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2� 15�78�2 <br /> �C� "Lender" is Hom� Federa� Sa�i ngs and Laar� Assn af �rand I sl and <br /> Lender�s a S��i ng� and Loan <br /> organized and�xistzng under the�aws af�The St�t� �f Nebraska . <br /> Lender's addr�ss is ��l 5�uth La�ust St Grand Is1 and NE �88�1 <br /> . <br /> L�nder is the benef�ciary under�his Se�ur��y �n�trument. <br /> �D} "Trustee" �s Arend R Baa�k, Attorney <br /> 4E} "�V�teTT means�he pr�m�ssary no�e si�ned�y Barrow�r and da�ed No�ember' �6, 2�15 . The Nate <br /> states that Borrow�r owes Lender 5 I XTY F I V E TH�[JSAN D AN D ��I l D 4 <br /> Dn��ars �U.S. $65,�4�.D� }p�us in�er�st. Bnrro�er has pramised t�pay this debt in regular <br /> Periadic Payments and to pay�he debt �n fui�na��ater than DeC��ber 1, ��34 . <br /> �F� "Property" mean� �h�pr�perty�hat is descr�bed below under the head�ng "Trax�.sf�r af R�ghts �n th� <br /> Proper�y." <br /> 4 G} "Lvan" means the de�t evidenced by�he Note, plus �n�eres�, any prepa�ment charge� and Iate charg�s due <br /> under the Na�e, and a�� sums due under th�s Secur�ty �ns�rument, p�us �nterest. <br /> 4 H j "Rid�rs" means al1 Riders ta this Secur��y�nstrurnen��hat are execu�ed by B�rra�er. Th�foi�ow�ng R�ders <br /> are��b�e�ecu��d by Borr��er �check box as app�icab�e�: <br /> � Ad�ustab�e Rat�R�d�r �C�ndaminium R�der � Sec�nd Home Ri�er <br /> 0 Ba���Qn R�der � Planned Un�t Develapmen�Rz�.er � �-4 Family Rider <br /> 0 VA Rid�r �B�week�� Payment Rid�r � ��her��} [sp���f�� <br /> �I� "Applicab�e Law" means al� Gontr��iing appli�able federal, s�ate and locai statutes, regulations, �rdinances <br /> and adm�zn�stra��ve ru�es and arders ��hat ha��th��ffect of�aw} as wel� as aIl applicable finai, nan-appea�abl� <br /> �jud�cial op�n�an�. <br /> �J� "C�mmunity Asso�iat�vn Duesy F�eS, and Assessrinents" means a�� dues, fees, assessments and other <br /> charg�s that ar�impas���n Borro�ver or the Proper�y by a condominivam.assoc�at�on, homeowners <br /> associa�inn or sim��ar�rgan�zati�n. <br /> 4K� "Electrvn�c Funds Transfer" means any transfer of funds, a�her than a transaction originat��by check, <br /> draft, �r s�zni�ar pap�r �ns�rum�ent, wh�ch is in��iated thraugh an electron�c termina�, telephonic �nstrumen�, <br /> comput�r, or magn�tic tape so as�o order, �nstruct, �r auth�rize a fznanc�a� �nst�tu��on tfl d�bi��r credit an <br /> account. �uch term inclu�les, but is not izmited to, p��nt-of-sa�e transfers, automat�d teller machin� <br /> transa�t�ons, transfer� �n�tiat�����elephan�, w�re transfers, and automated G��aringh�use transf�rs. <br /> �L� "Eseraw �tems" means thase ��ems�hat are d�scribed �n S�c�ion 3. <br /> �M� "�tl�i�cellaneaus Praceeds" means any c�mp�nsatian, se�tlement, award af dan�ages, or pro�eeds paid by <br /> any third party �other than znsurance proceeds paid und�r�he covera�es descri�ed in Secti�n 5} for: �i} <br /> damag���, ar des�ru�t�an of, the Pr�per��r; ���}condema�.at�on or other�ak�ng of a�� or any part of�he <br /> Pr�per�y; �i��} conveyance zn�zeu of�ondemnat�on; or��v} misrepr�sentations�f, or�missi�ns as t�, the <br /> vaiue andlor c�ndi�ion of the Pro �r� . <br /> NEBRASKA-Sinr�le Family-Fannie MaelFre�die Mac UNfF4RM iNST�UM�NT FQrrn 3D28�In1 <br /> VMP� VMPfi�N��{13�2y <br /> WoIters Kluwer Financia�Ser�ices Par�e 2❑f 7 7 <br />