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2� 15�7983 <br /> vEE�v oF -r�usT <br /> �C�rltinued� Page � <br /> 5�bs�ance�n, under, about flr from�he Property; and ��� any such acti�ity shall be c�nducted in �ompliance with <br /> all app�icable �ederal, state, and lacal �aws, regula�ians and �rdinan�es, including wi�haut limita�ian aii <br /> En�ironmental Laws. Trust�r authori�es L�nd�r and i�s agents �v enter upon the Prvperty to make such <br /> inspection� and tes�s, at Trustvr's ex�ense, as Lender may deem apprapriat� tv d�termine compliance vf �he <br /> Property with this section af the Deed ofi Trust. Any inspe�tions or tes�s made by Lender shall be fo� L�nder's <br /> purposes ❑nly and sraii na�be construed to create any respansibility or liability on the part of Lender ta Trustor or <br /> to any other person. The reprgs�ntations and warranties con�ained h�rein are hased on Trustor's due diligence in <br /> investigating the Property for Ha�ardous 5ubstances. Trustar hereby ��� releases and wai��s any future �laims <br /> against Lender �or indemnity or contribution in the e�ent Trustor becames liable for cleanup or vther cos�s under <br /> any such laws; and ��f agr�es to indemnify, de#end, and hold harmless Lender against any and ��i claims, losses, <br /> f iabilities, damages, penalties, and expenses which Lender may directfy or indirectiy sus�ain or sufifer result�ng fram <br /> a b�each of th�s sec�ian vt tk�e Deed o�Tsust 4r as a consequence o� any L.fSL� generation, manu�a�ture, s�orage, <br /> dispvsal, refease ar threatened re��ase accurring prior to Trustor's ownership or interest in the Property, wheth�r ar <br /> not the same was ar shvuld hav� been knawn to Trus�or. The pro�isions of this sec�ion o�F the Deed of Trustr <br /> inGluding the abligatian ta indemnify and de�end, shall sur�i��the payment of the lndeh�edness and the satis�actian <br /> and r�c�n�eyance af the lien of this Deed of Trust and shall not be affected by Lender's acquisition �f any inte�est <br /> in�the Proper�y, whether hy�arecf�sure�r otherwise. <br /> Nu�sance, Waste. Trustor shall not cause, canduct or permit any nuisanc� nor commit, permit, ar suffer any <br /> str�ppin� �f ar waste on or ta the Property or any p�rtivn af the Property. 1Ni�hout limiting �he g�nerality o� the <br /> fior�egoing, Trustor will nat remo�e, ar g�ant ta any other p�rty the ri�ht ta remo�e, any tim#�er, min�rals �including <br /> oil and gas�, coal, clay, scaria, soil, gravel or rvck products�nrithout Lender's pri��wri�ten consent. <br /> Re�no►�a�of Impro�ements. Trustar shall not demafish vr rema�� any Impra�ements from�he Reai Proper�y without <br /> Lender's p�iar written consent. As a conditian to the rema�al of any Impro��ments, Lender may re�uire Trustor ta <br /> make arrangements satisfa�tv�y to Lender t❑ replac� such Impro�ements with Impro�ements o� at le�sfi equai <br /> �aiue. <br /> Lender's Right ta Enter. Lender and Lender's agen�s and representati�es may enter upon the Real Property at a�� <br /> reasonable times tv atfiend ta Lender's interes�ts and to inspect the R�al Property for purpases vf Trustar's <br /> compliance with the terms and cand�tions of this Deed vf Trust. <br /> Cv�npliance wi�h Gv�ernmenxal Requirements. Trus�or shall prompt[y camply with all laws, ordinances, and <br /> regul��ions, now �r hereaft�r in e��ect, of all go�ernmentai autharities applicable to �khe use vr o�Gupancy of the <br /> Property. Trus�or may can�est in good fai�h any such law, ardinance, or regu�a�ion and withhold campiiance during <br /> an� praceeding, in�luding appr�pria�e appea�s, sv lang as Trus�tor has notified Lender in writing priar ta daing so <br /> and sv lang as, in Lender's sole opinion, Lender's interests in�he Property are not je�pard�z�d. Lender may requi�e <br /> Trusfior to pos�adequa�e secur�ty�r a surety bond, r�asonably satisfactvey ta Lender, ta pra�ec� Lender's interes�. <br /> Du�y to Pra#ec�, Trus�ar agrees neith�r to abandon or lea�e una�#ended the Property. Trust�r sha�i do all �thex <br /> acts, in addi�ivn �o those acts set�arth aba�e in�his sectivn, which frvm the character and use of the Property are <br /> reasanably necessar�to protect and pres�r�e�he Pro�e��y. <br /> aUE�N SALE-CDNSENT SY LENDER. Lender may, a't L�nder's option, declare �mmed�ateiy due and payable a�� sums <br /> s�cured hy this Deed �f Trust upon the sale ar transfer, w�thout Lender's prior written consen�, o�F all or any part of th� <br /> Reaf Property, or any inter�s� in�he Real Pr�perty. A "sale ar transfer" means �he can�eyance af Real Praper�y ar any <br /> righ�, t�tle v� interr�st in the R�aR Property; whether legal, benef��ia� ar equitabfe, whe�her �aluntary