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2� 15�7793 <br /> DEED [}F TRUST <br /> €��ntinued� Pag� 7 <br /> bound by the alteration or amendment. <br /> Annual Reports. If the Property is used fior purposes other than Trustor's residence� Trustor shall furnish tv <br /> Lender, upon request. a certified statement of net �perating income recei��d from the Pr�perty during Trust�r's <br /> pre�ivus fiscal year in such f�rm and detail as Lender shall require. "Net operating in�ome" shall mean all cash <br /> receipts from the Prvperty I�ss ail cash expenditures made in connection with the operation of�he Proper�y. <br /> Captivn Headings. Caption headings in this Deed of Trust are fvr con�enience purposes only and are no� #o be <br /> used tv in#�rpret or define the pro�isivns nf this Deed vf Trust. <br /> N�erger. There shall be no merg�r of the interest o�estate created by this ❑�ed of Trust with any ather interest or <br /> estate in the Property at any time held by or for the ben�fit of Lender in any capacity, with�ut the written consent <br /> of Lender. <br /> Go►►erning Law. This Deed vf Trust will be ga�erned by federal law appli�ab�e ta Lender and, ta#he extsnt not <br /> preempted by federa!�aw,the laws of the St�te of Nehraska without regard tv its�onflicts o#law pro►►isions. This <br /> Deed o#Trus#has heen acceptsd by Lendsr in the St�#e af Nebraska. <br /> Choice a#Venue. �f there is a lawsuit, Trustor agrees upon Lender's request to su�mit to the jurisdiction of the <br /> courts of Hall County, State of Nebraska. <br /> Joint and Se�eral Liability. All vbligativns �f 6v�rower and Trustvr under this ❑eed of T�ust shal� �e joint and <br /> se�eral, and al! r�ferences�o Trustvr shall m�an each and e�ery Trus�or, and a!� references to Borrower shall m�an <br /> each and e�ery 6or�vwer. This means that ea�h Trustor signing be�ow is respansible for all obiigatians in th�s Deed <br /> of Trust. <br /> Na Wai�er by Lender. L�nder sha�� nat be deemed tv ha�e wai�ed any rights under this Deed ❑#Trust unless such <br /> wai►►er is gi�en in wri#ing and signed by Lender. No de�ay vr omissiQn�n the part af Lender in exercising any right <br /> shall operate as a wai�er of such right�r any other right. A wai�er by Lender of a pro�ision of th�s Deed vf Trust <br /> shat� nat prejudice or canstitute a wai�er of Lender's right atherwise to demand strict cvmpliance with that <br /> prv�is�on or any other pro�ision of this �eed of Trust. No prfor wai�er by Lender. nor any course v� dealing <br /> hetween Lender and Trustor, shall cvnstitute a wai�er of any of Lender's rights or of any vf Trust�r's obligations <br /> as ta any #uture transactions. Whene�er the �onsent of Lender is required under this Deed of Trus�. the granting <br /> vf such consent by Lender in any instance shall not constitute cantinuing consent to subsequent instan�es wher� <br /> such cansent is required and in all cases such cvnsent may be granted or withheld in the sole discretivn of Lender, <br /> Se�erability. If a cvurt of cvmpetent jurisdiction #inds any prv�isian �f this Deed af Trust to be illegal, in►►al�d, or <br /> unen#vrceable as to any person or circumstance. that finding sha�l not make the affending pro�isivn iliegal, in�a�id, <br /> or unenfvr�eable as ta any other person or circumstance. If feas�ble. the offending pra�ision shall �e cansidered <br /> madified so that it b�cvmes legal, �alid and enfior�eahle. if the offending pr��ision canno# be s❑ mvdified� it shall <br /> be considered del�ted from this ❑eed of Trust. Unless �therwise required hy law, the ill�gality, in�alidity. vr <br /> unenforceability of any pra►►isivn of�h�s ❑eed o#Trust shal! not affect the legality, �alidity ❑r en#orceability vf any <br /> vther prv�isivn of this ❑eed af Trust. <br /> Su���ssors and Assigns. 