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2� 15�783� <br /> �nterest from�he da�e of d�sbursement a��he No�e ra�e and shal�be payab�e,v�i�h�n�erest, upon no��ce from Lender <br /> �o B orrow�r reg ues��ng pay�nent. <br /> Mflrtgage Insurance. �f Lender requ�red mor�gage �nsuran�e as a c�ndi�ion af mak�ng �he loan secured b� �his <br /> Secur��y�nstrument, Borrower shall pa�the premiu�ns rec�uired��rr�ain�a�n���e mortgage insuran�e in effect. �f, far <br /> any reason, �h� mortgage �nsuran�e coverabe requ�re� by Lepder lapses �r ceases t� be in effe�t, �arrawer sl�a�� <br /> pay �he premiums requ�red �o �b�a�n co�erage substant�a��y equ��a�ent �a t��e m�r�gage insurance pre��ously in <br /> effec�, a� a cos� subs�antia��y e�u�va�e��� to �he cas� �o Bc�rro�ver flf�he �nortgage insuran�e pre�i�usly �n eff�c�, <br /> ai�erna�e mar�gage�nsurer appro�ed by Lender. I f su�s�an�ia��y equ i val en�mor�gage insurance co�erage�s <br /> pot availab�e, Borr�wer sha�l pay �o Lender ea�h �non�h a sum eyual �� one--�we�ft�� af �he yearly mor�gage <br /> insurance premium being pa�d by B��-rower v�hen �he �nsurance co�erage lapsed or ceased�a be in effect. Lender <br /> vvx�l accep�, use and retain these paymen�s as a Zass r�ser�e in lieu of mar�gage insurance. Lass reserve payments <br /> may na longer be reQu�red, at �he �ptian of Lender., if mor�gage insurance co�erage �in �he amoun� and for the <br /> period�ha�Lender reo�uires� pr�vided by an insurer approved by Lend�r again becames a�a��able and is abta�ned. <br /> Borrower shall pay the premzums required�o main�ain mar�gage insurance �n effe�t, or to pro�ide a �ass reser�e, <br /> un�i� �he requiremen� far mortgage �nsurance ends in a�cflrdance wi�h any wri��en agreemerit between Borr��ver <br /> and Lender ar App��cable Lavv. � � <br /> Inspection. Lender or ��s agent ma�make reasonab�e entr�es upon a��d inspe���ons of�he Pra er . Lender sha�] <br /> . P �Y <br /> gi�e B�rrawer na�ic e a��h e�i m e a f o r p r i a r t o a n i n s p e c�i o n s p e c i f y i n g�r e a s o n a b�e c a u s e f a r�h e i n s p e c�i o n. <br /> Condemnatian. The prflceeds�f any award�r claim f�r damages, direc�or conse�uen��a�, �n,connectian with any <br /> ct�ndemna���n or o�her�ak�ng af any par� of�he Property, or f�r ��nveyance �n �ieu of condem�a���n, are here�y <br /> assigned and s��a�l he paid�o Lender. . <br /> �n �he e�en� af a t�ta� �a��ng of�he Property, �he proceeds shal� be appi�ed t�a �he sums secured by this Securi�y <br /> �nstrument, whether or nat �hen due, ���h any excess pa�d to Sorravver.��n �he e�en� of a partia� �aking �f the <br /> Propert� in �vhich the fair mark�� �a�ue af the Proper�y �mmediately before �he �a�ing �s e�uaI �a or greater than <br /> �he amoun� nf�he sums secured by th�s Secur�ty �ns�rument i�nmediate�y before �he �aking, un�ess Borrawer and <br /> Lender o�hervWise agree �n wr�ting,the sums secur�d by th�s Securi�y Ins�rumen�sha�� be reduced by�he amoun�af <br /> the pra�eeds multip��ed by�he f�ll�wing fract�an: �a��he to��,l amoc�nt of�l�e sums secured �mmed�a�e�y befare�he <br /> �akxng, dxvided by ��} �he fair marke� �a�ue of�he Praper�y immed i�teiy before the �aking. Any ba�ance s��al� be <br /> pa�d to Borr��er. �n �he e�en� �f a partiia� tak�ng af the Property in wh��h �he fair rnarke� value of the Proper�y <br /> immedia�ely before �he �aking �s less �han t��e amount of th� sums secured immed�a�ely before �he �aking, un�ess <br /> Borrov�rer and Lender atherwise agree in �vriting�r un�ess App��cab�e La�otherw�se pr���des, the proceeds sha�� <br /> be appi�ed to the sums secured by�h�s Secur�ty�nstrumen�vvI�ether or no�fihe sums ar��hen due. <br /> �f�he Prope�-ty is abandoned by Borrawer, or if, after n��i�e by Le��der�o Borrower�ha�the Gonde�nn�r�ffers t� <br /> make an avvard or se��le a claim for damages, Borrower fai�s t�resp�nd to Lender�i�l�in the minimum number of <br /> days estab��shed by App��cab�e Lav�aft�r the date the n�tice�s given,Lender�s au���ori�ed�o co�lec�and apply�he <br /> pr�ceeds, at 1�5 p�3�lQp, either �o res�ora��an or repair af the Pr�pe�-�y or to �he sums s�cured by th�s Security <br /> �ns�rumen�,whether ar no��hen due. � <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower��herv�ise agree in wri�ing, any app�ica�i�n of proceeds to pr��cipa� shall no�extend <br /> or pos�pane �he due date of the payments referred �a in �he se��i�n ��t�ed Payment o� Princ�pa� and in�er�5�; <br /> Prepa�ment and Late�harges or change�he amount of such paymen�s. <br /> Barrower No� Reieas�d; F�rbearance By Lender Not a. Wa�Wer. Ex�tiension af �he time f�r payment �r <br /> modxfica�i�n flf amor��za�ian �f�he sums secured by �his Secur�ty �ns�rumen� granted �y L�:nd�r�a B�rrower or <br /> any suGcessor �n in�erest �f Barrow�r s��a11 no� operate �a re�ease the, Iiabi�ity of �he original Borrower or <br /> Borrov�er's successors in in�eres�. Lender shaii nflt be re�uired �o co�nmenGe proceedings agains�any successor in <br /> �nteres�flr refuse�o ex�end��me far payment ar a�herwise modify amor�iz�.�Yon�f�he sums.secured by�his Securi�y <br /> Znstrument by r.eas�n af any,demand made by �he orig�na� �Borrower ar Borra�er's sueces�ors �n in�erest. Any <br /> forbearance by Lertder in exercising any righ� or rem�dy sha�l not be a wai�er of�r pre�lude �he e�ercise af any <br /> right or re�m.edy. � � _ : . <br /> Suc�eSsors and Assigns Bound; Jflin� and Se�eral Liab���ty; Accommoda��on Signers. The covenan�s and <br /> agreements af this Secur�ty �ns�rumen�shall bind �nd benefi��he success�rs apd assigns of Lender and Borrower, <br /> subjec� �� �he pro�isions of section ti�Ied Transfer �f the Prnper�y or�a Senefci�l �n��res� in Barrower. <br /> Borrov�er's cavenan�s and agreernents sha��be j��n�and several. An�person W1�o c�-�signs�his Security Ins�rumen� <br /> bu� daes not execute the No�� �"A�cammoda���p Signer"}: �a} �s �owsigning �h�s Securi�ty Ins�rument_only �a <br /> mor�gage, grapt and con�ey�hat Ac�ommodatian S�gner's interes� �n �he Proper�y under�he �erms of�h� Se�uri�y <br /> Zns�rumen�; (b) is n�t personally ob�iga�ed�a pay the sums secured by this Securi�y �z�strumen�; and �c� abre�s�hat <br /> Lender and an���her BorrovWer may agree�o ex�end,madify, forbear or make any acc�mmodat�ons wit��regard�o <br /> �he terms�f th�s Security�nstrument or the Nat�vvithout�ha�Acca�nmoda��an S�gner's con�ent. <br /> Lflan Charges. �f the ioan secured by �h�s Security �nstrument is �ub�ect �o a �aw v�hich sets max�mum �oan <br /> charges, and�hat �aw is fnally �nterpre�ed so that the �n�eres�or a�her laan charges ca�i���ed or to be c�Ilected in <br /> c�nnec���n wit1� the laan exceed �he perm�tted Iimits, �hen: ta� any such �oan c��arge sha�1 be reduced by the <br /> amount necessary to redu�e �he charge�o the perm��ted Iim��s and �b� any sum� a�ready co��ec�ed fr�m Borrovver <br /> �vh�ch exceeded perm�tted �ir�r�.its.��11 b� refunded �� Borrawer. Lender may c��oose to make �his refund �y <br /> reducing �he pri��c�pa� awed under �he No�e or by making a d�rec��paymen� �a Sorr��er. �f a refund reduces <br /> pr�ncipal,the reduc�ion w�ll be trea�ed as a partia�prepa�men�wi�hau�any prepay�x�ent c��arge under the No�e. <br /> �2004-2q 15 Camp�iance Syst�ms,Inc.A6SC-7�53-2Q 15.3.5.I�6� <br /> Cansumer Real Estate-Sec�rity Instr3.Err�er�t DL203� Pa�e 3 of G�� <br />