sums s�cur�d by thi5 S�curity InStrument and sale of the Property. T�v th� �xtent <br /> permi�ted by law, the nati�e 5hal� further�inform I3orro�ver �f the right to reinstate after acc�l�rat�on and <br /> th�right to�r�ng a court ac�tion�o a�sert the nan-�xistenc�of a default vr any other defense�f Borr�vver tv <br /> acce�erat�on and saie. If the defau�t �s nat cured �n or befnre the date specified in the notice, Lender at its <br /> aption may.require �m�nediate pay.ment in �u�� �f a�l sums,s�cured hy this Security_Instrum�nt w�thout <br /> further �enr�and and ma� �n�vke the pov�er of sale and any.�ther remedi,es�permitted by Ap�l�cabie Law. <br /> To the extent permitted by law, Lender sha�i b� �ntitl�d t� ca�Iec� a�� e�penses �ncurred �n pursuing the <br /> remed�es provided in th�5 S�ction, inciud�ng, but not�imi�ed t�, reasonab�e at��rneys' f�es and �osts�f tit�� <br /> e�idence. � � � <br /> If the porv�r of sale is �nvo��d,Trustee sha�� record a notice�f defauit in �ach county�n which any part of <br /> the Property is located and�hal�mail capies�f suc�� natice in �he manner prescribed by Applicable Lavv to <br /> I3orrower and tn the o�her persons pr�scribed by Applicab�e Law. After th� time required by Appiicahle <br /> LavW, Trustee sha�l gi�e pub�ic n�tice �f sa�e ta th� persons and �n the manner pre5cribed by Applic�hle <br /> LavW. Trus�ee,without dem�nd a� ��rro�er, shai� se�l��e]Prop�rt�a�pu�b���in�. to the highest bidder <br /> at th�time and place and u�der the term�d�s�gnated in the n�tice of sa�e�n one ar more parce�s and�n any <br /> order Trustee de�ermines. Trustee may pas�pane sale of all �r any parce� of �he Praper�y by pub�ic <br /> announcemen�a�.the t��ne a�d place of a�y pr��i�us�y scheduled sal�.Lender or i�ts designee may purchase � <br /> th e Proper�y at any sa 1�. . � <br /> Upon receip� af payme�nt of the price bid, Trust�� shall de�i��r �o the purchaser Truste�'s deed con�e�ing <br /> the Proper�y. The recita�s i� th�e Tru��ee's deed shall b� prima facie��ic�en�e af�he truth of the staternents <br /> C�2004-2�15 Cvmpliance Systems,Tr�c.AdBC-5ED4-2fl t <br /> Cocisumer Rea�Estate=5ecurity I�str�ttneiit�]L2035 Pa�e 4❑�5 r�ww.compliancesys�ems.�am <br />