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2� 15�7979 <br /> L�AN#: 18�51�5�89 <br /> . Nei�her Borrower�or Lender may cflmmence,join, or be joined to any judicial ac�ian �as eith�r an <br /> indi�idua� ��t�gan� or�h� m�mb�r of a c�ass} �ha� a��ses from �he o�he�-�ar�y's acfiions pursuant to this <br /> S��uri�y Instrum�nt or�ha�alleg�s tha�the o�her par�y has breach�d any pro�is��n of, or any duty owed <br /> �y reason of, this Securi�y Ins�rument, un�il such Borrower o�Lende�-has no�ifed the other par�y �with <br /> such na��ce gi�en in compliancewith fhe requiremen�s of Section 1�}of such a�leged br�ach and afF�rd�d <br /> the othe� par�y hereta a reasonab�e period after fihe g�Wing of such notiGe t� take co�rec�ive ac�ion, �f <br /> App�icable Law prv�id�s a�ime period vuhi�h mus�elapse�ef�re c�r�ain ac��on can be taken,tha���m� <br /> peri�d will be deemed�a be reasonable far purpases of this paragraph, The no��ce of accelera�ion and <br /> oppor�unity to cure gi�en �a Borrawer pursuan� �o Section �� and th� nati�e of a���lera��on g��en to <br /> Borrawer pursua�t tQ Sec�ion 18 shall be deemed to satisfy the notice and opportun��y�o take corr�ctive <br /> a���fln pro��sions a�this Sect�on 2�. <br /> �'1. Hazardous Substances. As used in this Section ��: �a3 "Hazardous Su�stances" are those <br /> substances defined as �oxic or haza�-dous su�stances, po�iu�an�s, or wasfes by EnWironmenta� Law <br /> and the fol�owing subs�anc�s: gasol�ne, k�rasene, o�her flammable or#oxic pe��-oleum products, �oxic <br /> �es�icidesand herbicides,�ola�ilesol�ents,ma�er�alscontaining asb�stasarfarmaldehyde,and radioac�ive <br /> ma��rials; �b}"En�ironm�nta� Law" means f�deral �aws and 1�ws of the jurisdic�ion where the Proper�y <br /> is located that re�a���a h�al�h,safety o�en�ironmental profiec��on;�c}"En�iranmental Cleanup"�ncludes <br /> any respanse actian, remed�al a�tion, ar remo�al ac�ion, as defined in En�iranmental Law; and �d} an <br /> "En�ironmenta! Conditian" means a conditivn tha� �an cause, contribu�e �a, or o�nerwis� tri�ger an <br /> - Env�ranmen�al �I�anup. <br /> Barrowershall na�caus�orperm��the presence,us�,d�spasaf,s�orage,or release of any Hazardous <br /> Substances, or�hreaten to r�[ease any Ha�ard�us Substances, on or in the Proper�y. Bvrrower shai� <br /> na� do, nor a��ow anyon� �Ise to do, any�hing a�f�cting �h� P�ope�ty �a} �hat is in Wiofa�ivn o� any <br /> EnWironm�nta[ Law, �b}which cr�ates an En�ironmental Condition, vr�c}which, �ue�a�he presenc�, <br /> use, ar re[ease o�a Hazardaus Substance, crea�es a condition that ad�ersely afF�c�s fhe�a�ue af�he <br /> Prope�ty.The preced�ng two sentences shal� not apply�o�he presence, use, vr s�orage�n�he Prope�ty <br /> of small quan�i�ies of Hazardous Subs�ances�ha�a�-e genera�[y re�ognized t�be appropria�e�o normal <br /> residen�ial uses and fio ma�ntenance af the Property�including, but no�limi�ed�o, hazardaus subs�anc�s <br /> in cansum�r praduc#s}. <br /> Borrower s�a�� p�amptly g��e Lender wr���en notice vf�a}any in�es�igafiion, claim, demand, lavusuit <br /> or o�h�r action by any ga�ernmental or regulatory agency or pr�Wate par�y in��lWing �he Property and <br /> any Hazardaus Subs�ance or En�ironmen�al Law af whiGh Borrower has ac�ua� knowfedge, �b} any <br /> Environmen�al �ondition, including but na�limi�ed�a, any