2� 15�77�2
<br /> in the Proper�y and righ�s under this S�curi�y �ns�rument; and �d}�akes such action as L.�nder may
<br /> reasa�aabl� require to assure that Lender's �nteres�in the Proper�y and ri�h�s under�his S�curit� �nstrument,
<br /> and Borr�wer's obliga��an�o pay the sums secured by �his Secur�t� �nstrument, shall con�inue unchanged.
<br /> Lender may r�quire tha�Borrav��r pa�such re�ns�atement sums and e��enses �n�ne or more of the f�llo�ving
<br /> forms, as se��ct�d by Lend�r; �a} cash; �b} rnoney order; ��} cert�fied check, bank Ch�ck, treasurer's check or
<br /> cashier's check, �ro�rided any such che�k is drawn upon an�nstitutinn whose d�pos�ts are�nsured by a
<br /> federal a�ency, instrum�ntality or en�ity; or�d} El�c�ronic Funds Transfer. Upon reinstat�men�by B�rrov��r,
<br /> �h�s Security Instrumen�and�bl�ga�ions s�cured hereby shall remain fu��y effecti�e as if no ac�e�era��on had
<br /> occurred. Haw�ver, this right to reinstate sha11 not app��in the case af accelera��on under Se��ian I S.
<br /> 24. Sale of Note; Ghange vf L�an SerWicer; Natice nf Grie�ance. The No�e or a par�ial interest in�he
<br /> Note�together w��h�his Secur�ty�nstrument} can be sald one or more times wi�hout prior no�xce�o
<br /> Borrower. A sa�e migh�resul� in a�hange�n�he enti�y�known as �he "L�an Seruicer"}that callec�s Period�c
<br /> Payments due under the N�te and�his Secur�ty�nstrumen�and perf�rm�o�her mortgage�aan servicing
<br /> ob�igatians under�h�N��e, �h�s Security Instru�me��, and Applxcab�e Law. There also mught be on�or m�re
<br /> changes of the Loan Ser�i�er unrelated to a sale of the No�e. If�here�s a change of the Loan Servicer,
<br /> Barrawer w��l be given written n��i�e of�he�hange whi�h wil� sta�e�he name and address�f the nevv Loan
<br /> Servicer, the address t�wh�ch payments should be m�ade and any o�her infarm.ation RESPA requ�res in
<br /> c�nnection w�th a notice of transfer of serv�c�ng. �f the Nflte is so�d and�hereaf�er the Laan is serv�ced�y a
<br /> Loan Ser�ricer other than��e purchaser of the No�e, the mortgage�aan.serv�Ging obl�ga�ions �o Bflrrov�er wi�l
<br /> remain w��h the Loan Servicer or be�ransferred t� a su��essor Loan Servicer and are not assumed by the
<br /> No�e purchaser unless otherwise provi�ed by the N�te purchaser.
<br /> Ne��her B�rrawer nor Lender may comm�nc�,j o�n, or b�j oined to any�udi�ial action�as either an
<br /> ind��idua� litigant�r the member of a c�ass� that aris�s from�he other part�'s acti�n�pursuant t��his
<br /> Secur��y �nstrument or that a��eges that�he ather part�has�r�ached any pro�is�on�f, �r any du�y ow�d by
<br /> reasan of, �his Secur�ty �ns�rumen�, until such Borrower or Lender has notif�ed the vt�.er par�� �w��h su�h
<br /> no��c�given in�ampl�ance wi�h the r�qu�rements of Section �5} of such alleg�d breach and afforded�he
<br /> other par�y here��a r�asanable period after the giving of such notice�o take correcti�re ac��an. �f Applicab�e
<br /> Law pra�ides a time p�riod which mus�elapse befare�ertain action can be�aken, �hat�ime period wil���
<br /> deemed to be r�asanable for purposes af�h�s paragraph. The nnt�ce of accelerat�nn and app�r�un�ty to cur�
<br /> giWen to Borra�ver pursuant�o Sec�ion 22 and the no�ice of acceleration given to Barrower pursuant�o
<br /> Sec��an �.8 shali�e deemed��sa��sfy�he nntice and oppor�unity to take corre�tive action provis�ons of this
<br /> Sec��on 2D.
<br /> 2�. Hazard�us Suhstances. As us�d in this Sect�on Z I: �a} ",�'a.��rdous�ubstances"are thos�substances
<br /> de�ned as taxi��r hazardous substances, pn�lutants, �r v�as�es by �n��ronm�ntai Law and�he fo�low�ng
<br /> substances: gasoline, kerasene, o�her flamma�le or toxic petroleum produc�s, �oxic pesticides and herb�cides,
<br /> vo�atile sol�ents, ma�er�als containing asbes�os�r formaidehyde, and radiaac�i�e mater�als; �b�
<br /> "Ertviron��2er�tQ�La�u"means federal lav�►�s and laws of the�urzsdictian wher��he Property xs�ocated that
<br /> rela�e fo heal�h, safety or en�riron�mental prat�cti�n; �c} "Enviranr���n�ar CZeanu�" �nciudes any response
<br /> ac�ian, r�medial ac�ion, or remo�a� action, as def�ned in En�ironmenta� Lavv; and �d} an "�nviron��xentar
<br /> �ortdi�ion"means a cond��ion that can cause, contribute to, �r otherv�,l�s�trigger ax�En�rironmental Cleanup.
<br /> Borrower shaii not cause or permu�t the pres�nce, use, disposa�, ��orage, or release of an� Hazardous
<br /> St1bSt�I7C�5, Qr�hrea�en�o re�ease ar�y Hazardous Su�bstances, on�r in�he Proper��. Borrawer shal�no�da,
<br /> nor a11ow an�one�ise t�do, an�th�ng affec�ing the Proper�� �a} tha�is �n vio�at�on of any En�ironmenta�
<br /> ' Law, �b} wh�ch creates an Environmenta� �andi�ion, or�c}wh��h, due to�he presence, use, or re�ease of a
<br /> Hazardaus Substanc�, c�-eates a�ond�tion that adverse�� affe��s the va�ue of the Praper�y. The pre�eding two
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Farnily-Fannie MaelFredciie Mac UNIFQRM lNSTRUMENT Form 3D28 11D�
<br /> VMP� VMP6�NE�{i 3�2}
<br /> Wolters K�uwer�inar�cial Ser�ices Page't 3 n��7
<br />