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<br /> Security Instrument, which has been assigned MERS Registration Na. 1U441b7 4U00459185 S and MERS
<br /> Registration I]ate AU�UST 19, 24Q5, and wh�ch co�ers �he rea� and personal property described in the
<br /> Security�nstrument and def ned therein as�he"Proper�y",lo�ated at
<br /> 4233 NEVAI]A AVENUE,�RAND ISLAND,NEBRASKA 68803 the r�al proper�y descr�bed is iocated in
<br /> HALL�UUNTY,NEBRASKA and being set forth as foliows:
<br /> NEBRASKA.
<br /> �n consideration of the mutua.� prom�ses and agreements exchanged, the parties here�� �gree a� fallaws
<br /> �na�wxthstanding anything to the contrary contained in�he Note or Security Instrument}:
<br /> �. As�f,FEBRLJARY 1,2D14 t.�ae amount payable under the Note and the Security Instrument�the"Unpaid
<br /> Princ�pal Balan�e"} �s U.S. �127,492.94, consist�ng of the amount�s� loaned to Borro�ver hy Lender, p�us
<br /> cap�ta.lized interest in the amount of U.S. $4,945.32 and other amounts capita�ized, which is limited to
<br /> escr�ws and any l�gal fees and related foreclosure costs that may have been accrued for work completed.
<br /> 2. Borrawer promises�o pay the Unpaid Principal Balance, plus interest, �o the�rder�f Lender. �nterest will
<br /> be charged on the Unpaid Prin�ipa�Balance at the yearly rate of 5.25Dfl%,from FEBRUARY 1,2D1�.The-
<br /> Borrower promises to make m�nth�y payments of principal and interest of U.S. $744.4�„beg�nn�ng on the
<br /> 1 ST day of MARCH, 2U 14, and c�ntinuing thereafter an the same day of each sueceeding month un�il
<br /> principal and interest are paid in full. If on FEBRUARY 1,2�4D �the"Maturity Date"�,�he B�rrower still
<br /> owes amounts under the Note and the Security Instrum�nt, as amended by �h.is Agreement, B�rr�w�r w�i1
<br /> pay these amounts in fui�an�h�Maturity Da�e.
<br /> 3. If al�or any part af the Proper�y or any in�erest in it is so�d or�ransferred(or if a beneficial interest in�he
<br /> Barr�wer is sald or transferred and the Borrower is nflt a na�ura.l person�tivithout the Lender's prior�vritten
<br /> cansent,�he Lender may requ�re�mmediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Secur�ty�nstrument.
<br /> �f the Lender exercises this option, the Lender sha�l giv�the Borrower natice of acc�leration. The notice
<br /> shall pravide a period of not less than 3�days from the date the no�ice is deli�ered ar ma�led within�vh�ch
<br /> �ae Borrower must pay a11 sums secured by this Security Instrument.�f the Borrower fails t�pay these sums
<br /> prior to the expirat�on of this period, th� Lender may invoke any remedies p�rmit�ed by this Security
<br /> Instrument withaut further notice or demand on the Borrower.
<br /> 4. The Borrower also will comply with a�� other ��v�nants, a�reemen�s, and requirements of the Security
<br /> Instrumen�,including w�thaut limita.t�Qn,the Borrower's�ovenants and agreements t�make a��payments of
<br /> �a.xes,�nsurance premiums,assessrnents,escrow items,impounds, and a11 other payrnents that the Borro�ver
<br /> is abligated ta make under the Security Ins�-umen�;however,the fallawing terms and pro�isions are fore�er
<br /> canceiled,nuil and void,as of the date specif�ed in Paragraph N�. 1 abo�e:
<br /> �a} a��terms and provisions of�he Note and Security Instrument�if any�prov�ding for, implementing,or
<br /> relating to,any change or adjus�ment in the rate vf�nterest payab�e under the Note;and
<br /> �b} all t�rms and pro�isians of any adjus�able rate rider,or ather instrum�nt ar do�ument that is affixed
<br /> to, whol�y or partia��y �nevrp�rated into, or is part of, the No�e or Secur�ty �nsirument ar�d that
<br /> contain�any such�erms and pro�isions as those referred to in�a}above.
<br /> 5. If the�3orrow�r has,sin�e�n�epti�n vf this loan but prior ta this Agreement,reeei��d a discharge in a
<br /> �hapter 7 bankruptcy, and there ha�ing been no ►val�d reaffrmatian of the under�ying debt, by
<br /> entering inta th�s Agreement, the Lender�s nat attempting to re-estab�ish any personal ��ability for
<br /> HUD Modi�cation Agreement�7272Q 15 45 99U�Z��228
<br /> Fixst American Mortgag�Services Page 2
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