5ubject �o any limitations stated in this aeed of Trust on transfer of Trustor's interest, <br /> this Deed v# Trust shall be b�nding upon and inur� to the benefit ofi the parties, their succ�ssors and assigns. If <br /> ownership of the Propsrty becomes �ested in a persvn other than Trustor. L�nder, without noti�e to Trustor. may <br /> deal with Trust�r's successors with re#erence ta this Deed of Trust and the Indeht�dness hy way vf forbearance vr <br /> extension without releasing Trus��r from#he vbi�gations of this Deed vf Trust❑r liahility under the Indehtedness. <br /> Time is o#the Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance af this ❑eed a#Trust. <br /> Wair►a Jury. All partEes to this Deed of Trust hereby wai�e the right to�ny jury triai in any action. proceeding. or <br /> �ounter�laim brought by any party against any other party. <br /> Wai�er of Hvmestead Exemption. Trustor hereby releases and wai�es all rights and benefits o# the homestead <br /> exemption laws of the 5tate of Nebraska as ta afl Indebtedness secured by this ❑eed of Trust. <br /> DEFINITIDNS. The foilowing cap�talized w�rds and terms shall ha�e the fiallo►rving meanings when used in th�s Deed af <br /> Trust. Unless specifically stated to the contrary, all references tv dvllar amaunts shall mean amounts in lawful money <br /> of the United 5tates of America. Words and terms used �n the singular shall include the plural, and the plural shall <br /> include the singular, as the cantext may require. Words and terms not otherwise defined in #his Deed v# Trust shall <br /> ha�e the meanings attributed t❑such�erms in the Unifvrm Commercial Cade: <br /> Benefi�iary. The word "Ben��iciary" means Exchange Bank� and its successors and assigns. <br /> Borrower. The word "Borr�wer" means�SEKA H�]MES LLC and includes all co-signers and ca-makers signing the <br /> Note and all their success�rs and assigns. <br /> Deed of Trust. The words "Deed of Trus�" mean this Deed of Trust amang Trustvr. Lender. and Trustee. and <br /> includes without limitation a!I assignment and security interest pra�isians relating t❑ the Personal Prvp�rty and <br /> Rents. <br /> Default. The word "Default" means the Defauit set forth in th�s ❑eed of Trust in the section titled "De�ault". <br /> En�ironment�l Laws. The rn►ards "En�iranmental Laws" msan any and ail state. federal and i�cal sta�utes. <br /> regulations and ord�nances re�ating to the protection of human heal�h vr the en�ironment. in�luding withaut <br /> iimitation the Comprehensi�e En�ironmenta� Response, Comper�satian�,�=and �r�r�ifi�y��Act a�# 'I 98p;�as am�nded, 4� <br /> 11.5.C. Sec#ion 9fi�1, et seq. �"CER�LA"y, the Superfund Amendments and Reauthoriza#�an Act of '198F, Puh. L. <br /> Nv. 99-499 �"SARA"y, the Hazardaus Materials Transpvrtativn Act; 49.U.S.C.�Sec#ion 18a1. et seq..`the Resourc� <br /> Conser�ation and Re�o�ery Act, 42 U.S.C. Se�tivn 69��, e# seq.;_,or vther appl.i�ahl� sta�e or federal laws. rules, <br /> or regulations adapt�d pursuant thereto. � <br /> E�ent of Default. The wards "E�ent of❑efault" mean any of the e�ents of default set fn�th in this Deed❑f Trust fn <br /> th�e�ents Qf default sectian of this Deed of Trust. <br /> Guaranty. The word "Guaranty" means the guaranty from guarantvr, end�rser, surety, �r a�commodation party ta <br /> Lender, in�iuding ►rvithout iimitativn a guaranty of all ar part o#the Note. <br /> Hazardaus Suhstances. The wvrds "Ha�ardaus Substances" mean materials that. because of the�� quantity, <br /> concentration �r physical, chemical or infec#ious characteristics, may cause ar pose a present or potentia� hazard <br /> to human health or the en�irvnment when improperly used, treated, stor�d, disposed of, gen�rated, manufactured, <br /> transported or otherwise handled. The words "Hazar�ous 5ubstan�es" are used in their ►►ery braadest s�nse and <br /> include withvut iimitation any and all hazardous vr toxic substances. materials vr waste as defin�d by or list�d <br /> under the En�ironmental Laws. The term "Hazardous Substances" alsv includes, wi#hout limitation, petroleum and <br /> p�tr�leum by-products or any fraction thereaf and asbestos. <br /> Imprv�ements. The word "lmpro�ements" means all ex�sting and future imprv�ements, buildings, structures, <br /> mobile homes affixed vn the Real Prvperty, faciiiti�s, additions, replacements and vther construction on the Real <br /> Prvpe�ty. <br /> �ndgbtedness. The word "Indebtedness" means all pr�nc�pal, interest, and other amounts, costs and expenses <br /> f � <br /> # <br /> � <br /> E <br />