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2� 15�774� <br /> DEEC3 �F TRUST <br /> ��otltinued� Page 7 <br /> No Vllai�er by Lender. Lender shall no't be deemed t� ha�e wai�ed any rights under this Deed of Trust un�ess such <br /> wai�er is gi�en in writing and signed by Lender. No delay or omission an the part of Lender in exercis�ng any right <br /> shall aperate as a wa��er of such right or any v'ther right. A wai�er by Lender afi a pro�ision of this Deed o�Trust <br /> shall nvt pr�judice or consti�ute a wai�er o�F Lender's righ� vtherwise ta demand stric� comp��ance w�th that <br /> prv�ision or any other pra�isivn of �his Deed of Trust. Nv prior wai�er by Lender, nor any course of dealing <br /> between Lender and Trustor, shall constitute a wai�er o�f any of L�nder's righ�s o�of any v�Trustor's obliga'�ions <br /> as to any fufiure transac�ians. VVhene��r the consent o# Lende� is �equired under this Deed of Trust, the gran�ing <br /> a�such cansen� by Lender in any instance sha!! nat canstitute cantinuing consent to subsequent ins�ances wh�re <br /> such consent is required and in a[f cases such �onsent rnay be granted or withheld in the sole discre�ion of Lender. <br /> Serrerability. lf a cvurt of �ompetent jurisdictivn finds any pro�isivn ofi �his C]eed of Trust fio be ille�a�, in�a�id, or <br /> unenforceable as ta any cirGumstan�e, that finding shaff not make the offending pra�isian illegal, inva�id, ar <br /> unenforcea�le as to any other circumstance. If '�easible, the affending pro�ision shall be considered modified so <br /> tha� ft becomes legal, �alid and enfor�eable. ff the a�F�Fending pro�ision cannot be sa madif�ed, it shall be <br /> considered defeted from this De�d of Trust. Un�ess ��herwise required by law, �he €fl�gality, in�alid'rty, ar <br /> unenforceabili�ty of any pra�ision of th�s Deed of Trus�k shall not a�fect the le�aiity. �alidity ar enf�rceability of any <br /> Qther pra�ision of this Deed o�Trust. <br /> Successvrs and Assigns. Subject to any fimitatians stated in this Deed of Trust on transfer of Trustor's in�erest, <br /> this Deed o# Trust shaif be binding upvn and inure �v the benefi� of the par�ies, their suGcessors and assigns. If <br /> ownership of the Property be�omes vested in a person other�han Trustor, Lender, without notice �t� Trustor, may <br /> dea� with Trustor's succes�vrs with reference to this Deed o�Trust and the Indebt�dness by way ofi fiorbearance or <br /> extensian without r�leasing Trustor'�ram the obligat�ons of this ❑eed a�Trust or liabifity under�the Indeb�edness. <br /> Time is of the Essen�e. T�me is o�the essence in the performance of this Deed of Trust. <br /> WaiWe Jury. A!� parties to this Deed o�F Trust hereby waive the righ�tv any jury trial �n any ac#ion, proceeding, or <br /> caunterclaim brought by any party against any vxher party. <br /> Wairrer af Hvmestead Exemptivn. Trus�or hereby releases and waiWes all rights and bene�its af the homes�ead <br /> exemption [aws of the S�ate of Nebraska as ta afl fndehtedness secured by th�s �eed o�Trust. <br /> DEFIN�TI�NS, The fallowing capital��ed words and terms shall ha�� the �Follawing meanings wh�n used in this aeed of <br /> Trust. Unfess specifica�ly stated �n �he cantrary, a[[ references to da[far am�un�s shall mean amaunts in [awfu� money <br /> o� the Uni�ed States o� Ameri�a. �Illords and fierms used in the singular shalf incfude �he plural, and the p�ura� sha�[ <br /> incfude the singular, as the �on�text may require. Words and �erms nvt a�herwise defined in this Deed o� Trust shaff <br /> ha�e the meanings attributed to such terms in the Uniform Commercial Gode: <br /> Beneficiary. The word "Benefi�iary"' means Exchange Bank, and its successors and assigns. <br /> Borrvwer. The word "Borrawer" means Midwes� Premier In�estments, L.L.