2� 15�774�
<br /> DE�D �F TRLJST
<br /> ��ontinued� Page 4
<br /> App�ication of Net Pr�ceeds. lf a�1 �r any part o#the Praperty is condemned by eminent doma�n proceedings or by
<br /> any praceeding or purchase in lieu vf cvndemnation, Lender may at its�[�ction require that all or any portivn of the
<br /> net proceeds of �he award �e appii�d to the I nde�tedness or the repair or restoration of the Property. The net
<br /> proceeds of�he awa�-d shall mean the award after payment of all reasonable costs, expens�s, and attvrneys' fees
<br /> incurred by Trustee or L�nder in conn�ction wi�h the condemna�ian.
<br /> IMP�SITIDN �F TAXES, FEES AND CHARGES �Y GDVERNMENTAL AUTH�RITlES, The fallowing pr��isions refat�ng
<br /> �a go�ernm�n�al tax�s, fees and charges are a par�of this Deed of Trus�:
<br /> Curren� Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upvn request by Lender, Trustor shall execute such documents in add�t�on to
<br /> this Deed o�Trust and take whate�er other actian �s requested by Lender to perf�ct and continu� Lender"s lien on
<br /> �the Real Property. �"rust�r shall reimburse Lender f�r al[ taxes, as described below, together with all �xpenses
<br /> incurred in recording, p�r�ec�ing or cvntinuing this Deed of Trust, inc[uding without �imitation all taxes, f��s,
<br /> dflcumen�ary stamps, and other charges�ar recording vr regis�tering this ❑�ed of Trust.
<br /> Taxes. The fo�lv�rving shal� cons�itute taxes to whi�h this sectian applies: �1� a specific �ax upan this type of
<br /> Deed of Trust or upvn al� or any part o#the lndeb�edness secured �y this Deed of Trust; {�� a specific �ax on
<br /> Trustvr which Trustor is auth�rized or required ta deduct fr�m payments on the Indeb��dn�ss secured by�his�type
<br /> of Qeed flf Trust; �3y a tax on fihis type o�❑�ed of Trust chargeable againsfi the Lender or the ho�der of the Note;
<br /> and t4� a specific tax on a�l vr any portion of the Indebt�dness �r on paym�nts of princ�pal and interest made by
<br /> Trus�or. �
<br /> Subsequen� Taxes. I� any tax to which this s�ction applies �s �nacted suhsequent to �he date af this Deed o�
<br /> Trust, this e�ent shall ha�e the same effect as an E�en� o� ❑efaul�, and Lender may exercise any or all of i�s
<br /> available remedies �or an E�ent �� Default as pro�ided belvuv unless Trustar ei�her ��� pays the tax befvre it
<br /> becomes d�linquent, or 4�� con�ests �the tax as pravided abo�e in �he Tax�s and Liens secti�n and depvsits with
<br /> Lender cash or a su��i�ient cvrporate sur�ty b�nd�r vther security satisfactory to Lender.
<br /> SECURITY AGREEMENT; FINANCiNG STATEMEIVTS. The following pra�isions relating to th�s Deed o� T�us� as a
<br /> securi�y agreement are a part of this Deed ofi Trust:
<br /> Secu�i�y Agreement. This instrument shall canstitute a Secur�ty Agreement to the extent any o� the Pr�perfiy
<br /> cons�itutes fix�ures, and Lender shall have all o�f the rights of a secured party under the Uni�orm �vmmercial Code
<br /> as amended�rom time to�ime.
<br /> Security ln�eres�. Upon request by Lender, Trustor shall �ake whate�er actian is request�d by Lender to perfect
<br /> and cantinue Lender`s security inter�st in �h� Rents and Pers�na! Proper�y. In addi�ian to recording this Deed af
<br /> Trust in the real pr�perty recvrds, Lender may, at any time and wi�hou� further authorizat��n fram Trus�t�r, file
<br /> executed counterparts, copies vr reproductions o�r �his Deed o� Trust as a finan�ing statement, Trustor shall
<br /> re�mburse Lender�ar alf expenses incurred ir� perfecting or continuing this security in�erest. �p�n default, Trustor
<br /> sha[l nat remo�e, sever or detach �he Personai Praperty fram �he Prop�r�y. lJp�n default, Trustor shail assemble
<br /> any Personal Pr�per�y nofi afifiixed to th� Property in a manner and at a place reasonably con�enient to Trust�r and
<br /> Lender and make i� a�ailaf�le to Lender with�n three �3� days af�er receipt of ►nrritten demand from Lender �o �khe
<br /> exfient permitted by applicable law.
<br /> A�idresses, The mailing addresses a� Trustor �de�tory and Lender {secured partyy from which in�ormation
<br /> �ance�ning the security interest granted by �his Deed of Trus� may be o�tained {�ach as requi�-ed by the Uni�arm
<br /> Cvmmercial Godej ar�as stated on the first page of th�s Deed ofi Trust.
