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2� 15�78�7 <br /> B�RRD�VER��VENANTS that Borr�vv��r�s lavvful�y seised of the esta�e here�y con�ey�d and has �he r�ght to <br /> grant and cnnve�th� Propert�r an�i that the Proper�y is unencumbered, ex�ep� f�r encum�ran.ces af re�ord. <br /> Barrower warrants and�vill defen�general��th�title to �he Praperty against all �la�ms and demands, sub�ec�to <br /> any encumbrances�f record. <br /> TH�S SECUR�TY�NSTRL�M�N�'comb�n�s unif�rm c��enants for nat�anal use and non-unifnrm co�enar�ts with <br /> ��mited�ariat�ons by jur�sdiction to c�nstitut�a unif�rm s�curity�nstrumen�cover�ng real proper�y. <br /> Unifo�m Co��nants. Borrov��r and Lender���enant and agree as f���aws: <br /> '1. Payment �f Principa[, Inte�est, Esc�vw �tems, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charg�s. Borrower <br /> shall pay when due the prin�zpa� of, an�int�r�st�n, the deb�ev�denced b�the No�e and an�prepayment <br /> charg�s and late charges due und�r the No�e. B�rr�w�r sha�� aiso pay funds for Escraw ��ems pursuant to <br /> S�ction 3. Payments due under the Nate and this Securit� �nstrumen�shail be made �n U.S. currenc�. <br /> �3�wever, if an�r�heck�r ather�r�ce�ved by Lend�r as paymen�under the No�e or�his Secur�ty <br /> Ins�rum�nt is re�urned ta Lender unpa�d, L�nder may require that any or a�� subsequent paym.en�s due under <br /> the Nat�and thzs Secur�t� �nstrumen��e mad��n on��r more of the fol�flw�ng f�rms, as s��ec�ed b� Lender: <br /> �a}�ash; �b}mon�y order; �c}cer�if�ed ch�ck, bank ch�ck, treasurer's ch�ck or cashz�r's ch�ck, pro��ded any <br /> such ch�ck is drawn upon an ins�i�ution whas�depos�ts are�nsur�d by a federa� agenc�, instrumentalzt�, or <br /> ent�ty.; or�d} E�ec�ronic Funds Transfer. <br /> Pa�m�n�s are deemed r��e�w�d by Ltnder�hen recezved at�he l�ca�ion designa��d in the Note ar at such <br /> other loca��on as ma�r�e des�gna�ed by Lender in acc�rdance with�he notice provisi�ns �n Sect�on �S, <br /> Lender ma�return any paymen��r partial pa�ment �f th�payment or partial payments are�nsuf�ci�n�t� <br /> br�ng th�Loan current. Lender may a��ept axa�payment�r par�ia�paymen� insuf�cient to bring�h�Loan <br /> current, u�ithout waiver of an�r�gh�s hereunder ar prejudice to �ts rights to refuse such pa�m�nt or partiai <br /> payments in the future, but Lender��not obl�gated t� apply such payments a�the��me such payments are <br /> accep�ed. If each Feriodic Payment�s app�i�d as af�ts scheduled du�date, then Lender n�ed no�pa��n�erest <br /> �n unapp�z��.funds. Lender may ho�d su�h unapp���d funds un�il Borrow�r mak��payments to bring the <br /> Loan current. �f Borrovver d�es n�t do s��vithin a reasona���p�r�od af time, Lender shal� either appl�such <br /> funds or return them to B�rrower. If not applied ear�ier, such funds v���l b�app�ied to the�uts�anding <br /> principal balan�e u�der th�N��e xmm�dia��ly priar to forecl�sure. N� offset�r G�aim.whi�h Borrower might <br /> have n�w or zn�he fu�ure aga�ns�Lender shall re�ieve Barrower from�makxng payments due under the Nn�� <br /> and�h�s�ecuri�y�nstrument or performxng the cov�nants and agreements secured by this Security <br /> �ns�rument. <br /> Z. Applicatian of �ayments a� Proceeds. Except as a�herw�s�d�s�ri�ed �n this S��ti�r�2, all payments <br /> accep�ed and applied by L�nder sha11 be appl�ed in the fa��ow�ng order�f priority: �a} �nt�rest due under�he <br /> Nate; �b}princ�pal due under�he Not�; �c} amoun�s due under Sect�on 3. Such pa�rmen�s sha��be app�ied to <br /> each Periodic Payment in the�rder in which it became due. Any rema�nzng amaun�s sha�l be app���d first t� <br /> �ate charges, s�cand t�ar�y�ther amounts due under this Se�uri�y�ns�rument, and then to redu�e the <br /> principal ba�ance of�he N�te. <br /> �f Lender re�ei�es a pa�rmer�t from Barr�w�r far a d�linquent Peri�dic Paymen�whi�h includes a suf�c�ent <br /> amount t�pay any�a�e charge due, �he payment may�e a�p�ied to the de��nquen�payment a�d the�ate <br /> charge. �f m�re than ane Period�c Payment�s outs�and��zg, Lender may app�y any payment rece�ved from <br /> B�rrawer t��he repayment of the Per��d�c Paymen�s �f, and ta th�ex��nt�hat y �ach paym�n�can he paid in <br /> fuli. To the exten��ha�any e�cess exists after the pa�rnent is app���d tfl�h�fu��payment�f one nr more <br /> Period�� Paym.�nts, such excess may be appli�d to any�at��harges due. Vflluntary prepa�xnents sha��be <br /> appiied first to any prepayment charges arid then as describ�d in the No�e. <br /> NEBRASKA-SingEe Farnily-�annie Mael�redr�ie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3�28 71q1 <br /> VMP Q VMP6�NE=�1302f <br /> Wv�ters Kfuwer Financia!Services Page 4 vf 17 <br />
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