sp�lling, leak�ng, discharge, ��Ceas��r thr�at <br /> af�el�ase af any�a�ardous Subs�anc�, and ��}any cand���on eaused by�he presence, use or release <br /> of a Ha�ardous Su�stance�vh�ch adWe�sely aff�c�s �he Walue of the Property. if Borrvv�r�r learns, or is <br /> no�ified by any governmen�al or regulatory au�hori�y, �r any p�i�a�e party, thaf any r�mo�al vr ather <br /> � remed�a�ian ot any Ha�ardaus Subs�anc�affecting�he Prope�y is necessary, Ba�raw�r s�all p�omp��y <br /> take all necessary remed�a!actians�n accor�ance wi�h En�ironmenta�Law. Na�hing �erein shall��eate <br /> any obl�gation on Lender f�r an En�ironmental �leanu�. <br /> N�N-UNIF�RM G�VENANTS. Barrower and Lender fur�her covenant and agree as fvllows: <br /> ��, Acce�eration; Remed�es. Lender shall gi�e no�i�e ta Borrflwer priDr to accelerativn <br /> follow�ng Borrovuer's breach of any covenant or a�reement in this Security Instrument�but nat <br /> privr to acceieratinn under Sectivn 'I� unless Applicable Law pra�ides otherwise�. The n�tice <br /> shail specify: �a�the defauit; �h�the action required�o cure the default; tc�a date, nvt�ess than <br /> 3U days from the da�e tne not�ce �s g�rren to Bnrrower, by which the default must h� cured; <br /> and �d� that failure to cure the default an or b�for� the date specified in the notice may result <br /> in acceleration of the sums secured by th�s Security lns�rument and sale af the Property. The <br /> notice shall further �nform Barrflwer of the right tv reinstate after acceierati�n and the r�ght to <br /> bring a cvurt action to assert the non-existen�e of a defau�t or any ather defense vf Borrower <br /> ta acce�erat�on and sale.lf the default is not cured on or before tF�e date spe�ified �n the natice, <br /> Lender at its optifln may require�mmediate payrnent in full of all sums secured by tnis Secur�ty <br /> Instrument without further demand and may in�oke the power of sale and any t�ther remedies <br /> perm�tted by Applicah�e Law.Lender sha�l be ent�tled to collect all expenses�ncurred�n pursuin� <br /> the remedies pr��ided in this 5ection��,inc�uding,but not limited tv,reasonak�le attvrneys'fees <br /> and costs af title e��dence, <br /> �f the pov�rer of sa�e is in�vked,Trustee sna��record a not�ce of default in each caunty in�nrhich <br /> any part of the Praperty is I�cated and sha�i mail copies of such nvtice in the manner prescr�bed <br /> hy Appi�cabie La►nr tv Borrower and to the ather persons�rescribed by App�icabNe Law.After the <br /> time required by App[icable Lavv,Trustee shall�i��public r�vtice of sale tv the persnns ar�d in the <br /> manner prescrihed hyApplicab�e Law.Trust��,►nritl�outden�and an Barrawer,shall se�l the Property <br /> at public auct�an ta the h�ghest bidder at�h�time and plac�and under the terms designated in the <br /> not�ce of sa[e in one vr mvre parce�s and�n any order Trustee determines.Trustee may pvstpvne <br /> sale �f all vr any parcel of the Proper�y hy publi� annvuncement at the time and �la�e vf any <br /> prev�ously scheduled sa�e. Lender ar its designee may purchase the Prap�rty at an I�. � r .- <br /> � � � <br /> Init�a�s: j� <br /> NE6RASfCA--Sing(e Fami{y-�Fann�e MaelFredd�e Mac UNIF�RM 1N5TRUMENT Form 3D28�1�1 <br /> Ellie Mae,�nc. Page 1�v�F 11 NEEDEED D3�5 <br /> NEEDEED <br /> Y 1'. <br /> � <br /> ■ � <br />