<br /> FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATT�RNEY-IN-FACT. The �ol�owing pro�isians rela�ing �� fur�her assurances and
<br /> attorney-in-�act are a part ofi fihis D��d �f Trust:
<br /> Further Assurances. A� any time, and from �ime to time, upon request�f Lender, Trustor will make, execute and
<br /> deli�er, ar will �ause to be made, executed or deli�ered, tv Lender or to Lender's design��, and wh�n requested by
<br /> Lender, cause �t� be filed, recorded, refiled, or rereGorded, as the case may be, a� such times and in such o�fic�s
<br /> and plaGes as �end�r may deem apprvpria�e, any and all such mvrtgages, deeds of�rust, securi�y deeds, se�urity
<br /> a�re�ments, financi€�g statem�nts, continuatifln statements, ins�ruments of further assurance, certifi�ates, and
<br /> other documen�s as may, in the sole opinion af Lender, be n�cessary or desi�abfe in arder to effec�uafie, camplefie,
<br /> perfe�t, cantinue, ar preser�e �1 y Trustor's obli�atians under the Note, �his Deed o�f Trust, and �he Related
<br /> Do�umen�s, and ��� the liens and s�curity interests creafied by this ❑eed o�Trust as first and prior liens vn the
<br /> Praperty, whe�h�r naw awned ar hereaf�er acquired by Trusto�. Unl�ss prohibited by law or Lender agree� to the
<br /> c�ntrary in writing, Trustor shail reimburse Lender f�r all costs and expenses incurred in cannection with the
<br /> matters re�erred to ir�this paragraph.
<br /> Attvrney-in-Fact. [f Trustar�ails �o d� any�f the things referred �a in the preceding paragraph, Lend�r may do so
<br /> for and in the name af Trus�or and a�t Trus�or's expense, For such purposes, Trustor hereby irre�ocahly appoints
<br /> Lender as Trustor's attorney�in-fact for�the purpose o�making, ex�cuting, deli�ering, �riling, recarding, and doing all
<br /> other �things as may be necessary or desirable, in Lender's so�e opinion, to accomplish �he ma�ters refer-red to in
<br /> �he preced�ng paragraph.
<br /> FULL PERFORMANCE. If Trustor pays a!I the lndeb�edness, including without IimitatiQn a!I future ad�ances, when due,
<br /> and atherwise performs al# the obligations imposed upon Trus�tor under this Deed of Trus�, Lender shall execute and
<br /> deli�er �o Trustee a requ�s� �or �ull recon�eyance and shall exe�ute and deli�er to Trustor suitab[e statements af
<br /> termination ofi any financing statement on �ile e�idencin� L�nder°s security inter�st in the Rents and the Persanal
<br /> Property. Any recon��yance�ee required hy�aw shall �e paid by Trustvr, i�permi�tted hy applicable law.
<br /> EVENTS DF DEFAULT. Each o�the fallow�ng, at Lender"s opt�on, shall cansfiitute an E�ent of Default under�his Deed
<br /> o�Trust:
<br /> Payment De�ault. Trustor fails t�make any payment when due under the Indebtedness.
<br /> �ther Defaults. Trustor fails to camply with ar �o per�orm any other t�rm, abligat�on, c��enant or candit�on
<br /> canta�ned in �his Deed vf Trus�t �r in any ot the Related D�cuments ar to camply w�th ar �a perform any term,
<br /> obligatiQn, co�enant�r cvnd�t�on con�ain�d in any o�her agreement between Lender and Trustor.
<br /> Cvmpliance De�au�t, Failure to camply with any other fierm, obligation, c��enan� or condition contained in th�s
<br /> Deed a#Trust, the Note or in any of the Related �ocuments.
<br /> Defau�t on C�ther Payments. Faiiure of Trustvr within�h�time r�quired by th�s Deed o�F Trust ta make any payment
<br /> for taxes or insuranc�, or any other payment necessary to pre�ent�iling of or ta effec�discharge ofi any I�en.
<br /> Default in Fa�or o�r Th�rd Par��es. Should �rantor de�ault under any loan, extension of credit, security agr�ement,
<br /> purGhase or sales agreemen�, or any ather agr�ement, in fa�or Q�any oth�r creditor or person �ha� may materially
<br /> a��ect any of Grantor's property or �rantor's abi�ity to r�pay the Indebtedness �r Grantor's ability t� perform
<br /> Grantor's flbliga�ians under this Deed�f Trust ar any of the Related Documents. �
<br /> Fatse Statemen�s, Any warranty, represen�ation or statement made or �urnished �to Lender by Trus�vr or vn
<br /> Trustor's behalf under th�s Deed �f Trust or the Rela�ed Documents is false or mis�eading in any material respect,
<br /> eith�r now or at the time made ar furnished or bec�mes false or misleading at any time therea�ter.
<br /> Defective Callaterali�ativn. This Deed vf Trust �r any ofi the Related ❑ocuments ceases ta be in �full farce and
<br />