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2� 15�7799 <br /> sa��sfa���on, pro�ided�hat such inspect��n shal�be undertaken promp��y. Lender may pay f�r the repairs <br /> and restoration in a single disbursem�n��r zn a ser�es af pragress payments as the w�rk is c�mpleted. <br /> Unless ar� agreement is made in wr�t�n�or Appi�Gab�e Law re�u�res int�rest to be paid an such <br /> M�scellaneous Pr�ceeds, Lender shal�n�t be r�qu�red to pay Barro�ver any interest ar earnings on such <br /> M�scellaneou� Pr�c�eds. If the restorat�on or r�pa�r�s no�econon���al�y feasible or Lender's se�:urity would <br /> be lessened, the Mis�ellaneous Praceeds s�al� b�app����.��the sum.s secured by this Securit�Instrument, <br /> whe�her or no�th�n due, with the ex�ess, �f any, pa�d to Borrow�r. Such M�sce��aneous Proceeds shal�be <br /> appli�d �n�he order pr�Wid�d for in Section�. <br /> In�he event of a total taking, des�ru�t�an, or lass in�alue of the Pr�p�rty, th�M�scellaneou� Proceeds sha11 <br /> be app�ied ta the sum� secured by�h�s Secur�ty�nstrument, whether�r nat�hen due, u�ith�he excess, �f any, <br /> pa�d to Bflrrower, <br /> In�he even�of a par��a� �aking, destruction, or Ioss zn value of the Proper�y in which�he fair market�a�u�af <br /> th�Pr�perty immed�ate�y befare the partia� taking, ��struct�fln, or��ss in value is equai to�r great�r than the <br /> amount of�h�sums secured hy th�s�ecurity �nstrum�nt immed�ate�y before�h�partial �aking, destruction, or <br /> l�ss in va�ue, unless Barrow�r and Lend�r o�herwzs�agree in�vrit�ng, the sums se�ured by this Security <br /> �nstrument sha�I be reduced by�he amount of the N��sceilaneaus Proceeds mu�t�plzed�y�h�following <br /> fra���on: �a} the�a�a� amount�f the sums secured immed�ately�efor�the partial tak�ng, destructz�n, or�ass <br /> in value di�id�d by �b} the fair market va�ue af the Prflp�r�y �mmediately befor�the partial taking, <br /> �estruction, or Ioss �n�aiue. Any halance shall b�paid�a Barrnwer. <br /> �n the event of a par�ial taking, destruct�on, or�o�� �n�aiue of the Pr�per��in vvh�ch th�fair market value af <br /> �h�Prflperty immediatel�before th�par�ial �ak�ng, destruC�i�n, or�oss �n va�ue�s less than the amount of the <br /> sums secured �mmediately befare th�par�ial taking, destruction, ar loss in�alue, un�ess Borrower and <br /> Lend�r otherw��e agree in writ�ng, the Miscellaneous Proc�eds shall be app�ied to th�sums secured�y�h�s <br /> Securit� �nstrument whe�her or not the sums are then due. <br /> �f the Prap�r�y is abandon�d�y B�rrawer, ar�f, af�er natice by L�nder t� Borrower that�he�pposing Par�y <br /> �as de�ned in the next sentence}offers ta make an award t� s�t��e a c�a�m far damages, Borrov�er fails to <br /> respond�Q Lender within 3�days after�he date the nfltxce is giv�n, Lend�r�s author�2ed to collec�an�apply <br /> the M�sce��aneous Proceeds�i�h�r ta r�storation or repa�r of�he Proper�y or�o�he sums secured by�h�s <br /> Securi�y �ns�rument, whe�her or not then du�. "4pposi�g Party" means the th�rd party that o�ves Borrower <br /> Misce��an�ous Prac��ds�r the par�y a�ainst whom Borrawer ha� a r�ght�f ac�i�n in r�gard to Mis�elianeaus <br /> Proceeds. <br /> Borrower shall be in default if any ac��on�r praceed�ng, wh�ther c�vi� or cr�m�na�, is begun that, �n Lender's <br /> �udgment, cou�d resu�t�n forfeiture of the Propert� ar o�her ma�eria� impa�rrnent of L�nder's �nteres��n�he <br /> Praper�y or r�gh�s under this S�curi�y �nstrument. Borro��r can�ure such a default and, �f acce�erat�on has <br /> �Ccurred, reinstate as prov�ded�n Se��ion �9, by causing th�ac��on or pro���ding�o be dismissed w�th a <br /> ru��ng that, in L�nder's�udgmen�, prec�udes forfe��ure�f�he Proper�y or o�h�r materia� �mpairment�f <br /> Lender's �nterest in the Propert� or r�ghts under th�s Securi�y Instrument. The proceeds of any award ar <br /> ciaim f�r dama�es tha�are attributable to the �mpa�rmen�of Lender's in��rest in th�Proper�� are hereby <br /> assigned and sha�l be pa��i t� L�nd�r. <br /> Ali M�s��iianeaus Proceeds that are not applied to restoratian or repair af the Frapert�shall b�applied �n the <br /> �rder pravided for in Sect�on 2. <br /> N�BRASKA-Sir�gie Fami{y-Fannie MaeJFreddl�Mac UNEF�RM 1N5TRtJMENT Farm 3�28�147 <br /> VMP� VMPE�N��4134�j <br /> Walters Kluwer Financia�Ser�ices Page 10 of�7 <br />