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2� 15�7974 <br /> 71�2132775 944853 <br /> lien to this 5ecurity Instrument. If Lender determines that any part of the Property �s sub��ct ta a�ien which <br /> can attain priority o�er this 5ecurity Instrument, Lender may gi�e Borrower a notice identifying the lien. <br /> W�th�n ��da�s of the dat�on which that notice is gi�en,Borrower shall satisfy the I ien or take one or more <br /> of th�actians set forth aboue in th�s�ection 4. <br /> Lender may require Borrower to pay a ane-time char�e for a real estat� tax Wer�f�cation andlor <br /> reporting ser�ice used by Lender in connection with this Loan. <br /> 5.Property In�uran�e.Borrawer shall keep the impro�em�nts now existitlg or hereafter erected on <br /> the Property insured against lass by fire, ha.zards included within the term "extended coverage," and an}� <br /> other hazards including,but not Iimited to,earthquakes and floods,for which L�nder requires insurance. This <br /> insurance shall he maintained in the amounts(including deductible �e�els}and for the per�ads that Lender <br /> requires. What Lender requires pursuant to the preceding sentences can change during the term of�he Loan. <br /> The insurance carrier prQuiding the insurance shall he chosen by Borrawer subject to Lender's right to <br /> drsappro�e Borrawer's choice,whi�h right sha��not be exercised unreasonably.Lender may require Barrower <br /> to pay,in cannectian with this Laan,either: (a3 a one-tim�charge far fload�one determination,certi�cativn <br /> and tracking ser�ices;or(b}a one-time charge for fiood zane determination and eertitica�ion ser-��ces and <br /> subsequent charges each time remappings or similar changes occur which reasonably might affect such <br /> determ�nativn or certi�cation.Borrower�hall also be responsihle for the payment of any fees imposed by the <br /> Federal Emergency Management Agency in connection with the re�iew of any �lood zone determination <br /> resulting from an objection by Borrow�r. <br /> If Borrower fails to maintain any of the co�erages described aba�e,Lender may obtain insurance <br /> cauerage, at Lend�r's ❑ptian and Borrower's expense. Lender is under no obIigation to purchase any <br /> p�.rt�cular t�p�or amount of coverage. Therefore,such ca�erage shall co�er Lender,but might or might not <br /> protect Borrower,Borr�wer's�quity in�he Propert�,or the contents of the Property,against any risk,h�zard <br /> or Iiability and might pra�ide greater or lesser c��erage than was prewious�y in effect. Borrvwer <br /> acknowledges that the cost af the insurance co�erage so obtained mrght srgnificant�y exceed the cast of <br /> insurance that Barrower cauld ha�e obtained. Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this�ection S shat� <br /> becvme additional debt of Borrow�r secured b}�this 5ecurity Instrument.These amounts shall bear interest at <br /> the Note rate fram the date of��sbursemen�and sha.11 be payable,with such interest,upon natice from Lender � <br /> to Borrower requesting payment. <br /> � <br /> ; <br /> All insurance palicies required by Lender and renewals af such poiicies shall be subject ta Lender's . <br /> r�ght tQ disapprave such polici�s, shall include a standard martgage clause, and shall name Lender as : <br /> mortgage�andJor as an a�ditiona� 4oss payee. Lender shall ha�e the right to hald the policies and renewal � <br /> certificates. �f Lender requires, Borrotiv�r sha�� prompt�y give ta Lender all rece�pts of paid premiums and <br /> 3. <br /> renewal natices. if Borrower obf.ains any f�rm of insurance co�erage,not oth�rv�i5e required by Len�er,for : <br /> : <br /> damage ta,ar destructian af,the Property, such poiicy shall in�Iude a standard mortgage c�ause and shaZ� � <br /> nam�Lender as mortgagee andl�r as an additional loss payee. -" <br /> ; <br /> in the e�ent of toss,Borra�v�r sha��gi�e prampt notice tQ the insurance carrier and Lender. Lender s <br /> may make praaf of Ivss if not made pramptty by Barrower. Untess Lender and Borrow�r o�herwzse agree�n <br /> writing,any insurance proceeds,whether or not the underlying insurance was required by Lender, sha�� be <br /> applied ta restoration or repair of the Property, if the restoration or repair is economicaiiy feasibl� and <br /> Len�er's securily �s nat lessened. During such repair and restaration period,Lender shall ha�e the right tv <br /> ha�d sueh insuranee proeeeds unt��L�nder ha�had an appartunity tv inspect such Prapert�ta�nsure the work <br /> has been comp�eted to Lender's satisfaetian, praWid�� that su�h inspeetian sha�l be undertaken pr�mptly. <br /> Lender may disburse pro�eeds for the repairs and restoration in a sfng�e payment ar in a s�ries af pragress <br /> payments as the work is campleted. U nless an agreement is made in writing or Appl icabte Law requ�res <br /> intere�t to b�paid an such insurance praceeds,Lender shall nat be required ta pay Bvrrawer any interest ar <br /> earnings an such proceeds. Fees for public adjust�rs, or oth�r third parties,retained by Barrower shall nat b� <br /> �aid out of the insuranee proee�ds and sha�� be the so�e ab�igat�on of Borrower. If the restoration or repair is <br /> NEBRASKA--Sing�e Family--Fannie MaelFreddi�Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT <br /> � 335.26 Page 6 af l5 Form 3�28 1!�1 <br /> ModiGed for VA <br />