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� � . . . 2� 15�7984 <br /> Paymen�of 1'r�nc�pai and In�erest; ��her�h�rges,B��rr�vver sha�l promp�ly pa�when due the principal�f arid <br /> znterest on the deb�owed unde�r the Contract and la�e�harges ar any a�her fees and�harges due under�h�Contract. <br /> Ap��icab�e, Law. As used in this Secur�ty �ns�rum.ent, the �er�n� "App��cal��e Lav`r" shal��mean a�� c�ntro�l�ng <br /> applicable federal, state and local s�atu.�es, regula�ions, ardinances and adminis�ra��ve ru�es and flrders ��ha�have <br /> the effeC�of�aw}as well as al1 appl�cabl�fina�,n�n-appea�able�udicial ap�nions. - <br /> �harges; Liens. Borrower shall pay a�l taxes, as�esslnents, charges, f nes and impos�tions att�-�bu�able ta �he <br /> Property whi�h may atta�n pr�ari�y over th�s Security �nstrument, and leaseh�ld paymen�s �r ground ren�s, if any. <br /> A�the reques�of Lender,�3�rrower sha�1 promptiy furnish�a Lender re�eip�s e��denc�ng the pa}�men�s. <br /> Borr�wer sha�l promp�ly dis��arge any l�en which has priority aver�his Security�nstrument unless B�rrovve�: �a) <br /> agrees ir� writing t� the payrnent of�he obligatian secured b� the �ie� in a ma�ner acceptable �o Len�er; �b} <br /> contests in good fa�th the I�en by, or defends aga�ns� enf�rce�nent of�he l�e� in, 1ega� proceedings v�h�ch �n �he <br /> Lender`s�opinion aperate to prevent �he enf�rcement �f�he l�en; Qr �c� secures from the h��der �f the l��n an <br /> agreemen�sa��sfac�ory to L�nc�er�subor�inating�he lien to �his Security Xnstrumen�. Zf Lender de�erm�nes that any <br /> par�af�he Proper�y �s subje�t to a lien which�r�.a� at�ain prior�ty over this Secur�ty Instrument, Lender may give <br /> Borrawer a na�ice �den��fying the Iien. Borrower shall satisfy�he l�en or take �ne �r more of�he act��ns set for�h <br /> abo�e w�thin 1U days of the g�w��g�f n��ice. � � . - <br /> Hazard or Pr�perty Insura�r�ce. Bor�-ower shal�keep�he impravemen�s r�Qvv exist�ng or hereafter erec�ed on�he <br /> Praperty insured against loss�y fire,hazards incXuded v�ri�hin the�erm"ex�tended cov�rage" and any o�her hazards, <br /> inc�u�ing flaods �r f�ooding, for vs�hi�h Lender re�uir�s insurance. This ��surance shal� be maintained in the <br /> amounts an�f�r�he periods that Lender requires.The insurance carri�r pro�rid�ng�he irisurance shall be chosen by <br /> B�rrawer su��ect ta Lender's appr��al whi�h s�all na� �e unreas�nably w��hheld. �f Borrower fails �o ma�n�ain <br /> coverage described above, L�nder rnay, at Lender's option, o�ta�n ca�erage �a pro�ect Lend�r's righ�s in the <br /> Praperty xn accordance vvith sec�i�n t���ed l�r�tec�ion�f Le�de�'�I��ghts in the Pr��aer�y. <br /> A1� insuranc� pol�cies and ren��ewals sha�i be acceptabie �a Lender and sha�� �nclude a s�andard m�r�gage c�ause. <br /> Lender sha1l ha�e the ri�ht ta�h��d�he policies and renewals. �f Lender requires, Borrower shall prflxnptl�gi�e�o <br /> Lender al� rece�p�s of�pa�d pr�m�ums�and renewal no��ces. In t�e event❑f loss, Borrower sha�� gi�e prompt na�tice <br /> ���he insurance carrier and Lender. Lender may mak�praof of�ass�f n��made promptly by Barrower. <br /> Unless Lender�and Borrower ��her��se agree �n v�ri��ng, �nsuran�e pr�ceeds shall be a�plied ta res�ora�ian or <br /> repair of the Prop�r�y damaged, if, �n Len�er's sa�e discreti�n, �he res�orati�n ar re�azr �s economica�ly feas�ble <br /> and Lender's security is n�� I�ssened. If; in Lende�'s s��e d�scretion, the res�oration ar repair is no� �conomically <br /> feasib�e ar Lender's securi�y wauld be Iessened,th�insurance proceeds sha1�be appl�ed to th�sums secured by th�s <br /> Securi�.y �nstrument, whe�her �r not then due, wi�h any e�cess paid �o Borra�ver. �f Borrawer abandvns the <br /> Property;or does�ot ansr�er�i�hin�he number�f days prescrihed�by�Applicab�e I�aw as se�for�h in�.natice fr�m <br /> Lender to B�rrawer�hat�he.