�. and incfudes all ca-signers and <br /> co-makers signing the Note and al!their suc�essors and assigns. � <br /> Deed vf Trust. The wards "Deed of Trus�" mean this Deed of Trust among Trustor, Lender, and Trus�ee, and <br /> includes without limitation af[ assignm�nt and se�urity interest pro�isions rela�ing to the Personal Property and <br /> Ren'�s. <br /> De�ault. The wnrd "Defiaul�" means the Default set fiorth in this Deed of Trust�n the sectian titled rrDe�auft". <br /> En►►irvnmental Laws. The words "En�ironmental Laws"' mean any and a�i state, federa� and �acal s�atu�es, <br /> regufations and ordinances relating ta �he protection o# human health or the en�ironment, in�luding withou�k <br /> limitation �he Comprehensi�e En�ironmenta! Response, Campensation, and Liabifity Act of �9$�, as amended, 4� <br /> U.5.C. Section 96��, et s�q. �"GERCLA"}, the Superfund Amendments and Reau�horiza�ian Act of 19$6, Puh. L. <br /> No, 99-4gg {"SARA"y, the Ha�ardous Materials Transpor�tation Act, 49 U.S.�. 5�c�tion '�8��, et seq., the Resource <br /> Conser�ation and Reco�ery A�t, 4� U.S.C. Se�tion 69�'�, e�seq., ar o�her applicable s�ate or federa! laws, rules, <br /> or regulations adopted pursuant thereta. <br /> Even�o�Defaul�. The words "E�ent ofi Default" mean any���of-the e�ents o�defauit se�forth in;this Deed af Trust in <br /> the e�ents of defaul�section of this aeed o�Trust. <br /> Guarantor. The wtird "Guarantar" means any guarantor, surety; �or�acGomm�dat`ran party vf any ar a1! a� th� <br /> Indebtedness. <br /> Guaranty. The word "Guaranty" means the guaranty frvm Guarantor �o Lender, in�luding with�ut lim�ta�i�n a <br /> guaranty vf a!I or part af the Note. <br /> Hazardaus Substances, The wards "Hazardous Substances" mean ma�erials tha�, because o� th�ir quanti�y, <br /> cvncentrativn or physi�al, chemical or infectious characteris�ics, may cause or pose a present vr pot�ntial hazard <br /> to human hea��th or th� en�ironment when improperly used, treated, stored, disposed of, gene�ated, manufactur�d, <br /> transparted or otherwise handled. The words "Hazardvus Su�stanc�s" are used in th�ir �ery broadest sense and <br /> inc)ude withaut limi�tation any and a�l hazardous ar toxic substances, ma�eria�s or waste as defiined by or listed <br /> under the En�ironmen�al Laws. The term "'Hazardous Substances" also includes, withou� limitation, petraleum and <br /> petrv�eum by-prvducts or any fra�tivn therevf and asbestos. <br /> Improvements. The word "Impro�ements" means a!I exist�ng and �uture impro�ements, buildings, structures, <br /> mabile homes a#fixed an th� Rea� P�operty, �acifities, additions, rep�acements and ather construction on the Rea� <br /> Property. <br /> lndebtedness. The ward "Indebtedness" means afl principal, in�erest, and ather amoun�s, �osts and expenses <br /> payable under �he Nate vr Related Documents, together with alf renewals of, extensians of, mo���ications o�, <br /> consolidations of and substitutions for the Note ar Related Documents and any amounts exp�nded or ad�anced by <br /> Lender �o discharge Trustor's obfiga'�i�ns or �xpenses incurred by Trus�ee or Lender t� enfo�ce Trustor's <br /> obfiga�ians under �his Deed of Trust, together with in�erest on su�h amounts as pro�ided in this Deed o� Trust, <br /> 5pecifi�ally, withvu� limitation, Indebtedness includes �he future ad�ances set forth in the Future AdWances <br /> provision, together with alf interest ther�an and all amounts tha� may be indirectly secured by the <br /> Crvss-Callateralization pro�ision of this Deed of Trust. <br /> Lender. The word "Lender" means Exchange gank, its successars and assigns. <br /> Note. The ward "Note" mean� the prvmissvey note dated No�ember 6, ��15, in the original princ�pai <br /> amount of ��8.58�.5�from Trus�or�o Lender,together wi�h all reneuvals vf, extensians o�, madi�ications of, <br /> refinancings o�, consolidations of, and substitutions �or�he promissory note or agreement. NDTICE Ta TRUST�R: <br /> THE N4TE G�NTAINS A VARIABLE fNTEREST RATE. <br /> Persvnal Prvperty, The wvrds "Personal Praperty" mean all equipmentr �1X�U1'�5� and o�her articl�s of personal <br /> prope�fiy now or hereafter owned by Trustor, and now or hereafter attached o� a�'�ixed to the Real Praper�y; <br /> together with a[� accessions, parts, and additians to, a11 replacements of, and all substitut�ans for, any of such <br /> proper�y; and �ogether with all proceeds �including withaut limitatian a!1 insurance proceeds and refunds af <br /> premiums� firom any safe or other dispasi�ion o�f the Property. <br /> Proper�y. The wvrd "Praperty" means collec�i�ely the Real Property and�he Personal Prope�ty. <br />