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2� 15�7751 <br /> DEE[� DF TRIJSY <br /> 4�ontinu�d� Page z <br /> En�ironmenta� Laws. Trustar authari�es L�nd�r and its agents �o enter upon the Proper�y tv make such <br /> inspectivns and tests, at Trustor's expense, as Lender may deern ap�ropria�e tQ determine campliance v� the <br /> Property with this sectian af the Deed of Trust, Any inspe�tions or �ests made by Lender shall be for L�nder's <br /> purposes oniy and shali not be construed fio create any respansibifity ar liability on the part�f Lender to Trustvr ar <br /> �o an� other p�rsvn. The representations and v�rarranties cantained h�r�in are ��sed vn Trusto�'s due diligen�e in <br /> in�estigating �he Praperty for Hazardaus 5ubstanCes. Trustor her�by �1 y releas�s and wai�es any €utu�e elaims <br /> against Lend�r far indemnity or can�ribution in the e�en� Trustvr be�ames liable f�r �leanup or o#her �osts under <br /> �ny such laws; �nd �2� a�rees tv indernnify, defend, and hald harml�ss Lender against any and all claim�, 1Q��es, <br /> liabili�ies, damages, p�nalties, �r�d expenses whiGh Lender may dire��ly or ind���ctly sustain or suffer�e�uf�ing from <br /> a breach o�this sectifln of the D�ed �f Trust ❑r as a cvnsequence c�f any use, generation, manufacture, Storage, <br /> dispasai, ��lease or threaten�d r�feas�occurring prior�v Trustor's awnership or inter�st in�he Pro�ertyF whether vr <br /> not �the same was ar should h��e been known fio Trustor. The p�o��sions of this sect�on vf the Deed af Trust, <br /> inGluding the obligativn tv ind�mnify and de�end, shall sur�i�e the paymen�of the �ndebtedness and the satis�ac�ion <br /> and recon�ey�nc� ❑�the li�n Qf this C�eed of Trus�and shal! nvt be affec��d by Lend�r's a�quisition of any in�erest <br /> in the Property, whe�her#�y fare�losu�e ar otherwise. <br /> Nuisa�c�, Vllast�. Trustor shall na� cause, cvndu�� ar permit any nuisance nvr cvmmi�, p�rmit, or suf��r �ny <br /> s�ripping o� or was�e on ar to the Prvperfiy or any portion af the Praperty, Vllithout limiting the generality of the <br /> �oregoing, Trustor wii� nvt remo�e, vr grant tv any a�ther party �he right t� remo�e, any timher, minera�s tincluding <br /> o+� and gasy, caal, c�ay� SCQria, sail, gra�el or rock products wi�hvut Lender's pri�r writt�n cvnsent. <br /> Rema�►a�v�Impra►►emen�s. Trus#or sha11 not demolish ar remo�e any Imprv�ements#rQm the Reai Prvperty withou�t <br /> Lender's prior wri�'��n consent, As a condition to the remv�al v�any Impro�ements, Lend�r may require Trus�or to <br /> make arrang�ments satisfac�ary t❑ Lender tv repla�e such {mpr��emen�s with imprv�ements of a� least equal <br /> �alue. <br /> Lender's Right to Enter. Lend�r and Lend�r's agen�s and representa�i�es may enter upon �the Real Prop�rty at a�f <br /> reasonable times to att�nd ta Lender's interests and �❑ inspect the R�al Property for purpases of Trustor's <br /> �ompiiance with�h�terms and condi�ir�ns o�this L���d v�Trust. <br /> �omp�iance with �vWernmental Requirements. Trustor shafl pror�ptly comply wrth all laws, �rdinances, and <br /> regulativns, naw vr hereafter in effect, of all go�ernm�ntaf authorities applicah�e t� the use or accupan�y of �he <br /> Prope�ty. Trus�ar may c�ntest in c�aad faith any su�h law, ordinance, or reguiation and v►rithhold compliance during <br /> any prQceeding, including appropriate appeals, so f�ng as Trustor has nati�ied Lender in writing prior �v daing so <br /> and s� lang as, in Lender's svFe apini�n, Lender's in��res�s in the Pr�per�� are not seopardi�ed. Lender may�equire <br /> Trustar to pc�st adequate s�Guri�y or a surety �ond, reasvnabl�+satisfactory�a Lender, �a pratect Lender's interest. <br /> ❑uty �a Prote�t, Trustvr agrees neither to abandon or leave unatt�nd�d the Pr�perty. Trustor shall dv all o�her <br /> acts, in addi�ian to thtise ac�s ��t forth abo�e in this section, which�rom the character and use of the Praper'�y are <br /> reasvnabiy necessary to protect and preser�e the Property. <br /> �71���N SALE- C�NSENT gY LENDEa. Lender may, a� Lender's optian, deciare imm�diately due and payable all sums <br /> secured by this ❑eed o�Trust upan the sale a�t�ans�er, withaut Lend�r's prior written can�ent� of all or any part o�the <br /> Real Prope�ty, or any in�eres� in the Real Property. A "sale ❑r transfer" means the �vn��yance of Real Property or any <br /> r�ght, tifil� ar interest �n the R�al Proper�y; whether iega�, b�neficial ar �quital�le; wheth�r �aluntary or in�vlun�ary; <br /> whether by vu�right sale, deed, insta�lment sale cvnt�act, land Gvntrac�, confiract for deed, I�asehold intere�t wi�h a <br /> t�rm great�r than thr�e �3j years, I�ase-optian contrac�, vr �y safe, assignment, or