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2� 15�79�3 <br /> not pr�ar to ac�e�erat�on un�er Sect�on 18 unles� Applica��e La�w prov�des atherw�se�. The <br /> notice sha�l sp�c�fy: �a} the d.efaux�; (b} th� ac�ion required ta curc the defRu��; �c} �. �l�te, nnt <br /> Xess tlhan. 3� c�ays fr�xx�. the c�ate the not�ce xs g�ven t� Borrower, by �hieh t�e defau�t must <br /> �e curec�; and �d} that failure to cure the defauXt an or before the date specxf'��d in the natxce <br /> may resuYt in accelerat�on �f the suYns secured by �h�� Securx�y Instxument �nd sa�e �f the <br /> Prop�r�y. The nat�ce sh��� fi�rth�r �x�form �orrower of the r�ght ta reins��te after �cc���rati�n <br /> and the r�ght to br�ng a court actian to as�ert the non-ex�stence af a defau�t ur any other <br /> c�efens� �f �oarrower to a����eratz�n amd sale. If the default is not cur�d �n or bef�re the date <br /> sp�cxf�ed �n the notice, Lenc�er at �ts opti�n may requYre irrx�nedYate �aayment in fuZ� of ��Z sums <br /> sec�.��°ed by th�s Security Instr��rnent v���hout further demand �nd rnay �nvoke the pawer af <br /> sa�e a�d any oth�r remedi�s permitted by App��cab�e Law. Lender sh��l be ent�tlecl to col�ect <br /> a�� �xpenses incurred in pursu�ng the rem�dYes pro�ided in thrs Sec�ian 2Z, �nc�ud�ng, �ut no� <br /> limite� to, reasonabXe att��°neys' f�es and c�sts af titxe ev�dence. <br /> If the p�wer of sa�e is inval��d� Trustee sha1X record � notic� af c�efau�t in each cou�ty ir� <br /> whx�h. any part of the P�operty �� lo�ated and shall mail �o�ie� of such na��ce �n the m�nner <br /> �re�c�Ybe�l by App��cable I..�a�v �o Eorrov�er and to ��e ather persons prescrYbed by A�p�icable <br /> Lav�. .�fter th� t�m� required by Applicable Law, Trustee shaxX giv� pubxic notice of sale to <br /> - the persons and xn the m.ann.ex prescrxbed �y App�icable Law. Trustee, �v�th�ut den�and on <br /> Bvrrower, sha�� se�l the Pr�perty at public �u�t��n �o the hYghest �b�dder at the t�m� and p�ace <br /> and under the terms de�ignated Yri the notice of sa�� xn one �r m�re par�eX� and Yn �.ny order <br /> 7�`rus�ee c��termn.xn��, Trustee m�.y postpo�e sa�e �f ai� or any parce� of the Pr�perty �y public <br /> ann�u�.cem.ent at the t�me an.d p�ace of any pre�ious�y sche�.u�ed sa�e. L�nder or xts des�g�.ee <br /> may �ur�hase the P�operty �t any sale. <br /> irpan �receipt �f payxnent of t�e pr�cc b�d, Tr�stee s�.a�I de��ver t� the purchaser Trus�eers <br /> deed �ox�vey�x�g the Prope�ty� The ��c���ls ir� the Trus��e�s d�ed �hall b� �r�ma fa��� e��d�nce <br /> �f the t�uth of th� statements m��e therein. Trustee shal.l a�p�y the prac��ds �f t�e sa�e in <br /> th� fa���tivxng oxd��: (a� to a�� costS an� expenses of exer�i�ing the power of s��e, and the sa�e, <br /> inc�uc�ing the �aymen� of th� 7�rustee's fees a�tua��y �ncurred �nd rea�o�able a�tor�eys' fees <br /> as perm�t�ed �y �.pp��Ca��e Law; �b} ico aI� s��ns securec� �y thY� Se�urity Instruxnen�, and �c� <br /> any excess ta �he persan �x persons lega�l� en��t�ed to i.t. <br /> 23� Re�onv'�y�n��. Upo�l p�.ymer��of aI1 surns secur��.by th�s Secu�r�ty Ins��m�n�,Lender sha�l <br /> requ�st T'rustee t�recanvey�he I'roper�y and sh�.�l su��render�h�s S ecur��y It�.s�rumex��and all�Z�te� <br /> ev�c�encirag c�ebt secured by�h�s Sect�rity Ins�r�.��n�n��o Tr�.�s�ee. Trus�ee sha�1 recor�vey�h�Property <br /> withoL�t warra�.ty�o the person or perso�.s�ega��y en�i�led to i�. Such persoi�or persons sha11 pay any <br /> re�ord�.�io�z cos�s. Lend��r 7may ch�.rge such�erson ar persons a fe�for reconveyzng�he Pro�erty,bu� <br /> �r��y if.the fee xs paxd�o a xh�rc�party�such as t�ie T�tiis��e) F�r servi�es rendered and the chargxng af-�h� <br /> f�e is perm�ti��d under Applz�ab�e Lavv, <br /> 24� ��a bstitute Trus�ee� Lenc��r, a�i�s ap��o�.,m.ay fr�m��m��o�zme remo�e TrL.�stee and appoint a <br /> succes�ar tr�.istee�� ar�y Tr�xs�ee appain�ed heret�nder by an ins�ri.�men�re�orded�r�the c�unty i�which <br /> �his Sccti�rity Ir�s�cr�.�men�is recorded.�z�hoL��cor�veyan�e af the Property,the sL�cccssa�trt.�s��e sha11 <br /> sL�cceed�o a��the t�t�e,�ou�er and dut��s canferred upon Tr�.�s�e�hereir�ar�d�y Ap��icable Law. <br /> HCFG-Od359 <br /> NE6RA5KA-Sing��Family-Fanr�ie MaelFreddie Mac IJNI�C7RM INSTRUMENT �orm 3�2�11�1 <br /> VMP�] �3l15 <br /> Wolters Kl�wer F'inancia[5ervices 20�5��45��98-J�D1505461' Page�5 of 17 <br /> *36�44495152 7* <br />