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<br /> C3EE❑ �F Tf�U��'
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<br /> shalf aperate as a wai�er a�f such r�ght or any�ther r�ght. A wai�er by Lender af a provision of this Deed vf Trust
<br /> shall nv� p�ejud�ce or constitu�e a wai�e� v� Lender's r�gh� oth�rvvise �o demand strict campliance with tha�
<br /> pra�isi�n or any other praWisian of �his aeed af Trust. No pr�or waiver hy Lender, nor any course of dealing
<br /> between Lender and T�us�or, sh��1 �onst�tute a waiver of an� ��Lend��`s rights ar�f any v�Trusta�'s oblsga��ans
<br /> as to any fu�ure transae#ions. V1lhene�er the cansen�af Lender is required under this Deed of Trust, the granting
<br /> ❑f such consent by Lend�r in any instance shall no�constitu�e confinuing c�nsent�o suhsequent instances where
<br /> such cansent is required and in alf cases such consent may be granted or withheld in the sole discretian vf Lender.
<br /> 5everability. If a court of compe�tent�urisdicti�n finds any pro�isivn of�his Deed of Trust to be illegal, invalid, vr
<br /> unenforaeable as tv any circums�ance, that finding sha�l not make �he ��ffending pro�ision illega�, in�alid, vr
<br /> unenforceable as fo an�o�her circums�an�e. l�feasible, the v#�ending prvvision sha�� be considered modified sv
<br /> �hat it becomes legal, �alid and enfvr�eable. If the offending pro�isi�n cannv� be sa modified, it sha�� be
<br /> aons�dered de�efed from this Deed of Trust. Unles� otherwise required by law, �he illegality, invalid"€�y, or
<br /> unen�ar�eabi�ity of any p�o�isivn af this Deed of Trust shall nvt affect�he�egality, �alidity or�nf�r�eabil��y o�any
<br /> o�her prp�3sion af this Deec�of Trust.
<br /> 5uccessors and Assign�, Subject tv any f�m�tativns stated in this Deed ��T�-ust on transfer af Trust�r's inte�-est,
<br /> this Deed a�Trust shall �e b�nding upan and inure to the b�nefit of the parties, theEr su�cesso�s and assigns. If
<br /> �wnership of�he Pr�per-�jr be�ames vested in a person ❑ther than Trustor, Lender, wi�hout natice to Trustvr, may
<br /> deal with T�ustos's suc�essors with seference ta tnis Deed of Trust and t�e lndebtedr�ess by way❑��a�beasance or
<br /> extens�on w�thvut releasing Trustvr frvm the ob�igations of this Deed vf Trust❑r�iability under�he lndebtedness.
<br /> Time is of�he Essence. Time is af the essence in the perFormanc�vf this Deed Qf Trust.
<br /> Wairr�Jury. All par��es tv#his Deed of Trust hereby wai�e the righ�ta any�ury trial in any a�tivn, proceeding, ar
<br /> cvun�erclaim brvught by any party aga�nst any o�her party.
<br /> 1Nai�er of Homes�ead Exemptfon. Tnas�or hereby refeases �nd rrvai�es ail rights and benefits of the hamestead
<br /> e�cemption faws af th�Stat�of Nebraska as f❑al!lndebtedness secured by�his Deed of Trust.
<br /> DEFlNiT��NS. The fo�lovrr�ng capitalized words and terms shall have�he following meanings when used �n t�is D�ed a�
<br /> Trust. Unfess speci�ically stated tv �he con�rary, all �ef�r�nces�o da��ar amoun�s sha�l mean amaunts in �awful money
<br /> of the united 5tates of America. 111lords and �erms used in the singu�ar shall �nclude �he plural, and the plura! shail
<br /> includ� the singufar, as th� cvntext may require. Wards and terms not otherwise defined in this Deed of Trus� shail
<br /> have the meanings a�tributed ta such�erms in the Uniform ��mmercia[�ode:
<br /> Beneficiary. The ward "Beneficiary"means First Nationa�Bank of Dmaha,and its successvrs and assigns.
<br /> Sorrawer. The vuord "Borrawer" means Gai[VII. Leetch} and Ken's Appliance, ]nc. and includ�s al� co-signers and
<br /> co-makers signing the No�e and a�l their successa�-s and assigns.
<br /> Deed af Trust. The words "D�ed vf Tru�#" mean this ❑eed of Trust among Trustor, Lender, and Trustee, and
<br /> in��udes wi�hout limftat�on al� assignment and security interes� provisivns relat�ng to �he Personal Property and
<br /> Ren�s.
<br /> De�Fault. The word "Default"means the Default set for�h in th�s �eed af Trust�n�he se�tion titled "Default".
<br /> Enviranmental Laws. The words "En�iranmental Laws" mean any and afl sfia�e, federa� and Iocal statutes,
<br /> regulations and ordinances re[a�ing tv the p�o#ection af human h�alth or the �n��ronment, in�luding without
<br /> �im��at�on the Cvmp�ehensive En�irnnmenta� Response, Compensation, and Liahi�ity Act of 'f 98Q, as amended, 42
<br /> U.S.C. 5ection 960'�, e� seq. t"CERCLA"}, the Superfur�d Amendmen�s and Reauthorizativn Act of '�985, Pub. L.
