2� 15�7874
<br /> Payment of Pr�ncipal and Interes�; Uther�harge5.B�rr�v�rer shail promptly pay vvhen due the prznc�pa�c�f and
<br /> interest on the deb�ovve�i under the�on�ract an�i Ia�e charg�s or any other fee��and Charges due under the�or��ra�t.
<br /> - Appli�a�Ie Law, As used in t�is 5ecuri�y Ins�rument, �he term "Applic�.���e Law" shall mean a�I �ontraZ�ing
<br /> app��cab�e federa�, state and loca� statutes, regu�ations, ord�nances and adm�z�is�ra�ive ru�es and orders �that have
<br /> �he effec�of 1aw}as well as a��applicable fina�,n�n-appea�a�ble�udicial opin�ons.
<br /> Ch�rges; Liens. Borrower shall pay alI taxes, assessmen�s, charges, f�.nes and impasi�ions at�rzbu�able �o �he
<br /> Pr�perty which may a�tiain priority over�his Security�nstrumen�, and leaseY�c�Id payments or ground ren�s, �f any.
<br /> At the request of Lender,Borrower sha�l promptly furnish�a Lender rece�pts e��idencing the payments.
<br /> Borrower sha�l prompt�y discharge any�ien v�rhich has priority over th�s Se�t�r��y Instrumer�t un�e�s Borrovv�r: �a}
<br /> agrees in v�riting �a �he paymen� af�he obliga�i�n secured by the Iien in ��. m.aru�er acce�atabl� t� Lende.r; �b�
<br /> Con�es�s in good faith ��.e ��en b�, �r defends agains� enforcement �f�he lie:n in, Iegal proceedings vvh�ch �n �he
<br /> Lender's opinion operate �o pre�ent the enforcemen� of�the �ien; or �c� secures from the holder af�he �i�n an
<br /> agreemen�satisfac��ry ta Lender subord�na�ing the Iien to �his Security�ns�rL�men�. �f Lend�r de�ern�znes����any
<br /> part of the Property is subject tfl a l�en vvhich may attain pr�arity over this ���curity l�nstru.ment, Lender ma� give
<br /> Borrower a na�ice ident�fying the�xen. Barrovver shall sa�isfy the �ien or�a�e one or more of�he actians set for�h
<br /> abo�re u�ithin 1�days of the giving of no�ice.
<br /> Hazard or Property Insurance. Borrovver sha��keep the impravements n�v�r e�isting or hereafter erec�ed�n the
<br /> Property insured aga�ns�loss by fir�,ha2ards included W�th�n the term"ext�n�.ed coverage" and any Qther ha�ards,
<br /> includ�a.g floads or flooding, for Which Lender re�uires insurance. Tha.s ir�surance shall be maintained in �he
<br /> amounts and for�he p�riods�hat Lender requires. The insurance carrier pr�vitl�ng�he insurance sha��be chospn by
<br /> BorroWer subjec� �a Lender�s appr�val which sha1� not be unreasonably uri.�]�held. �f Borrotiver fa�Is �o ma�n�ain
<br /> coverage described abfl�e, Lender may, a� Lender's �pti�n, �b�ain cavera�;e t4 pro�ect Lender's r�ghts xn the
<br /> Property in accordance vvith�e��ian�it�ed Pr�tection vf Lender'S R�igh�s xn t�he Proper�y.
<br /> A�1 znsurance policies an�. ren�vvals sha1l be accep�ab�e �o Lender and shal� inc�ude a standard mor�gage c�ause.
<br /> Lender sha1l have the right�o hoid the pa�icies and renev�a�s. �f Lender re�ui�-es,Barro�ver shal�promptly give to
<br /> Lender al�receipts of paid premiums and renewa�no�ices. �n�he event of lo�.�, Barrawer sha�l gzve prampt no��ce
<br /> �o�he znsurance carrier and Lender.Lender may mak�p�aof of Iass if not made prom.pt�y by Borrnvver.
<br /> Unless Lender and B�rravver o�herw�se agree in writ�ng, insurance proceed.s sha�1 be applied to res�ara���n ar
<br /> repa�r of the Property damaged, if, in Lender's sole discretion, �he restoration or repa�r �s economically feasib�e
<br /> and Lender's security is not�essened. �f, �n Lender's sa�e d�scre�rfln, the res�cfrat�on or repair is no� econom�ca�ly
<br /> feas�bl�or L�nder's security�v�rou�d be Iessened,the xnsurance pro�eeds shall b e app�ied���he sums secured b.y�his
<br /> 5ecurity Instrument, whe�her or not then due, wi#h any ex�ess paid to Btarrvtiver. �f Borrower abandons the
<br /> Property,ar daes not ansvcrer�xr�t.�ixn�he number of days prescribed by App�i�able Lavv as�et far�h in a r�otrce from
<br /> Lender�o Borr��vtrer tha�the insurance carrier has offered to settle a claim, thvn Lender rnay co�Iect�he�nsu�-ance
<br /> proceeds. Lender may use #he proceeds to repair ar rest�re �he Property or t�� pay sums sectued by this 5ecurity
<br /> Instrument,whether ar not then due.The perzod flf�me far Borrovver ta ansv��:r as set f�ar�h.zn�he no���e will begin
<br /> v�hen�he no�ice is given.