or in��funtar�; <br /> whether by outr�gh� sale, deed, insfia��ment sale contrac�, land c�ntract, contract for deed, I�asehold interes�C with a <br /> term �reater�han three ��� years, lease-option �on�ract, �r �y sale, assignment, ar trans�er af any ben�fi�ial interest in <br /> or to an� fand trust halding tit�e to the Rea� Property, or by any ather me�hod of �vn��yance o� an in�e�est in th� Real <br /> F'rQperty. Howe�er, this aption shalf not be exercis�d by Lender if su�h exercise is prohibited by federal faw or by <br /> Net�raska lavu. <br /> TAXES �I�VD LIENS. The fvSlnwing pro�isions r�fatEng to �he taxes and liens on the Prop�rty are part of this Deed of <br /> Trust: <br /> Payment. Trustar shall pay when due {and in afi e�ents privr to d�linquen�y� all taxes, special taxes, assessments, <br /> charges �including water and sewerf, fines and impositions le�ied against or an accoun� o�the Property, and shail <br /> pay when due al! cla"rms for worl� done on a� f�r ser�i�es rendered or material fiurn�shed to the Property. Trustor <br /> sha[f maintain �he Praperty free of all I�ens h��ing priority o�er or equal to the interest of Lender under#hEs D�ed of <br /> Trust, exc�pt for the fien v�r �axes and assessments nat due, except �or the Existing lndebtedness ref�rred ta <br /> belaw, and exc�pt as otherwise pro�ided in�his Deed of Trust. <br /> R�ght�a Contest. Trustor may uvithhofd payment vf any tax, assessment, or c�aim in �onne�ti�n with a good fia�th <br /> dispute fl�er�he obligatian�o pay, so lang as Lender's in�erest in�he Property Es not�eopardiz�d. If a fien arises or <br /> is fiifed as a result of nonpayment, Trustor shall within fiift�en {��y days after �h� lien aris�s or, if a lien is filed, <br /> within f��teen �15} days after Trustor has not�ce af the filing, secu�e the di�charge �� the lien, a� i€ requested by <br /> Lender, depvsi�with Lend�r cash or a su��i�ien�cvrporate sur�ty bond or vther security satis�actory to Lender in an <br /> amvunt su�ficien�to discharge the lisn plus any cos�s and at�orneys' fees, �r�ther charges that�ould accrue as a <br /> resu€�a�a fare�losure ar sa�e under the ii�n. In any confiest, T�ustor shall defend itseff and Lender and shail sa�isfy <br /> any ad�erse judgment ia�fvre en�vrcement against the Prvperty. Trustar shali nam�Lender as an addii�ional obligee <br /> under any sur��y bond furnished in the cont�st praceedings. <br /> E►vic�ence of Payment. Trustor sha�� up�n demand furnish tv Lender satisfactory e�idence of payment of the taxes <br /> ar assessmen�s and shall authorize the appropriate go�ernmental of�icFaf ta deli�er t� Lender at any time a written <br /> statemenfi of th�taxes and assessments agains��he Praperty. <br /> Nvtice vf Canstruction. Trustar shall natify Lender at least fift�en �15� days hefore any work is cammenced, any <br /> ser�ices are furnished, or any mate�ials are supplied to the Praperty, if any mechanic's lien, materialmen's lien, or <br /> other lien c�uld �e asserted on a�coun� vf th� wark, serWices, ❑r materials and the cost exceeds $1,a��,4�. <br /> Trustor will upan request of L�nder furnish �o Lender ad�anc� assuranc�s satisfact�ry to Lend�r tha� Trustor can <br /> and will pay the cvst vfi such imprv�em�nts. <br /> PR�PERTY DAIVIAGE INSURANCE. The fallowing pra�isions relating to insuring the Prop�rty are a part af this ❑�ed of <br /> Trust. <br /> Maintenance of Insurance. Trus�or shali pracure and maintain poficies ofi fire insuran�e with standard �xtended <br /> co�era�e endarsements on a rep�aGement i�asis far �he fuff insurable �alue cov�ring all lmproWements on the Rea� <br /> Property in an amount su##icient fia a�a�d appli�ation af an� �ainsurance clause, and v►rith a standard mvrtgagee <br /> clause in fa�ar af Lender, togethe�with such�other ha�a�d and liability insurance as Lender may reasvnabfy require. <br /> Poli�ies shall h� written in form, amaunts, c��erages and basis ��asonabfy aeceptable ta Lender and issued by a <br /> company or campanies reasonably acc�ptable �v Lende�. Trustor, upon request o� Lend�r, ws�f de4i�er to Lende� <br /> �rom time to�ime �khe policies or certificates �f insuran�e in farm satisfactory to L�nder, including stipulat�ons tha� <br /> cov�rages will not be�ance�led or dim�nished wi�hout afi least thirty �3�f days prior writ�en not�ce ta Lender, Each <br /> insuran�e policy also shall include an endarsement proWiding that ca�erage in fa�ar af Lend�r will not be impaired <br /> in any way by any act, omission or default o�f Trustor vr any ofiher person, 5hould th� Real Praperty be Iocated in <br /> an area designated by the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agen�y as a special flot�d hazard <br />