<br /> No. 99-499 �"SARA"},the Ha�ardous Maferials Transportation Act, 49 U.S.C. Sec#ion 18�'�, et seq.,�he Resaurce
<br /> Conservation and Reco�ery Act, 4� LJ.S.�. Section.G9�1, e#s�q., or a#her applicable state o�-fedsral lawsr t'UIPrS,
<br /> vr regulatians adopted pursuant�hereta.
<br /> E�ent�f Default. The words"E�en�of❑efault"mean any c�f the e�ents��d�fiault set for�h in this ❑e�d of Trust in
<br /> the e�ents o�defiault s�ction of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> GUaranty. T�e wor�i "Guaranty" means the guaranty fram gua�an�vr, endflrser,surety,or accommodation pa�ty tv
<br /> Lender, inc�uding withou#limitation a guaran�y of atl ar par#vf the Nv�e.
<br /> Hazardaus 5ubs#an�es. The words "Hazardous Subsfiances" mean materials that, be�ause of #heir quan���y,
<br /> con�en��-ativn �r physical, �hemical or infectiaus charac�eristics, may cause or pose a present or pvt�ntia! hazard
<br /> tv human health or th� enviranment when improperly used, trea�ed, stored, dispvsed of, generated, manufactured,
<br /> transported vr ❑therwise handled. The words "Hazardvus Substances" are used in fiheir very broades�sense and
<br /> inc�ude withaut �imi�ati�n any and atl hazardaus or �oxic subs�an�es, materials ❑r waste as defned by ar listed
<br /> under the Environmental Lav+rs. The term "Hazardous Substanc�s" also includes,without limitation, pe�rvleum and
<br /> p�troleum by-products or any fractivn fhereof and asbestos.
<br /> Improvements. The ward "lmprov�men�s" means all sxist�ng and �u�ure improv�men�s, buildings, �truc�ures,
<br /> mobile homes affixed an the Real Proper�y, faci[ities, additians, replacements and ather canstruGt�an on the Real
<br /> Pr�perty.
<br /> Indebtedness. The ward °�nde��edness" rneans all principal, �nterest, and other amounts, costs and expsnses
<br /> payable unde� fhe Note ar Reiated Dacuments, together with all renewals of, �xtensians of, modi�icatians o�,
<br /> conso#idations o�and suhs��tutians far the Nate nr Relate� Dacumen�s and any amounts �xpended vr advanc�d by
<br /> Lender t� dischar�e Trustvr's ohliga�i�ns or expenses incurr�d by Trustee or Lend�� ta en�orGe Trustor's
<br /> ahfigations under this Deed of Trust, together with interest on such amounts as pro�ided in this ❑eed ��Trust.
<br /> �pecif�cal�y, without �imita#ion, ind�btednes� includes all amounts �ha� may be indirectly s�cured by �he
<br /> �rvss--Coliateralization prov�sion of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Lender, The wor� "Lend�r" means First National 8ank of�maha,its successors and assigns.
<br /> No�e. The word "N ate" means any and a�l o� �orrvw�r's liabilities, ahl�gatians and debts to Lender, now exis�ing
<br /> ar hereinafter�ncurred or�reated, �ncluding,without)im�ta�ivn, al� loans, advance�, int�rest, costs debts, averd�aft
<br /> indebtedness, cred�t c�rd indebtedness, �ease obligatians, �iabili�ies and ob�igations unde� interest ra�e prat�ctivn
<br /> agre�ments or foreign curren�y exchange agreements or commndity price pro�ec�ian agreements,other obligations,
<br /> and liab��iti�s of Borrowsr �vgether with alI madifications, increases, renewals, and extensions of th�
<br /> aforemen��vned. Additional�y, hereby �ncorpvra�ed as if fully set forth herein ars th� �erms and conditions o�any
<br /> promissan,� note, agreement vr �th�r documen# execu�ed by Borrower andlv� L�ndeF ind�cating �his security
<br /> instrument �r the p�aperty described herein sha�� be considered "Cvllateral" securing such pr�missory note,
<br /> agreem�nt, or other instrument,or any similar r�ference.
<br /> Persanal Prope�ty. The words "Personal Praperty" mean al! equipment, f�xtures, and ather articles of persvnal
<br /> property now or hereafter owned by Trustor, and now or hereafter attached vr affixed ta �he Real Proper�;
<br /> �oge�her wzth all ac�essions, par�s, and additians ta, all rep�a�ements n�, and al� subst�tutivns for, any of such
<br /> property; and together with all p�oceeds �including without limitati�n all insurance pr�cee�is and re�unds of
<br /> premiums}�rom any sa�e or o#her disposit�an ofi the Prvper�y.
<br /> Property. The word "P�operty"means colle�tively the Real Praperty and the Persona[Property.
<br />