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2� 15�7799 <br /> f�r the repairs and restora�zon in a singl�payment ar in a series of progr��s payments as th�work is <br /> ��mpleted. �f�he insuran�e or condemnat�an proce�ds are no�suff�cien��� repa�r or res�ore the Property, <br /> Borr�wer is not reiieved of Borrower's ob�igation far�he comp�et�on af such repair nr r�storatian. <br /> Lender or its agen�ma�make reasflnable entrie�upon and inspe�t�ons of�he Prop�r�y. If it has reasanable <br /> cause, Lender may inspect the inter�or of the impro�emen�s�n�he Prop�rty. L�nder shall gi�e Barrawer <br /> natice at the time of ar przar to such an�n�erior inspe�tion specifying such reasanab�e caus�. <br /> S. Bnrrawer`s Laan Appl�cation. B�rrower sha�l b�in default if, during the Laan applicat��n process, <br /> Borrower or any persnns nr�ntitie� a�ting at the directzan of Borraw�r or with Borrotiv�r's kno�vledge or <br /> cons�nt ga�e materially fals�, m..isleading, ar inaccurat�informat�on ar statements to Lender�or failed to <br /> prnv�de Lender w�th mater�a� �nfarmat�on} in cann�ction with the Loan. Mater�al representa�ions �nclude, but <br /> are no� ��mx�ed t�, representa�ions c�ncern�ng Borrnwer'�o�cupancy of th�Proper�y as Borrower's principal <br /> r�sid�nc�. <br /> 9. Pratection of Lender's Interest �n the P�operty and R�gnts Unde� th�s Secur�ty Instrument. �f�a} <br /> Borrower fails�a perfflrrn.the co�renants and agree�nents conta�ned zn�h�s SeCuri�y Ins�rument, �b}there is a <br /> lega�proceeding that might�ign��cant�y affect Lender's interest in the Proper��r andlor rights under this <br /> Secur��y �nstrumen��such as a proceeding �n bankruptcy, proba�e, f�r condemnat�an or f�rfeiture, for <br /> enforc�m�nt of a�ien whi�h may attain pr�ority o�er th�s SeGur�ty ins�rument�r to enforce�aws or <br /> regu�at�ons}, or��} Barr�wer has abandoned the Property, then L�nder may d�ar�d pay �or wha�ever�s <br /> reasonable ar appropr�a�e to protect Lender's interes� in the Proper�� and r�gh��under th�� Securit�r <br /> �nstrument, including protectzn� andlnr assessing�he va�ue af the Praper�y, and secur�ng andlor repairing <br /> the Praperty. L�nd�r's actzons can�nc�ude, but are no��imited�o: �a}paying any�un1� secured b�a li�n <br /> which has pr�or�ty�ver th�s Secur�ty Instrument; �b} appearing in caur�; and �c}paying rea��na���attorneys' <br /> fees to protec�its �n�erest in�he Pr�per�y andlor r��h�s under this Securi�y Instrument, including i�s secured <br /> pos�tion in a bankruptcy prac�e��ng. �ecuring the Pr�per�y �nc�udes, but is n�t limited to, entering the <br /> Praper�y to make repairs, change�ocks, replace or board up doo�-s a.�d w��.daws, drain water from pipes, <br /> el�m�na�e�uild�ng ar other code v�o�a��ans or dangerous canditions, and have uti�it�es�urn�d on ar aff. <br /> Al�hau�h Lender may take acti�n und�r�h�s Se�tz�n 9, L�nder does no�have tfl da s� and is not under any <br /> duty or ob�igat�an to do sa. It is agre�d�hat Lender�ncurs n� �ia�i�i�y far n�t taking an�r or ail ac�i�ns <br /> authariz�d und�r th�s S�c�ion 9. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender und�r th�s Sect�on 9 shall became addit��na�debt nf Barrawer secured by <br /> �hx�Secur�ty Ins�rumen�. These amounts shall bear interest a��he Note rate�date of disburs�men� <br /> and�hal�be paya�le, w�th such �nterest, upon natice fr�m Lender to Borrflvver reques��ng paymen�. <br /> If this Securi�y �nstrument is on a l�asehold, Barrawer shall camply with all the prov�sions of�he lease. �f <br /> Borrouler acquires f�e tit�e to the Prop�rty, the Ieaseho�d and�he fee t��le shal� not mer�e unless Lender <br /> agr��s to the merger in wrzt�ng. <br /> ��. Nlortgage insurance. If Lender required M�r�gage �nsurance as a con�i�ion of mak�ng the Laan, Borrower <br /> sha�l pay�he prem�ums required to mainta�n�he Mor�gag��nsuranc�in�ffect. If, for azay reasan, �he <br /> Mortgage Insurance coverag�r�quired by Lender cease�to be avaz�ab�e from the mortgage insur�r that <br /> previously prov�ded such �nsurance and Barrower was required ta make s�parately des�gnated payments <br /> taward�he prern�ums �or N�o�gage�nsurance, Borrower shall pay the premiums requ�red��ob�ain�overage <br /> sub�ta.nt�ai�y equivaient to the M�r�gage�nsuranCe pre�iously in effect, at a cos�substant�a��y equi�a�ent tfl <br /> the cost to Borra�er af the Mortgage�nsuranc�previously�n effect, from an a�t�rnate rnortgage�nsurer <br /> selec�ed b� Lender, �f substantially�quiva�ent M�r�gage Insuranc�ca�erage is not a�ailable, Borrower sha�� <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Family-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac tJNiFaRM 1NSTRUM�NT Farm 3D2$�10� <br /> VMP� VMPS�N�i 4�3fl�� <br /> Wa�ters KEuwer�inancia!Ser�ices Page 8 af�7 <br />