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2� 15�7974 <br /> 7132132775 944853 <br /> damage to,or destruction of,the Property;�ii}condemnation or other ta,king of all or any part of the Property; <br /> �iii}con�eyance in lieu of condemnation;or�i�}misrepresentations�f,or omissions as�o,the�alue andlor <br /> eondit�an of the Propert�. <br /> ��} "Mortgage Insurance" means insurance prot�cting Lender against the nonpayment of, or default on, <br /> the Loan. <br /> �P} "Periodi�Payment" means the regularly scheduled amaunt due for(i}principal and interest under the <br /> Note,plus�ii}any amounts under Section 3 of�his Securi�y Instrument. <br /> ��} "RESPA" means the Real Estate 5ettlement Proeedures Act (�2 U.S.�. §26�1 et seq.} and Zts <br /> impl�m�nting regulation,Regulation��12�.F.R. Part 1Q24�,as they might be amended from time to time, <br /> or any additional�r successor legislation or regulation that g��erns the same subject matter. As used in this <br /> Security Instrument, "RESPA" refers to aji requiremenfs and resfric�ions that are imposed in regard to a <br /> - "federally related mortgag� loan" eWen if the Loan does not qua��fy as a "federally related mortgage loan" <br /> under RESPA. <br /> �R} "Suc�essor in Interest af Barrawer" means any party that has taken title to the Property,whether or <br /> not that party has assumed B�rrower's obligations under the Note andlor this 5ecurity Instrumenf. <br /> TRANSFER QF RICrHTS IN THE PR�PERTY <br /> The beneficiary of this Se�uriry Instrument is MERS�sol�ly as nominee for Lender and Lender's successors <br /> and assigns} and the successars and assigns of MER�. This Security Instrument secures to Lender: �i� the <br /> repa�ment of the Loan,and a��renewa�s,extensions and modi�cations of the Note; and�ii}the perfarmance <br /> of Borrower's co�enants and agreements under this Security Instrument and the Note. For this purpose, <br /> Borrower irre�ocably grants and con�eys to Trustee, in trust,with power of sale, the following described <br /> property located in the COUNTY of HALL:'� <br /> SEE LEGAL DESCRIPTI�N ATTACHED HERET� AND MADE A PART HERE �F. <br /> which currently has the address of�523 EAST SEEDL2NG M2LE R�AD� GRAND 2SLAND� NE <br /> 5 8 S 41-$4 4 4 ("Property Address"}: <br /> T��rETHER WITH all th� improvements now or hereafter erected on the property, and all <br /> easements, appurtenances, and fixtures now or hereafter a part of the property. All replac�ments and <br /> additi�ns shall also be co�ered by this Security Instru.ment. All of the foregoing is referred to in this�ecurity <br /> Instrument a� the "Property." Borrotiver understan�.s and agrees that MERS ho�d on�y legal tit�e to the <br /> interests granted by Borr�wer in this Security Instrument, but, if necessary to comply with law or custom, <br /> MERS �as nominee f�r Lender and Lender's successors and assigns}has the right: to exercise any or all of <br /> - those interests, incIuding, but not I imifed fo, �he right to foreclose and sel� the Properry; �nd to take any <br /> actian re�u2re�.of Lender 2nc�uding, laut not limited to, releasing and �an��ling this Security Instrument. <br /> BQRRQWER��VENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby con�eyed and <br /> has the right to grant and con�ey the Pr�perty and that the Property is unencumbered, exce�t for <br /> encumbranc�s of rec�r�.. Borrot,ver warrants and wi�� defend general�y the title to th�Prap�rty ag�inst all <br /> claims and demands, sub j ect to any �ncumbrances of record. <br /> THIS SE�U�ITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform co�enants for na�ional use and non-uniform <br /> cavenants tivi�h limited variations b��ur�sdiction to constitute a uniform security instrument covering r�al <br /> property. <br /> UNIF�RM��VENANTS.$orrower and Lender co�enant and agree as foiiows: <br /> NEERA5KA--Single Family--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFURM IN5TRUMENT <br /> � 338.26 Page 3 vf �5 F�rm 3U2S�IU� <br /> Madified far VA <br />