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2� 15�7874 <br /> Transfer of the Property or a Benef�cia�In�erest in Barrower.If alI ar any part of�he Proper�y or any interes� <br /> �n �t is s�1d nr �ransferred �or if a benef cza� interes� �n Borrawer is sold �:r �ransferred and Borrow�r is not a <br /> natural person} vvi�h�u� Lender's prior�vvri�ten consen�, L�nder may, at i�s o����an, require immedia�e pa�rrn�nt in <br /> fu�l of a�� sums secured by thi.s Securi�y �ns�rument. H�vvever, �his aption shal� no� be exercised by Len�ier if <br /> exercise is prahib��ed by federa�la�v as of the date flf�hzs Securz�y Instrumen�:. . <br /> If Lender e�ercises this option, Lend�r sha�� g�ve B orravver no�ice of acce:[eratian. The nati�e sha1l pr�vide a <br /> perio� of not I�ss than the minimum number of days est�.bl�shed by Applica.ble Law fr�m �he date �he na�ice is <br /> de�ivered ar mailed v�r�th�n �t7vhxch Borrower must pay al1 sums secured by t��is �ecurity �ns�rumen�. If�or�-awer <br /> fails to pay these sums pr�ar to the expiration af�his periad, Lender may in��roke any remedxes permit�ed b.y �.hzs <br /> Secur�ty Instrument withou�fur�h�r not�ce ar demand�n B�rrovver. <br /> Borrower's Right �o Reinstate. Zf Borrower mee�s certain conditions, Borrower shall have �he righ� �o ha�e <br /> enfarcemen�of�his Secur��y rns�rumen� d�scon�inued a� any�ime prior�o�he �ar�ier�f•. �a} 5 days �or such a�her <br /> period as Applicab�e Law may specify for reins�atem�nt�before sa�e nf the�roperty pursuan��a any povv�r�f sale <br /> contained �n this Security �ns�rument; �r �b} en�ry of a judgment enf�rci:ng �his Securi�y Ins�rum�nt. Those <br /> conditions are �ha�Borrov►rer: �a� pays Lender all sums which �hen vvould b�: due under�his 5ecuri�y Ins�men� <br /> and the�ontract as if no acce�era�ion had occurred;�b�Gures any defaul�af an.y o�her cavenants or agreements; �c} <br /> pays all expenses incurred in enfarcing this SeCurity Instrumen�, inc�uding,b��,n�t limited ta,reasonable at�orneys' <br /> fees�o the extent permi�ed by lativ; and�d} �akes such action as Lender ma�r reasonab�y require�n assure tha��he <br /> Iien of�us Secur��y Instrument,Lender's r�ghts in the Prop�erty and Borrower's obl�ga��an��pay the sums se�ured <br /> �y�his Securi�y Ins�rumen� shall con��nue unchanged. Upan re�nsta�ement by�Borr�wer, this Secur�ty Instr�u.ment <br /> and the obliga�ions secured hereby sha11 remain fully effe�tzve as if no accelera�ion had o�curr�d. Ho�reve�, �hzs <br /> righ�to r�ins�ate shall not apply in�he case of accelera�ion under the sec��on��.t�ed Transfer of the Property�r a <br /> Bene�c�a�Interest in Borrower. <br /> Hazardous Substar�ces.Borrovver shal�nvt cause or per�it the presence,use,d�sposal, storage, or rel�ase af any <br /> Hazardous Substances an or in the Praperty.B�rravver shall not do,nor a�lov�r anyane e�se to da,any�.ing aff�c�ing <br /> the Praperty that is in v�alatzan of any Environmenta� Lavv. The preceding fwo s�n�ences �ha�l no� apply ��a �he <br /> presence,use,or storage on the Prop�rfiy of sma�l�uant��ies of Hazardous Sub�a�a.nces tha�are genera��y recog��ized <br /> ��he appr�priate to n�rmal residential uses and to main�enance of the Proper�r. <br /> Barro�rer shal�promp�Iy give Lender wri�t�n notice of any�nves�i�at�an,clai�r►, demand,Iawsuit or other action by <br /> any gavernmental or regu�at�ry agency or priva�e par�y inv��ving the PrQp�x�t,y and any Hazardous Subs�a.n�e or <br /> Env�ronmen�a.l La�w of v�h�ch B�rro�er has actual knflvvledge. If Borr��w�r l�arns, ar is na�ifie� b� any <br /> governmental ar regula�ary au�hority, that any remo�a�ar other remediat��n a�f any Ha�ardaus Substance aff�cting <br /> the Property is necessary, Barrovver shal� prompt�y take aII necessary re:media� ac�ions in accordance ,wi�h <br /> Environmental Law. <br /> As us�d in this paragraph, "Hazar�aus Subs�ances" are �hos� subs�ances de�r.