<br /> Ur�iess Lender and Borrovver otherwise agree in writing, any applica�i�n af p�-aceeds fia principa� shall not e��end
<br /> or postpflne�he due date of the payments due under the Con�ract or change �he amount of the payments. �f u.nder
<br /> the section�i��ed Ac�eleration; Rem�dies, the Property �s ac�uired by Lend�.r, Borrower's right to any insu�-ance
<br /> pa�ic�es and proceeds resu��ing from da�nage �o the Praperty prior to �he ac��uis�tion shal� pass to Lender t�o the
<br /> extent of the sum�secured by th�s Securi�y Instrumen�irnmed�a�e�y pr�or to�he acquisition.
<br /> Preservat�nn, Ma�n�enance and Protectxon �f the Proper�y; Borrawer�s Loan App��cation; L�a�eh��ds.
<br /> Barrower sha��nat des�-ay, damage or�mpair the Propez�y, al�ow the Prnpert��r�o deter�ora�e, ❑r camrn�t waste �n
<br /> �he Praperty.Borrawer sha�l be in default if any farfeiture a��ifln or proceedin�;,vvhe�her civil or cr�minal,is b�egun
<br /> tha�in Lender's good faith judgm�nt could resul�in fo�fe�ture af the Propert�� or othe�-wise ma�eria��y impair �ie
<br /> lien creat�d by this Secur��y �ns�rument ar Lender's security in�erest. Bar�r+�wer may cure such a default a�d
<br /> reinstate, as provided�n sectiion�x��ed Barrflwer's Ri�gh�to R.eins�ate,by c���sing�he act�on or�roceed��.g��be
<br /> dismissed vvi�h a ruling tha�,�n Lender`s good fai�h de�erm�.na�ian,prec�udes farfei�ure of the Barrower's�nter�st�n
<br /> the Property or other material impairment af�he lien created �y �his Secur�ity rnstrumen� or Lender's securii�y
<br /> interest.Bnrrativer sha11 aXsa be in defaul�if Borrower,during the�oan app��cat�on pr�cess,gave mater�a��y false�r
<br /> inaccura�e infarma��on or sta.�ements ta Lender (ar fa��ed t� prov�de Lend��- �t7v��h any material inf�rmat�om} in
<br /> connection w��h the Ivan evidenced by�he Contrac�. If�his Security�nstrum��r��is on a�easeh�ld, B�rr�v�ver sha��
<br /> .camp�y with aI�the provisxans of�he�ease.If Borrovver acquires fee t��Ie�a�hf�Property,the Ieaseho�d a.nd th�fee
<br /> t�tle sha��no�merge un�ess Lender agrees to the merger in writing.
<br /> Protection of L�nder'� R�ghts in the Prvperty. If B�rrower fails �o perf�rm the covenants and agreements
<br /> con�ained in this Securi�y Inst�umen�, ar�here�s a legal proceeding�ha�t may signif cantly affec�Lender`s r�g���in
<br /> the Property (such as a proceed�ng in bankrup�cy, pr�ba�e, for condemnation or farfeiture or to enforce Ia�s or
<br /> regula�i�ns}, then L�nder may d� and pay for vvhatever �s necessary to pr��tec� the va�ue of�he Praper�y and
<br /> Lender's rights in�he Property. Lender's a��z�ns may include paying any sums secured by a lien Which has pri�r�ty
<br /> �ver thzs 5ecurxty Instr�ument, appearing in court,paying reasonab�e at�Qrney�'fees and en�ering oz�f.h.e Praperty�o
<br /> make repa�rs.A�thaugh Lend�r may take action u.nder th�s sec�ia�,Lender doe�,no�have�o do so.
<br /> A.ny amoun�s disbursed by Lender under this sec�ian shal� become additiona� debt of Barrower secur�d by thzs
<br /> 5ecurit� Instru.ment. Unless Borrau�er and Ler�der agree to other terms of:payment, these amounts sha�� bear
<br /> C�r 2Q04-Z4I5 C�mpliance Systems,inc.A6BC-OCDC-2415.3.5,t064
<br /> Cansumer Rea!Estate-Security�nstniment DL2fl36 Page 2 af 5 www.campliancesyste�ns.com
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