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Units; <br />201507V9 <br />executed by the Owner stating the number of Dwelling Units of the Project which, as of <br />the first date of each calendar year, were occupied by Qualified Tenants (or were deemed <br />to be occupied by Qualified Tenants as provided in subparagraph (a) above for all or part <br />of such period), together with copies of annual Certifications of Tenant Eligibility and <br />Income Verification (and supporting documentation) collected by the Owner; <br />(d) the Owner shall collect and keep records for each qualified low- income <br />building in the Project that show for each year during the Qualified Project Period the <br />following information for each building in the Project and retain such records for at least <br />six years after the due date (with extensions) for filing the federal tax return for that year <br />(provided, however, that the records for the first year of the Qualified Project Period must <br />be retained for at least six years beyond the due date (with extensions) for filing the <br />federal income tax return for the last year of the compliance period of the building): <br />(i) the total number of Dwelling Units in the building (including the <br />number of bedrooms and the size in square feet of each residential rental unit); <br />(ii) the percentage of Dwelling Units in the building that are Qualified <br />(iii) the rent charged on each Dwelling Unit in the building, including <br />any utility allowances; <br />(iv) the number of occupants in each Qualified Unit and changes in the <br />number of occupants in each Qualified Unit; <br />(v) the Qualified Unit vacancies in the building and information that <br />indicates when and to whom the next available unit was rented; <br />(vi) the annual income certification of each Qualified Tenant per <br />Qualified Unit; <br />(vii) documentation to support each Qualified Tenant's annual income <br />certification (for example, a copy of the Qualified Tenant's federal income tax <br />return, Forms W -2 or verifications of income from third parties such as employers <br />or state agencies paying unemployment compensation). Tenant income is to be <br />calculated in a manner consistent with the determination of annual income under <br />Section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 ( "Section 8 ") and not in <br />accordance with the determination of gross income for federal income tax <br />liability. In the case of a tenant receiving housing assistance payments under <br />Section 8, the documentation requirement of this subsection 4(d)(vii) is satisfied if <br />the public housing authority provides a statement to the Owner declaring that the <br />tenant's income does not exceed the applicable income limit under Code <br />Section 42(g); <br />(viii) the eligible basis and the Qualified Basis of the building at the end <br />of the first year of the Qualified Project Period; and <br />(ix) the character and use of the nonresidential portion of the building <br />included in the eligible basis of the building under Section 42(d) of the Code (e.g., <br />