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2� 15�78�7 <br /> in�he Prflper�y and r�gh�s under�h�s S�curity Inst�-ument; and �d}�akes such ac��on as L�nder may <br /> reas�nahly r�quir��� a�sur��hat Lender's inter�s�in�he Proper�y and rights und�r�.h�s Security �ns�rurnent, <br /> and Barrovver's abligat�on ta pay the surns secured by�his Secur�ty �nstrumen�, sha11 continue unchan�;�d. <br /> Lender may re�u�re that Barrawer pay such r�insta�ement sums and expenses �n on�or more af�he fo��aw�ng <br /> far�ms, as se��cted�� L.�nd�r: �a}cash; ��� �noney�rder; �c} cer�if�ed check, bank check, tr�asurer's Gheck or <br /> cashier's checky provxded an�such check�s drawn upon an inst��u��on whos�deposits are insured�y a <br /> federa� agency, �ns�rumen�alx�� or ent��y; or(d} Eie�tron�c Funds Transf�r. Upon reins�a�emen���r Barrower, <br /> �his Securi�y Ins�rument and ob��gati�ns se�ured h�re�y shall remain fully effec��ve as if no accelera�i�n had <br /> occurred. �ow���r, th�s ri�ht��reinstate sha�i not apply in the case of accelera�ion under Sec��an �S. <br /> �U. Sa�e of Note; �hange af Laan Serrricer: Natice af Grie►►ance. The Note or a par��al �n�eres��n�he <br /> Note��oge�her�vi�h th�s Securi�y�nstrum.ent} can be sa�d one or more times w��hout priar no��ce�o <br /> Borrower. A sa�e m�gh�result�n a c�.ange�n the en�i�� �known as the "�oar� Se�icer"}�ha�col�ec�s Per�odi� <br /> Payments due under�he N��e and�his Securxt�r�nstrument and performs other mor�gage�oan servicing <br /> ob�iga�ions under the Note, this Securi�y �ns�rument, and App��cab�e Law. There might be one or more <br /> changes of th�Loan Ser`ricer unreiated ta a sa�e af the Na�e. If there is a chang�of�he Loan Serv�c�r, <br /> Borr�wer will be g�ven wri�ten no�ice of�he change wh�ch wili sta�e��e name and address af the ne�r Loan <br /> Serv�cer, the address�o which payments should be made an�.any o�her informa��on RESPA requ�res in <br /> cQnne��ion wi�h a notice�f transfer�f servicing. If the No�e �� sold and�hereafter the Loan i�serv�ced by a <br /> Laan Serv�cer oth�r�han�he purchaser of�he Note, �h�mor�gage�oan servic�ng ob�xgatians�o Borrawer v�i�l <br /> rema�n with the Loan SerWi�er or be transferred�o a successor Loan Ser�i�er and are no�assumed by the <br /> Note purchaser un��ss atherwise provided by�he N�te purchaser. <br /> N���her Borr�vv�r nor Lender may c�mmence,join, ar be jo�n�d�a an�judicia�a��ion�as ei�her an <br /> indiv�dua� ��t�gant or�he member of a��ass}that arises from the o�her par�y's actitins pursuan�to this <br /> Security �ns�rumen�or that a��eges�hat the a�her par��has breached any provisio�of, or any du�y ovved by <br /> reason af, this Securit�Instrument, until such B�rrovwer or Lender has no��f�ed the other par�y �with such <br /> notice given�n camp��ance w�th�h.e requir�ments of Section �5}of such a��eged breach and aff�rded�he <br /> o�her par�y h�reto a reasana��e period after�he giving of su�h na�ic�to take correct��re acti�n. If App�icable <br /> Law provides a time per�od wh�ch mus�elapse bef�re cer�ain ac��nn can be�aken, that�ime period wi�� be <br /> deemed�o be reasanable for purposes of this paragraph. The nat�c��f acce�era�ion and oppor�unity t�cure <br /> given to B�rrower pursuan�to Sec��on��and�he no�ice af acce�eratian gz�en to Borrower pursuan.t t� <br /> Sectian 18 sha�l be�eemed�a sa�xsfy�he no�ice and oppor�un�ty�o take correct��e a�ti�n provis�ons af�his <br /> Sect�on 2�. <br /> ��. Haiardous Substances. As used in this Sec�ion 21: �a� "Ha.�ardor�s Subs�ances"are th�s�substances <br /> defin�d as toxic or hazardaus substanGes, pollu�ants, or was�es by Envi�onmental Law and the follawing <br /> substances: gaso�ine, kerosene, n�her�lamma�le or�ox�c petroleum praduc�s, �ax�c pes�i�ides and herbi�ides, <br /> vola�i�e so�ven�s, ma�eria�s can�a�nin� asbestos ar forma�deh�r�ie, and rad�aac���e ma�.eria�s; �b} <br /> "Envir��rnent�al I�vu"mean�federa� �a�s and ia�vs of�h�jur�sdic���n where�e Proper��is loca�ed that <br /> re�a��t�h�a�th, safety or en�xronmental protection; �c} "Enviranmen��l CZeanup"xnc�udes any respanse <br /> act�on, rem.edia� ac��on, �r rema�al action, as de�ned in Environrnenta� Lavv; and�d} an "�r�vironrner�t�al <br /> �`onditian"means a�and�tion tha�Gan cause, con�ri�u�e to, or otherw�se tr�gger an Env�ronmenta� Cleanup. <br /> Borrower sha�l �o�cause or permit�he presen�e, use, d�spasa�, st�ra�e, or release of any Hazardous <br /> Sub�tances, or threaten��release any�3a.�ardous Subs�ances, on or�n the Proper�y. Borrower sha�l no�do, <br /> nar all�vv anyone e�se to do, any�hing affecting the Proper�y �a} �hat�s in v���a�ion of any En��ronm.ental <br /> Law, �b}which crea�es ar�En�r�ronmen�al Candit�on, or�c}wh��h, due ta the presence, use, or releas�of a <br /> Hazardaus Substance, creaties a condxt�on that ad�ersel�affects the�ralu�of�he Property. The pre�eding twa <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle�amily-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRIJM�NT �arm 3�28 11�'i <br /> VMP 0 VMPfitN�f{'f 3D2} <br /> Wolt�rs K#uwer Fir�ar��ial S�r�ic�s Page 13 of i 7 <br />