���surar�ce carrier has �ffered�o se�t�e a c�aim, �hen L�nder ma�co��ec��he insurance <br /> proceeds. Lender may use th� prflceeds�to repa�r or res��re the Pr�per�y ar�a pay surns secured�y th�s Secur�ty <br /> �nstrumerit,v�h�ther ar not t�en�.ue.The period of t�me for B�rr��er�o answ�r as set forth in the natice v�ill beg�n <br /> when�he�a�ice�s given. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrawer�therwise agree �n wr��ing, any application af pro�eeds to principa� shall no�extend <br /> or postpone the due da�e af�he paymen�s due under�he �antract ar change�he am�unt of the paymen�s. �f under <br /> �he section����ed Accelera��ax�; ]�temedi�s, the Pr�per�y �s acqu�red by Lender, Borravc�er's r�ght�a any insurance <br /> palicies ar�d proceeds resu��ing fr�m damage t� �he Prape�-�y pri�r t� �he acquis���an shali pass �o Lender �o the <br /> extent of the sums secured by�th�s Se�urzty Z�strumen�immedia�eiy pr�or t�the acquisition. <br /> Preser�ativn, �Vlain�enanc� and Profiec�ia� �f t�e Pr�per�y; Borrvwer's L�an Applicat�on; Leas�ha�ds. <br /> Barrov�er sha11 no�des�r�y, damage or�mpair�he P�-operty, ai�ow�he Praper�y to deter�ara�e, or cflmrnit v�as�e an <br /> �he Property.B�rr�wer shall be�n defaul�i�f any forfe��ure act�on ar pr�ceedir�g,whether ciW�l ar criminal,is begun <br /> �ha� in Lender's good faith judgmen� could resu�� �n forfei�ure of�he Praperl.y or othe�-vvise mater�a�ly impa�r the <br /> lien created by this Secur�ty �n�trumen� or Lender's securxty inter�st. Bor�-ower may �ure such a defaui� and <br /> reir�s�a�e, as pr��ided in secti�n�itled Borr�v►jer's IZigh� to Reinstate, by caus�ng the a��ian or pro�eeding to be <br /> dismissed�nr�th a ru��ng that, �n Lender's g�od fa��h de�ermination,precludes f�rf���ure of the Borrowerts in�te�-es��n <br /> �he Property ar ather ma�eri�� impa�rment af the �i�n created by �h�s Securi� �ns�rumen� or Lender's security <br /> �n�erest.Borrorn�er sha��a�s�b�in defau��if B�rrower,during�he i�an applic�.�ion process,ga�e mater�a��y fa�se or <br /> inaccurate informati�n flr s�a�.emen�s �� Lender ��r fa�led �o pr�vide Lender with any ma�erial information� �n <br /> connection with th� �aan e�i��nced b�the Contract. �f�h�s Security �nstrumen� is on a�easeho�d, B�rrower shall <br /> c�mply wi�h a11 the�ro�is�ons of the Iease. �f B�rrower acquires fee�itle to the Property,the leasehaXd and��e fee <br /> tit��sha��not merge unless Le��der agrees to the�nerg�r in v�riting. <br /> Protection of Lend�r's Rigli�s in the Pr�perty. If Borrovver fa��s ta perform �he ��venan�s and agreemen�s <br /> contained in�his Security�ns�.rumen�, or there �s a iegal praceeding�hat may sign�fca�n��y affec�Lender's r�gh�s in <br /> the Prop�r�y �such as a pr�ceeding in ban�-up�cy, p��bate, for ��ndemnation or forfeiture or to enf�rce lavvs ar <br /> regulati�ns�, then Len�er ma� d� and pay ior wha�e�er is necessary �fl pr4tect the v�.�ue of�he Property and <br /> Lender`s rights�n�he Praper�y. Le�der's acti�ns may�n�lude paying any sums secured by a�ien v�rh�ch has p�ior�ty <br /> aver this Secur�ty rnstrumen�, ap�earing in court,paying reason�.b�e at�orneys'fees and entering on�he Property�o <br /> make repairs.A��h�ugh Lender may take a��ion under�h�s sec��an, Lend�r daes not ha�e to da so. <br /> Any amounts d�sbursed by L�nder under 1:his sec��on shall be�ome additiona� debt af Borrovr�er se�ured by �h�s <br /> Security �nstrumen�. Un�ess Borrovver and Lender agree to fl�her -�erms of payme��, these amflunts shall bear <br /> C�20�4-2d15 C�mpliar�ce Systems,In�.ASBC-6ED�-2�l 5.3.5.I�b4 <br /> Cansumer Real Es[ate-Security Instrument DL243� Page 2 af 5 www.complianGesys#ems.�vm <br />