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2� 15�7�8� <br /> DEED �7F TRU�T <br /> �C�rlti�ued} Page 2 <br /> En�i��nmental Laws. Trusto� authvri�es Lender and its agents ta enter upon the Pr�p�rty ta mal�e such <br /> inspections and tests, at Trusfio�'s expense, as Lender may d��m appropr�ate ta de�ermine compliance of the <br /> Property with this section ofi the Deed of Trus�. Any inspections or tests made by Lender shall be for Lender's <br /> purpases an[y and shafl no� be construed to cr�a�e any r�spansibility or liability vn th� part a# Lender to Trustar or <br /> to any v�ther person. The representations and warranti�s �ontained h�rein are based on Trustor's due di�igence in <br /> in�estigating fihe Property for Hazardous Substances. Trustor hereby ��� re�eases and wa��es any future claims <br /> against �ender �or indemnity or contribu�i�n ir� the ��en� Trust�r be�vmes [ia�l� for �leanup ❑r ather cvsts under <br /> any su�h laws; and �2� agrees ta indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Lender agains�any and all claims, lasses, <br /> �ia�i�ities, damages, penalties, and expens�s ►nrhich Lender may directly or indirectly sustain ar suffer resufting firom <br /> a b��ach af this sectian �f the Deed of Trust or as a �onsequenGe of any us�, g�neration, manufacture, s�orage, <br /> dispasal, release a�threa�ened release o�curring prior to Trustar's ownership or int�res�in the Property, whether or <br /> not �he same was or shauld ha�e heen known to Trustor, The pro�isions vf this sectian of the Deed of Trust� <br /> inc��ding the abligation ta indemnify and d�fend, sha[[sur�i�e the payment vf the Indeb�edness and the satis�action <br /> and re�vn�eyance of the lien of this Deed af Trust and shall nat be affected by Lender's acquisitivn of any �n�erest <br /> in the Property, whether hy�oreclosure❑r otherw�se. <br /> Nu�sanc�, Vllas�te. Trus�or shall not �ause, conduct ❑r permit any nuisance nor commit, permit, or suffer any <br /> s�ripping vf or waste on ar to the Prop�rty �r any pvrtion of the Prvp�rty. Without limiting the g�nerali�y af the <br /> fvregoing, Trustor will nat r�m��e, ar grant ta any other parfiy�he right ta remo�e, any timber, minerals �inciud�ng <br /> vil and gas�, coa[, clay, scoria, sail, graWef vr�ock products without Lender's prior wri�ten consent. <br /> Remv�al of Impro�ements. Trustar shali n��demolish vr remv�e any Impra�ements from �he Real Property withau� <br /> Lender's pri�r writ��n consent. As a candition�kv�he remova� of any Impro�ements, L�nder may require Trustvr to <br /> make arran�ements sa�isfactory to Lender ta replace suGh Impro�em�nts with �mprv�ements af at feast equal <br /> �alue. <br /> Lender's Right#o En#er. Lender and L�nder"s agen�s and representati�es may enter upan the Real Property at all <br /> reas�nable tim�s to attend to Lend�r's interests and ta inspect the Rea� Proper#y for purpvses a� Trus�ar"s <br /> comp�iance with th�terms and conditions of this Deed vf Trust. <br /> Comp�iance wi�h Governmental Requirements. Trustor shall prvmpt�y comp�y wi�h al� �aws, ordinances, and <br /> regu�ations, now or hereafter in effect, �f ali �o�ernmental authorities applicable ta the use or a�cupancy af the <br /> Property. Trustor may contest in go�d faith any such Caw, ordinance, o�regu�atian and withhald comp��ance during <br /> any proce�ding, including apprapria'�e appeals, so I�ng as Trustar has noti��ed Lender in writing pr�or tv doing so <br /> and so lang as, in Lender's sole opinivn, Lender's inter�s�s in the Prap�rty are no��eapardized. Lend�r may requ��e <br /> Trustor ta past adequat�se�urity or a surety �and, reasonably satisfactory t� Lender, tv pro�e�fi Lender's interest. <br /> auty #a Pra�ect. Trustor agrees neither to a�andan or lea�e unattended the Praperty. Trus'�or shall do al� other <br /> acts, in addition to thvse acts se�farth abo�e in this section, wh�ch frvm the character and use v�the Property are <br /> reasanab�y necessary t� protec�and pres�r�e�he Prvp�r�y. <br /> DUE�N SALE-��NSENT BY LENDER, Lend�r may, at L�nder's op�ivn, declare immediately due and paya�le all sums <br /> secured by�his ❑e�d of Trust upon the safe or transfer, withou� Lender's prior written �onsent, o�a[[or any part of the <br /> R�al Property, ar any inter�st in the Reaf Property. A "sa�e or transfer" means the con�eyance a� Real Property vr any <br /> right, title ar interest in the Real P�operty; whether legal, benefiGial or equitab�e; whether �oluntary or in�oluntary; <br /> whether hy ou�right sa�e, deed, installmen� sa�e �ontracfi, iand con�racfi, �ont�act for deed, leasehold interes� ►rvith a <br /> �erm greater than three �3� years, lease-vptian contrac�, or by sale, assignment, ar