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2� 15�7799 <br /> �3. Recon�eyance. Upan paymen�of al� sums seGured by this Se�urit� �nstrument, Lender sha�l request <br /> Trustee�o rec�n�ey fihe Prap�rty and shal� surrender t�is Secur�t� �nstrumen�and a�l notes e�iden�ing d�b� <br /> se�ured by this Security �nstrumen�to Trus�ee. Trustee shall r�convey the Prop�r��without warran�y ta the <br /> person ar pers�ns �ega�Iy en�it�ed t� ��. Su�h p�rson�r persans shall pa� any recordati�n cas�s. Lender may <br /> charg�su�h person or persons a fee for rec�n�rey�ng�he Prap�rty, but only �f the fe�is paid to a�hird par�� <br /> �such as the Trustee} f�r servic�s rendered and�he charging of the f�e�s perrn�tted under Applica��e Law. <br /> �4, Suhst�tute Trustee. Lender, at i�s op�inn, may fronl�xm�tfl time remo�e Trus�ee and app�int a successor <br /> trus�e��o any Trus�ee appo�n�ed hereunder by an instrument recorde� �n the�ounty in wh�ch�his Secur��y <br /> Ins�rumen� xs rec�rded. V�Tithout con�eyance of the Property, the success�r trus�ee sha11 succeed to aII the <br /> title, pov�►ler and�u���s��nferre�i upon Trustee here�n and by Appl�cable Lav�r. <br /> �5. Request fvr Notices. Borrower reques�s�hat c�p�es of the notice of defauit and sa�e be sent to Borro�ver's <br /> address which is th�Propert� Address. <br /> N�QRASKA-5ingle�amity-Fannie MaelFreddie Ma�IJNIFQRM tNSTRUM�NT �arm 3�28�1a1 <br /> VMP� VMPfitN�y��3D�y <br /> Wolters Ktuwer�inanciaf Ser�ices Page 15 of 17 <br />