2� 15�7794
<br /> 11. ENVIR4NMENTAL LAWS AND HAZARD�US SUBSTANCES. As used in this section,
<br /> �1} En�irnnmental Law means, wi�hvut limita�ian, the �omprehensi�� Environmental R�sponse,
<br /> �ampensati�n and L�ability Act ��ERCLA, 42 U.S.C. 95�� et seq.}, and all other federal, sta�e and 1oca1
<br /> �aws, regulations, ordinances, eour� �rders, attorney general opinions or interpretive let�ers coneerning the
<br /> public health, saf�ty, welfare, en�ironment ar a hazardous substance; and�Z} Hazardous Substance means any
<br /> tvxic, radinacti�e �r hazardous material, waste, pallutant ar contaminan� which has characteristics which
<br /> render the substance dangerous ar poCentially dangerous ta the pub�ic health, safety, welfaxe�r en�ironment.
<br /> The �erm includes, withou� limi�atian, any substances defin�d as "hazardaus materia�," "taxic substances,"
<br /> "hazar�lous waste" or "hazardaus subs�ance" under any En�ironmenta� Law.
<br /> Trustor represents, warrants and agre�s that:
<br /> A.Except as pre�iously disclased and acknawledged in writing �a Beneficiary, no Hazardous Substance is
<br /> ar wili be �ocated, stored or released on or in �he Property. This restriction does not apply to sma��
<br /> quantities of Hazard�us Substances tha� are generally recognized to b� appropriate for the norma� use
<br /> and maintenance of the Property.
<br /> � B. �xcept a� pre�iously �isclfls�� and a��ri�wledged in wri�i�.g to Ben�ficiary, Trustar and e�ery tenant
<br /> have been, are, and sha11 r�main in ful� c�mpliance with any applicable En�ir�nmental Law.
<br /> �.Trustor shall immedia�ely nfl�ify Ben�ficiary if a re�ease ar threatened release of a Hazardous 5ubstance
<br /> occurs on, under or about the Praperty or there is a�iolatian of any En�ironmen�al Law concerning the
<br /> Praperty. In such an event, Trustor sha11 take a11 n�cessary remedial action in accardance with any
<br /> En�ironmental Lavv.
<br /> D.T�ust�r sha�l immediately notify Beneficiary in writing as soan as Trustor has reason�o beli��e there is
<br /> any pending or thr�atened in�restigation, claim, or proceeding reiating to the release or �hreatened
<br /> release af any Hazardaus Substa.nce or the viola�ion of any En�ironm�ntal Law.
<br /> 12. ESCRaW FQR TA�ES AND INSURANCE. Un�ess atherwise pro�ided in a separate agreement, Trustar
<br /> wi�1 not be required to pay ta Beneficiary funds f�r�axes and insurance in escrow.
<br /> duties under this Se�urity znstrument ar�jflint and ind��idual. If Trus�ar signs this Se�urity Instrument but
<br /> daes not sign an e�idence of d�bt, Trust�r daes sa only �o martgage Trustor's interest in the Property to
<br /> secure payment of the Secured Debt and Trustar does not agree to be personally liable on the Secured Debt. If
<br /> this S�curity Instrument secures a �uaranty b�tween Ben�ficiary and Trustar, Trustor agrees ta wai�e any
<br /> righ�s tha� may prev�nt B�neficiary from bringing any action or claim against Trustor or any party indebted
<br /> under the obiiga�ion. Th�se rights may include, but are not l�mited �o, any anti-deficiency or ane-actian Iaws.
<br /> The duties and benefits of this Securi�y Instrument sha11 bind and benefit the su�cess�rs and assigns�f Trustor
<br /> and Beneficiary.
<br /> 14. SEVERABILITY; II�TERFR.ETATI�N. This Security Instrumen� is comple�e and fully integrated. This
<br /> Securi�y Instrument may not b� amended or modifi�d by aral agre�ment. Any section in this Secur�ty
<br /> Instrument, attachments, or any agreement re�ated t� the 5ecur�d Deb�that conflicts with applicabl� Iaw will
<br /> not �e effecti�e, unless that law e�pressly ar impliedly permits the variation5 by written agreemen�. If any
<br /> se�ti�n of th�s Security Instrumen� cannot be enforced according to its terms, that section wiil be se�ered and
<br /> wi11 not affect the enforceability af the rernainder af this S�curity Instrument. VVhene�er used, the singular
<br /> shall znciude the plura� and the p�ural the s�ngu�ar, The captians and headings of the sections �f this ��curity
<br /> �nstrument are for con�enience only and are nat to be used to interpret or define �he terms �f this Securi�y
<br /> �ns�rument. Tim� is af the essence in this 5ecuri�y Instrument.
<br /> 15. SUC�ESS�R TRUSTEE. Beneficiary, at Benefi�iary's aption, may fram time ta time remave Tru�t�e and
<br /> appQint a suc�essor trustee wi�haut any other formality than the designatian �n writing. The successor�rust��,
<br /> wzChaut con�eyance af�he Property, shall succeed�a all the title, povv��r���duties conferred upon Trustee by
<br /> thxs Se�urity Instrument and applicahle 1aw. - �� - F �''.� �-
<br /> � :�. � .
<br /> . ,. �� .
<br /> ' ks
<br /> 15. N�TICE, Unl�ss otherwise required by law, any not�ce shall be giv�nt'�by� delivering 4it �r by mailing it by
<br /> first class mail to �he appropriate party's address on page � of th�s Security �nstrume�nt, or to any other
<br /> address designated in writing. Notice ta an� trustar wi11 be deemed to be notice to all trustvrs. Trustor and
<br /> B�neficiary here�y request a copy of any notice of default, and a �opy of any notice of sale thereunder, be
<br /> mailed to each party at�he address for such party set forth on page 1 of th�s 5�curi�y �nstrument.
<br /> 17. WAIVER�. Except t❑ the ext�nt prohibited by 1aw, Trus�ar waives all appraisement and hames�ead
<br /> exemptian rights relating ta the Pr�perty.
<br /> 1S, LINE �F CREDIT, The S�cured D�bt includes a revolving line flf credit. Although the Secured Debt may
<br /> be reduced tn a zero balance, this Se�uri�y InstrumenC will remain in effect until released.
<br /> 5ecurity Instrurr�ent-Open-End-Consumer-PVE nCP-R�DT-NE 71�12D1�
<br /> VMPD Bankers 5ystemsT"�' VMP-C4fi5�N�y ��147�A�
<br /> W�iters Kiuwer Financial Services C�1994,��11 Page 5 af fi
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