transfe� o�any benefi�ial inter�st in <br /> vr�a any land �rust hvlding �itle to the Rea� P�operty, or by any oth�r meth�d of cvn�eyance of an interest in the Real <br /> f'roperty. Howe�e�, this option shall not be exer�ised by Lender if such exercise is prvhibited by f�d�ral law or by <br /> Nebraska law. <br /> TA7CES AN❑ LIENS. Th� �olfowing pra�€s�ons relating �a the taxes and liens on �he Prap�r�fiy are part �f this Deed vf <br /> Trust: <br /> Payr�ent. Trus�or sha�l pay when due �and in all e�ents pr�or ta delinquency} a�l taxes, spe�ial�axes, assessments, <br /> charges �including water and s�wer}, fines and imposit�ons le�ied against ar on a�cvun�af the Property, and shall <br /> pay when due all c�aims for work dvn� an or for ser�ices rendered or material furnished to the Property. Trustor <br /> shall maintain the Property f�ee vf all iiens ha�ing pr�ority��er or equal to the interes�❑f L�nder under�his Deed �� <br /> Trust, except �or the lien o� taxes and ass���ments not due, except '�or �ne Exis�ing Indehtedness referred to <br /> beiow, and ex��pt as o�herwise pro�ided in this De�d of Trust. <br /> Righ�to�on�est. Trus�or may withhvld payment of any tax, assessment, or�laim in cvnnection with a gaod �ai�h <br /> d�spu�e o�er th� obligation�o pay, so long as Lender's interest in the Property is nat jeapardiz�d. If a lien arises or <br /> is �fil�d as a resu[t of nonpaymen�, Trustor shall within fifteen �15y days aft�r the lien aris�s or, if a lien is fii�ed, <br /> within fifteen �15� days aft�r Trustar has notice vf the fiiling, secure the discharge of the lien, ❑r if requested by <br /> L�nder, d�pos�t wi�h Lender�ash or a suf€ici�nt c�rporate surety hand or other security satisfactary to Lender�n an <br /> amoun�su��i�ient to discharge�he li�n plus any casts and attvrneys' fe�s, or Qther charg�s�hat could acc�ue as a <br /> result of a foreclosure or sale unde��he �ien. ln an��ontest, Trustor sh�fl defiend itse[�and Lender and shal�satisfy <br /> any ad�erse judgment�efore enfvrcement agains�the Prop�rty. Trustor shall name Lend�r as �n addi�ional obligee <br /> under any surety bond�urnished in the cantes't proceedings. <br /> E�iden�e of Payment. Trus�or shalf upon demand furnish to Lender satisfac�ory e�idence of paymen�af the taxes <br /> or assessments and shall authari�e the appropriate g��ernmental affiicial tfl deliv�r tv Lender at any time a written <br /> statement of�he taxes and assessmen�s against�kh� Property. <br /> Notice o#Cvnstructian. Trustor shall nv�ify Lend�r at least fifteen �15} days befor� any work is commenced, any <br /> s�r��ces are �urnish�d, or any materials are supplied to the Property, if any mechanic's li�n, materialmen's �ien, ar <br /> othe� lien couid be ass�rted an a�count o� the work, �er�ices, or mater€als and the cost exc�eds $1,��4.��. <br /> Trus't�r will upon reques� v� Lender �urnish �a Lender ad�ance assuranGes satisfa��o�y ta L�nder that Trus�ar can <br /> and�rvif! pay th� cvst o#su�h impro�em�nts. <br /> PRnPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE. 7he foliowing pro�isions rela��ng to insuring the Property are a part o�this Deed of <br /> Trust. <br /> Nlaintenance o� Insuran�e. Trustor shafl prvcure and maintain poEicies of fire insurance vui�h standard extended <br /> co�era�e endarsements on a replacement hasis �or the fuli insura�fe �alue co�ering a�� [mpravemsnts on the Real <br /> Property in an amaunt su�ficient to a�oid appli�ation of any coinsurance clause, and with a standard martgagee <br /> clause in fa�or of Lender, together with such other hazard and liahility insurance as Lender may reasvna�ly require. <br /> Palicies shall be written in �orm, amoun�s, co�erages and basis reasanably ac�eptahl� �o Lender and issued hy a <br /> cvmpany or cvmpanies reasonabfy a�cep�a��e �ka Lender. Trustor, upan request of Lender, wi[f deli�er t❑ Lender <br /> f�am time tv time the policies or�ertifiGa�es n�€nsurance in form satisfiactory tv Lender, in��uding stipulativns�ha� <br /> coverages w�l� n�t�e Ganc�iled ar diminished w�thaut at leas�thirfiy �34� days pri�r written n�tice ta Lender. Ea�h <br /> insurance pol�cy also shali include an endorsement pro�iding that co�erage in fa�or af Lender will nat be impaired <br /> in any way by any aG�, om�ssivn or default o�Trustar vr any other persan. Shoufd the Rea� Pr�perty be lacated in <br /> an area designated by ths Administrat�r a�th� Federal Emergency Manag�ment Agency as a special filood haza�d <br /> area, Trustor agrees tv obtain and mainta�n Federal Flvod insurance, i� a�ailable, far the maximum amaunt o� <br /> Trustar's credit iine and the full unpaid princip�l ba�an�e o�any priar I�ens �n the property securing the loan, up ta <br />