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<br />N�l�•10�354
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<br />.• „ ,.. ? 1. 1 ., a. �t�.l.. _._ l ?. a civ lcnllldtt. rl or , t Lt'e. t_' kit all
<br />nd w,ii tee appli •d as u:tdek; i this Securlt�
<br />n.- _. �s is }h. , to terns of i prior mort ace, deed of trust, corny agreement Or
<br />;1`. Ititi( KA1CF;. "T, — , sha!i kcz;> irrop_ny insured again:,( loss lac fire. acW-. theft and other hazards and risks rf-asonahly
<br />a'ec v•ith :he P-r ;_ ~: dee r., Gs ,vfe ,:nd lc>`:;:ion. T"r t stance shall be mtirnuuhed uh the amounts and for Ohl
<br />-
<br />the t: at SeneSciaty reyuies. The in.n:a:? e carrier pmrdir, the insuranx shall be chosen by Trustor suhject to
<br />:neficiary's approval, .viilich shall not be unrea_sorabiy withheld. if Trustor fails to maintain dte coverage ciesctihe'
<br />ah,n_, Ben riciarc t;la-, at BeneFeipsy's option, 05-12111) ce��ert e 'a protect Beneficiary's rights in the Property according
<br />0! ._.tS �.e':.._Ci ;v ?nstn;rnent.
<br />:,ewals all he -i— °P!abie to Be fi is y and shall include a standard "mortgage clause" and.
<br />o _ " Tn aer steal! irl ,lee ;' - el t notify Beneficiary of cancellatinr, or temnin ion of the
<br />file to held th— rs,licics and renewals. If Eer:eticiary requires, Trustor shall
<br />and renewal notices. Upon loss. Trustor shall giyc
<br />:In,! B nefc,a,.. I: ._,..rah rear make proof of loss if trot made immediately by
<br />in all insurance pra:c cis shall blt applied to the restoration or repair cf the Property c to
<br />or a t the:; c; c, at Be n�tr ,ter ;'s ,ptier,. Any application of prcxeeds to principal shall not
<br />� rE, ��c ,�,i the r. �uuitd pavmen; :: amount o any pavint Any excess «oil tx i•rud
<br />,..:., r.g;rt to any irLurance pohc;cs ant pnxeeo, resulml
<br />;r -m dmnagc; to tole Pro�rty it ;i,r the acq`iisition shall pass u, Beneficiary to 1c extent of the Scoured Debt immediatel
<br />1-07' "AXES AND INSL R:�NCE. Urle <; eth ;rise provided in a scpamte agreement. Trustor will not he
<br />h.r.ds frr taxes and inmramt in cscn -nv.
<br />NTS. ion r11'1_i_ ;% .irk,
<br />r,t pr r',c ....,.ir. ;, ,r.., i rs may dcern re:h_� lt,:ir,v ;Itc:z,sary. Trustor agrees to ; _r, 1:arver. and file an
<br />dncum_•:;s Or ccrit5c,aio ;s (fiat Benef ;ciary may :o2::der nccessar;: to perfect, continue, and preserve Grantor's
<br />al<lns under this Se: ur;ty instrument and �ene5ci<uv's lien stunt:: on the Property
<br />~ li S::urity Iu,:r,ra_tl: are loin( and itr!;vidual. if Tntstor signs this Security Instrument but does not si ^n an evidence of
<br />Trustor d,,es <v ,>nly to nutrt^akc rustor's inter_( in rile Property to see payment of the Secured Debt and
<br />c :} u ` _ }: er< ill l iab:e on the Securr;, Dc ;,t. Tf thus SeCllrity instrument secures a guaranty bunvcl -n
<br />;rn ; rst;:r a r a ul it c any ri,llts tt :r t., rrevc ;lr Beneficiary from bringing any action or c! lit
<br />u!luer the nhl,gatin., t e rights may include. brat not li iced to, amp
<br />rtjsa,lr : " es that Ben f;c ar and any party to this Security art ;nay tu.acnd,
<br />!, .._ _ ... tn_ 'l;: Se nTItF U ir7ri Ti t or a'. evidence of debt witht,ut Tmtstor's consent.
<br />T u .,,: ire.., :,. t::rnls of tflis S. unity instrument. The duties and bencfts of this Security
<br />- tss:,r, end a::s,gns o f Tn:.tor and Betrefic;arv.
<br />_?, APlii, ;ii:Afun I_.•cy -�!iVE R_iBILITF; INTERPRETATION. This Security Instrument is governed by the laws of the
<br />uri <,•.❑ i:l %Nh;cn : ;::eci::iar: is ia::ated, except to the extent otherwise rerntired by the laws of the jurisdiction where
<br />;•eri� is L:� atcd. 1 "his Security Instrantert is complete and fully integrated. This Security Iastrument may nut be
<br />.t _ nt.:im: section in this S cur r. Ttlstrunlent, attachments, or any agreement related to
<br />_ ;ca'lc l:a.� wil! r.ot he ef} cuve. uniess that law expressly or irhpfiedly penrhits the
<br />.Ilt %. �Lt_o ;: .Lsrrimient cannot be enforced according to its tcmis, that
<br />the en`e,ce3F:1;1y of the rcn>.a rider of this Security Instrument. Whenev,•r used,
<br />;! ._ld the pl =hr... th <in -liar. r1re captions and headings of the sections of this Security
<br />Cis term= of tl,i� ..., :riry IL_trnment.
<br />k� 1, IR `'ST� r:a^ from time to time remove Trustee :lid ap a
<br />u Cl ck_il :.,,_d upon Trustee by th:. Se;,ur ty lns:ruulerht aril!
<br />._
<br />,'li ,—p Fes. g,
<br />