transfer Q# any bene�icial inte��s� in <br /> vr�o any land trust hold�ng ti�le to the Real Praperty, ar by any other m��hod afi Gon�eyan�e of an interes�C in the Real <br /> Praper�y. Howe�er, this option shall nvt be exercised by Lender i� such exer�ise Fs prohibited hy f�deral law or by <br /> Nebr�ska la�ru. <br /> TAXES Ai�D LIENS. The #ollawing pravisi�ns relating ta �he taxes and liens on the Property are par� of this Deed a# <br /> Tru�'�: <br /> Paym�nt. �"rus�or sha�f pay wh�n due {and in a!I e�ents prior�ko delinquency� atf taxes, special taxes, assessmen�s, <br /> charges tincluding wat�r and s�wery, fines and impositions le��ed aga�n�t or on a�caunt Qfi the Property, and shall <br /> �ay when du� all �laims �or wark done fln ar for ��r�ices rendered ar material furnish�d to the Praper�y. Trustor <br /> shaff maintain�he Property firee�f all liens ha�ing priority a��r ar equal to the interest Qf Lender under this �eed �f <br /> Trust, except �c�r �he I�en Qf taxes and assessments not due, �xcep� for the E�isting �nde�tedn�ss �ef�rr�d ta <br /> below, and e�cept as atherr�+i�e pro�ided in this Deed of Tru�t. <br /> Right�v CQnt�st. Trustor may withhafd payment o�F any �ax, assessment, �r c�aim in cannection with a good faith <br /> disput� c�wer the obligatian to pay, s❑ lar�g as Lender's interest in the �'rvperty +s not jeop�rdi��d. if a lien arises or <br /> is filed as a r�sult of nvnpayment, Trus�ar shall within �Fifteen �15} days after the lien arises or, i� a �ien is fi[ed, <br /> wi�hin �ifte�n {1�� days a�t�r Trustar has no�ice vf �he fil�ng, secure the discharge of the li�n, vr if requested by <br /> Lender, deposifi w�th Lende�ca�h or a suf�icient corpora�e surety bond or ather secur�ty satisfactary to L�r�der in an <br /> amount suffi�ient�o discharg�the lien pfus any c�sts and attorneys' fee�� or other Gharges that cvuld accrue as a <br /> r�sult�f a fca�eclosure or sal� under the [i�n. In any con�es�, Trustvr sh�ll d�fend its�lf and Lender and sha�l�a�isfy <br /> an�ad�erse judgment before enforcement agains�the Property. Trus�vr shall name Lender as an additional obligee <br /> under any sur��ty bond�urnished in the contes�proceed�ngs. <br /> E�ider�ce of Payment. Trustor shall upon demand furnish ta Lender satisfactory e�idence vf payment of�he fiax�s <br /> ar assessments and shall au�hori�� th� appropriate g��ernmen�al official ta defi�er to Lend�r at any timg a written <br /> s�atement vfi�he�ax�s and asses5rr7�nts against the Property. <br /> Noti��vf C�ns�ruGtion. Trustar shall notify Lend�r at leas� fifteen {15� days befvre any work is commen�ed, an� <br /> ser��ces are furnished, ❑r any mat�rials are su��lied tr� the Praper�y, i�any me�hanic'� lien, materialrnen's lien, or <br /> oth�r li�n cauld be asserted on account a�f �h� warkr SeTVlC�S� or materials and th� cost ex�eeds $�,U�3�.4Q. <br /> Trustor will upon request o� Lender furnish to Lender ad�anc� assuran�es sat+sfactary to Lender that Trustar can <br /> ar�d w��l pay the cost of such imprav�ments. <br /> PRDPERT'Y DQMAGE INS�JRAN�E. The �vllowing pro�isions reiating tv insuring the Praperty ar� a part vf this ❑eed vf <br /> T�ust, <br /> Maint�nance vf lnsurance, T'rustor shall pro�ure and maintain pali�ies af fire insurance wi�h standard extended <br /> �o�er�ge endarsem�nts on a replacement basis for�he fulf insurable �alue COVerrng all lmpr�vemen�s �n the Real <br /> Proper�y in an �maunt suf�i�ient to a�oid appli�ativn o� any coinsurance c�ause, and with a standard mar'�gagee <br /> clause in fa��r af Lend�r,together with such vfher hazard and liabili�y insuran�� as Lender may rea�anabfy require. <br /> Palic�e� shall be wr�tten in fvrm, �mvunts, ca�erages and basis reasonably acceptable tv Lender and issu�d by a <br /> company ar companies reasanably accep�a�le ta L�nder. Trusto�, upr�n request of Lender, wifl deli�er to Lender <br /> frvm t�me�o time �he palicies ar�erti�Ficates of Fnsuran�e in fvrm satis�actory t� Lend�r, including st�pulations that <br /> coverag�s will na�be can�eii�d �r diminished inrithvu�a��east�thirty �3C�f days prior written no�i�e ta Lender, �a�h <br /> insuran�e pa�icy also shal� inGlude an endorsemen� prawiding that Go��rage in fa�vr a# Lender�iil nat be impaired <br /> in any way by any act, amission vr defauft a�Trustor or any other �ersan. Shvuld�he Real Property be Iocated in <br /> an area designa��d by th� Administr��ar of th� Federal �m�rgeney Managemen� Ag�ncy as a specEal flovd hazard <br /> area, Trustor agrees ta ❑btain and maintain Federal Flaad �nsuran�e, if a�ailable, �or the maxEmum amount of <br /> Trus�vr's cr�d�t line and the full unpaid principal halance o�any priar liens on the property s�cur�ng the Ioan, up to <br />