2� 15�7799
<br /> in the Prap�r�� and righ�s under this Secur�t}� �nstrum�nt; and �d} tak�s such ac�ion as Lender may
<br /> r�asanab�y r�quire�o assure that Lender'� �n�erest in the Praper�y and r�ghts under�his �ecuri�y �nstrumen�,
<br /> and Borrovver's obligation to pa� th�sums secured by ��his Security �nstrument, shall continue unchanged.
<br /> Lend�r ma� requir�tha�Borrovver pay such re�ns�atement sums and expenses in�ne or more af the fol�owing
<br /> forms, as seie���d by Lender: �a} cash; �b�rnoney ord�r; �c}�er�i�ed check, �ank chec�, �reasurer's check or
<br /> �ashier's check, pra�v�ded an� such check is drawn upon an ins�itution whose depas��s are insured by a
<br /> fe�ierai agency, instrumenta�ity ar en��ty; ar�d} Electron�c Funds Transfer. Upon re�nstatemen�by Borrower,
<br /> this Secur�ty Instrumen�and flbiigat�ons secured hereby shali re�na�n ful�y effec�i�e a� �f na acce�erat�on had
<br /> �ccurred. Howe�er, th�s right�o reins�ate sha11 not apply in�h�case of acc�Ieration under Sec�ion 1 S.
<br /> �Q. Sa�e �f �flte; Change of Lvan Ser�icer; N�t�ce af Grie�ance. The Note or a partial in�eres��n�he
<br /> Note��agether with this Securi�y �nstrumen�} can be sold one or more�imes vwithout pr�or n�tice to
<br /> Borrower. A sa��might resul� in a change in the entity �knovvn as the "Loa�t Servicer"} tha��ol��cts P�riodic
<br /> Payments due under the No�e and this Securz�y �nstrur�nent and performs other n�.or�gage loan ser��c�ng
<br /> ob�iga�ions under the No�e, th�s Secur�ty �ns�rumen�, and App�icab�e Lav�. There a��o n��ght be an��r�more
<br /> changes of�he I.oan Ser�ricer unrelated�o a sale af�he Note. �f there�s a change�f the L.�an Serv�cer,
<br /> gorrov�r�r wiii be�iven written not��e of the change whi�h will sta�e Yhe name and address af the new Laan
<br /> Servicer, the address�o wh�ch paymen�s should be made and any�ther info�-mation RESPA requir�s in
<br /> �onne��ion with a notice of transfer of ser��cing. �f the N��e is sfl�d and thereafter the Laan�s servic�d b�a
<br /> Laan Servicer other than�he purchaser of the Not�, the mor�gage loan servic�ng obligations t�B�rrov�r�r�vi��
<br /> rema�n�r�th the Loan S�r�icer or be transferred to a successor L�an Servicer ar�d are n�t assumed�y the
<br /> Note purchaser un�ess o��e�-v�rise provided�y�h�No�e purchaser.
<br /> N�i�her Borrower nor Lender xnay commence,j oin, or be j oined t� any�udicial ac�i�n�as ei�her an
<br /> �ndi�v�dual�i�igant or�he member�f a class} that arises from�he o�her par�y's ac�i�ns pursuan�to this
<br /> Security �nstrumen�or�hat alleges �hat�he Q�her par�y has breached any pro�is�on of, or an� duty owed by
<br /> reason ofy th�s Securi��r �nstrunZen�, untii �uch Bflrrower ar Lender has not�f�ed�he other party �v�ith such
<br /> no�ice g�ven in compliance wi�h the re�uiremen�s of Sec�ion �5}af such alleged breach and afforded t.�e
<br /> other par��h�reto a reas�nable period af�er�he gi�ing of such no�ice to�ake c�rre�tive act�on. �f Appl��ab��
<br /> Law provzdes a t�me per�od which mus�elapse b�fore cer�a�n ac�ion can be�aken, that�ime period w�ll be
<br /> deemed to be reasnnable for purposes of this paragraph. The notice of acc���ra��on and opportunity to�ure
<br /> gi�en to Borrovver pursuan��� Sect��n 2�and�he not�ce of acce�era���n given ta Bflrrower pursuant�o
<br /> Se�t�on 18 shali b�deemed ta satisfy the n�tice and oppor�uni�y to take correc�i�e ac�ion provis�ons�f this
<br /> Sect�on 2�.
<br /> �'1. Hazard�us Substances. As used in this Section��: �a} ",�Ya�ardor�s Su�s�arzces"are�hose substances
<br /> defined as to�ic or hazardous subs�ances, poiiu�antsy ar wastes b� �n�irnnmental Lav� and the f�llovv�ng
<br /> substances: ga���ine, kerosene, other flammable or toxi�petroleum products, �o�ic�esticides and herb�cides,
<br /> �olat�le so��ents, ma�er�a�s�ontaining asbes�as or f�rmaidehyde, and rad�oac�i�e rnateriais; ��}
<br /> "�nvzrot���xe��tal Law"mean� federa� �av�s and laws�f the j ur�sdiction where the Praper�y �s la�ated tha�
<br /> reiate t�health, safety or env�ronmental protectio�; �c} ".Lnvirarrrr��n�a� C�eanup" �ne�udes any respanse
<br /> ac��on, r�medial action, �r rem��al act�on, as defined in En��ran�mental Law; and �d} an "�'nvirorzt�2er�tal
<br /> Corxdition"means a cond�t�on that can cause, c�ntrihute to, or otherwise�rigger an Env�ronm�ntal �leanup.
<br /> B�rrower shal�nat cause or permit the presence, use, d�sp�sal, s�orag�, or rel�ase of an� Hazardous
<br /> Substan�es, or�hreaten�o release any Hazardaus Substanc�s, on or in�he Proper��. Borrov�rer sha��not do,
<br /> nor al�nw anyon�else�o do, any�h�ng affecting the Praperty �a} tha� is in v�oiat�nn�f an� En�ironmen�al
<br /> Law, �b� �vh�ch crea�es an En�xronmental �ondi�ion, flr�c} whi�h, due to the presence, us�, or re�ease of a
<br /> Hazardous Subs�ance, crea�es a condi�ion tha�ad�ers�Iy affect��he�a�ue�f�he Proper�y. The preceding two
<br /> NEBRASKA-Sir�gle Famity-Fannie Mael�xeddie Mac UN�FQ�M INSTRUM�NT �vr�r►3a�$11�7
<br /> VMP[� VMP6�NE���3�Zf
<br /> Wo�ters KIuwer Financia�Ser�ices Page'13 af'�7
<br />