2� 15�7938
<br /> 11. ENVIR4NMENTAL LA.WS ANI� HAZARD�US SUBSTANCES. As use�i in this sec�ion,
<br /> ��} En�iranmental Law means, w�thaut limita�ion, the Camprehensi�e Environmentai Response,
<br /> Compensation and Lia�ili�y Act ��ERCLA, 42 U,S.C. 95�1 et seq.}, and all other federal, state and lacal
<br /> laws, regulations, ordinances, caur� orders, attorney general opiniflns ar interpreti�e letters concerning the
<br /> pu�lic health, safety, welfare, environment or a hazard�us subs�an�e; and (�} Hazardaus 5ubstanc� m�ans any
<br /> taxic, radi�acti�e �r hazardous material, wa5t�, pal�utant or contaminant which has characteristics which
<br /> render the substan�� dangerous or potenCially dangerous to the public health, safety, w��fare ar en�ir�nment,
<br /> The term inclu�es, without limitation, any substances defined as "hazardaus material," "toxic substances,"
<br /> "hazardous waste" ar "hazardous substance" under any En�ironmental Law,
<br /> Trustor repr�sents, warrants and agr��s that;
<br /> A.Except as pre�ious�y disc�ose� and acknawl�d�ed in wr��ing to B�neficiary, no HazardQus Substance is
<br /> ar will b� l�acated, stared or released on ar in the Fro��rty. This restri�tion does not apply to small
<br /> quantities of Hazardous Su�stances that are g�nerally re�ogni�ed ta be ap�ropr�ate far the normal use
<br /> and maintenance of the Prop�rty.
<br /> B. Except as pre�iously di�clos�d and ackno�vledg�d in writing t� Beneficiary, Trustor and every tenant
<br /> ha�e been, are, and shall remain in ful� complian�e with any app�icabl� En�ironmental Law.
<br /> C.Trustor sha11 immediately notify Beneficiary if a release ar thr�aten�d release �f a Hazar�vus Substance
<br /> occurs an, under ar about the Proper�y ar Chere is a vialation af any En�ironmental Law�oncerning �he
<br /> Proper�y, �n such an �v�nt, Trustar shall take a�� ne�essary rem�dial action in accordance wi�h any
<br /> En�i�anmental Law.
<br /> D.Trustor shall immediately notify Beneficiary in writing as s��n as Trustar has reason ta believe there is
<br /> any pending or threatened in��stigatian, �laim, or proceeding relating t� the release or �hrea�ened
<br /> release❑f any Hazardous Subs�ance ar the�iolation of any Environmental Law.
<br /> 1Z. ESCRUW F�R TA�ES AN13 INSURANCE, Unless otherwise pravided in a separate agreem�nt, Trustar
<br /> will not be required t�pay to Beneficiary funds for taxes and insurance in escrow.
<br /> duties under this Security Instrument are jaint and indi�idual. If Trustor s�gns this Security Instrument but
<br /> does not sign an e�idence af debt, Trustor does so on�y �o mortgage Trustor's interest in the Property to
<br /> s�cure payment of the Secur�d Debt a�ad Trustor daes not agree tv be persanally lia�le on�he Secured De�t, Zf
<br /> this Security Instrument se�ures a guaranty between Beneficiary and Trustor, Trustor a,grees to wai�e any
<br /> rights �hat may pre�ent Benefi�iary from bringing any action or claim against Trustor or any party indebted
<br /> under the obligatian. Th�s� rights may include, but ar� nat limit�d to, any anti-deficiency or ane-action �aws.
<br /> The duties and benefits of this �ecuri�y Instrumen� shall bind and b�nefit th� suc�essors and assigns�f Trust�r
<br /> and geneficiary.
<br /> 14. SEVERABILITY; �NT�RP1t�TATI�IV, This �ecurity Instrument is compl�t� and fully int�grat�d. Thi�
<br /> Security rnstrument m.ay not be amended or modified by �ral agre�ment, Any sec�ion in this Se�uri�y
<br /> Instrumen�, attachments, or any agreement r�lated t� th� �ecured U�bt that �anflicts with appli�abl� law will
<br /> not be effec�i�e, unless that �aw expr�ssly ❑r imptied�y p�rmits the �ariations by writt�n agreement, If any
<br /> section of this Security Instrumen� �annot b� enforced ac�ording to i�s terms, that s�ction will be se�ered and
<br /> will not aff�ct the enforceabi�ity of the remaind�r ❑f this �ecurity �nstrument. When�ver used, the singular
<br /> shall include the plurai and th� plural th� singular. Th� caption� and headings of the secti�ns af this Security
<br /> Instrument are for canvenience only and are nat ta �e used ta in��rpret or define the terms �f this S�curity
<br /> Instrument. Time i� af the�ssence in this Secur�ty �nstrument.
<br /> 15. SUCC�SSUR TR[]STEE. B�nefi�iary, at Benefic�ary's aption, may from tim� to time remov� Trus�ee and
<br /> appoint a succ�ssor trustee with�ut any other formality than th�desi�nation in writing, The succes�or trustee,
<br /> without conveyance af the Property, shall succeed ta all th��itl�, power and duCies conferr�d upon Trustee by
<br /> this Security �nstrum�nt and applicable law.
<br /> 16. N[]TICE. Unless atherwise required by 1aw, any notice shall be gi�en by delivering �t �r by mailing �t by
<br /> firs� �lass mail tfl the apprapriate party's address on page 1 of this S�curity Instrument, or to any o�her
<br /> addre�s designated in writing. Notice to one trustar wi1� be deemed to be no�ice to all trustors, Trustar and
<br /> Beneficiary her��y request a copy of any notice of default, and a copy af any noti�e of sale thereunder, be
<br /> mailed to ea�h party at the address for such party set for�h on page 1 �f this Security Instrument.
<br /> 17, WAIVERS. Exc�pt to the extent prohi�ited hy law, Trustar wai�es all appraisement and homestead
<br /> exemp�ion rights relating to the Property,
<br /> 18. LINE C]F CRED�T, The Secured D�bt in�lu�es a reval�ing line �f�redit. Althaugh the Sec�red Debt may
<br /> be reduced ta a zera balance, �his Security Instrum�nt will remain in effect until r�l�ased.
<br /> Se�urity tnstrument-Opsn-�nd-Consumer-N� DCP-R�DT-NE 7121201 1
<br /> VM1'U Bankers 5ystems7� IfMP-C4554NEy �1 107].fl�
<br /> Waiters Kiuwer FinanGial Services��994,201 1 Page 5 af 6
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