�ed as�axic Qr hazardous substances <br /> by Environmental LaW and the fol�oWing substances: gasoline, ker�sene, c��her flammab�e or toxic pe�ra�leum <br /> products, taxic pes�icides and herbiczdes, volatile so�vents, materials con�ai�xing asbes�os or forma�dehyde, a.nd <br /> radiaac��ve materials. As used in this paragraph, "Env�ronmental Lavtr" mean�federa�Ia�t7vs and�aWs�f�he st�w�e of <br /> Nebraska that re�a�e to heal�h,safe�y ar environmental protec�ion. <br /> A�ce�erati�n; Remedies, Lender sha�� g�ve n���ce to Borrower prior to ��cce�erat��n foll�vv�ng Borr�wer's <br /> br�ach of any�ovenant�r agreement in thi5 Security Instrument or the C�antract under wh��h a��eleration <br /> is p�rmit�ed �but na�priar to acceleration under the 5ection titled Tran��er of the Pro�erty�r a Benei�ciai <br /> In�erest in �3orrower, unle�s App��cab�e Law prvvides �therwise�. The n�it�ce shal� speci�fy: �a� the defauit; <br /> �b} �h� act�on requ�red tfl cure the default; {c} a date, not Iess th�r� the m�n�mum number of �Iays <br /> es�a�li5hed by Appl�cab�e Law fram th�date the noti�e�s g�ven fo Borra��v�r,by which the default mu�t b� <br /> cured; and (d) that fa�lure to cure the defau�t on or befare �he date 5���ci�ed in �he not�ce may r�sult �n <br /> acce�era�ifln of �he sums 5ecured b� thxs Security Instrument and salf� �f the Property. T� the e��en� <br /> perrnit�ed by Iaw, t�he noti�e shall fur�her inform Bvrrower of the r�ght�o reins�ate af�er acce�erat�on and <br /> th�right ta bring a court actxan to a�sert the non-exist�nce�f a defaul�ar any�ther defense of Borr�w�er�o <br /> accelera�ion and 5a�e. If the defau�t�s n�t cured on or before the date sp{vcified�n the notice,Lender a�its <br /> op��on may requ�re immed�ate payment in ful� af a�i sums secured by �h�s Security Ins�rum�n� �vithout <br /> further demand and may i�vake the power Qf sa�e and any other rem�e�i:�Qs perm�.tted by Appli�able Law. <br /> Ta �he exten� p�rmitted by law, Lender sha�l be ent�t�ed ta co��ect all e:xpense5 incurred �� pursuing; the - <br /> remedxes pr�v�ded in this SectYan,including,but not Iim��ed to,reasonabl:e attorneys'fees and costs af ti��e <br /> ev�dence, <br /> If the povver vf sal�is�.nvoked, Trust�e shall re�ord a n�tic� of defau�t in each county�n which any part of <br /> the Property is lvcated and shall maxl ��pfe�of such n�t��e�n �he manner prescribed by App�icabie La�v to <br /> Borrovver and �o the ather persons prescribed by App�icah�e Law. Aft�r� the time required by A�pplicable <br /> Law� Trustee shall gi�� public notice af sa�e tfl the persons and in the r.r�anner pres�ribed by Appli�ah�e <br /> Law. Trus�ee,without demand on Borro�ver, shal� �el�fhe Praperty at pub��c auction to the hfgh��t biddQr <br /> at the time and place and under th�terms designat�d in the n�tiCe of sal�;�n�ne ar mare par�els a�d in any <br /> vrder Trustee d�termines. TruStee �nay postpone sa�e of all or any �arcel �f the Praperty by pu�blic <br /> ann�uncement at the time and p�ace vf any previ�usly s�heduied sale.L�n�der ar�ts designee nr�.�.y p�r��hase <br /> �he Prop erty at any s ale, <br /> Upon rece�pt of payment�f the price bid, Trus�Qe shall deliver to the pu�rchaser Trustee'S dQed �fln�e��ng <br /> �he Property, The r�c�ta�s�n the Trustee's deed shall be prima fac�e evidence of the truth of the 5�atem.ents <br /> C�20D4-20�5 Campliarice Systems,In�.A6BC-�CDC-��15.3.5.F 454 <br /> Cansumer Real Estate-Security�ns#rument DL2436 Page 4 of 5 www, <br />