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<br />200101354
<br />200001128
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<br />�Crl of "his Sccllirit v I-
<br />rLstrunient. h nj�tcT as:rcc� to ass, ,u (t
<br />As t, .Astor may have at,ain� I al -
<br />�r
<br />t') R1,11 0-i Imp!,ive th- Propert-, _t supply later
<br />i;xc,13111113RA,Vcf_ u. luny illdv. 'it its o^ti, . Ceclare the entire halanc. ofth recurred t ur'd 1 1
<br />d pavalble upo )e crt,"tiou of, o-, contra 1 dut: Creation of, any lien, tranf or • t)" P (px: -t i'lit is subject tc tht restlil:lit�rs nElf fed_, -I
<br />w 2 C.F.P. 5911. a. applicable. Tli'll
<br />shall -,I;-; .v;!"
<br />hz Property and shal, remain in e0uI:r un-il the Secured Deb, is paid m hii! and this Securi:%
<br />RTS CDN11ITTO,'`. ,kL-17PATIO.NS AND ENS'0FCTlO:`:. Truster will kce,- the PMD_TCV i7l good cl,)j1dilion
<br />i:rt t�
<br />_2 «� [ rely Iry 1,11st9r 0:11; not commit or allow any
<br />ep-rcy. Trustor will l he Prop c--,ty f if pox
<br />ious weeds and sz rays ,�:s. Trumor ague that th
<br />cc ) ,
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<br />C) 7
<br />"v ill not sub_ taviiall
<br />s prior wnt"cri Lx ns nt. "rustor %vili 11,)[
<br />-,CStTi i
<br />Jc',Ive coven n, or e user ,,:vt tit Beneficiary's prior wrim—i COTI.seIit. Trustor will
<br />claims, and 'Ictiql-6 against Trastor, an
<br />ci of any loss or cl.irnaqx to the
<br />s azg�,n•_s may, at Beneficiary's Option, cater the Property at any reasonable time for the purpose
<br />shall I_-ivc- T-ustc'r 106cc at the time of or before an inspection specifying a
<br />1 1
<br />Shil!
<br />_7
<br />Y
<br />c , fo!7u or 2,:iv of the covenan4i; ju this Securitv
<br />Al-71 M ITY TO i r�I FOR:Iti. if
<br />s
<br />711"'."', yv:jj,,ur
<br />0,111 to bt perforkmed. Trustor t poijj:.,; B--ii,-fi�Jaiy
<br />_UstQ.1 s Iiiinle or Pay any amount -I,_, sary F01 Pcrf0M lance. Beneficiary s i,711t to perform for
<br />H I)(,
<br />7-:Ir �Iml r an ol)ligvion o perform, Ind failure !o rt-.rforui will not Rmc"
<br />v fr-)r,
<br />;flt; ps
<br />!P
<br />12. M LEVSES AND RF--N'TS. Trustor irrcvi,�h
<br />I 1Y grants, conveys and sells to Trust--c, in trust i-or the
<br />as dIlitional securit-.- all the right, titlt and ;nter,.st in and to any and all ciistin - or future leases,
<br />-WO tM`- v.r"tten or verbal fo-', th�_ z at -Cclrpancv of any portion of he Proptrtv, inclu,jin,,
<br />fic."; t ions or "'u,"s6tut;ons of suJi (all referred to as "Leases"I � '
<br />!IJ v) and rents, issues
<br />"P Beneficiary w th true and correct copie-, of all
<br />"F1UqtT)r %0i PrOniptiv provide Be efici i
<br />-
<br />ay c, t;, °ct, re,;eive, cqjol aj;:j i ` flic Rents SO 101,19 as Tnistor is not in d--fault under
<br />"l at this s 7rfi-Ltcd upio.- the: rt'cordin g c." " iS Deed ) Tres:
<br />Chat Peneficiary is utol s to cake paynf-it of Rents
<br />(h,t er to becor., du
<br />i�s i�i:lt univ on &�fault C C ,I Beneficiary. Hotve�c-_
<br />P _Icj_fv no(:�Y Trustor and Trus!or's tt:mnL, and make demand that all
<br />0ir
<br />to rcnc,;aF. On T,ctiv,g nc,:, L of default. it. Trustor willi endorse and deliver to Beneficiary
<br />;:Ti TiLstor's p0s,,;essit)jj and will receive Pnv Rents it, -
<br />, trust for Bent5ciary and will not comming]e
<br />Mith 'Inv othz'r f-inds. Any amoull[S C.01!'_Lted will be applied as provided in this Sc--uritv instrument. Trustor
<br />iil;lt MO exists under the Leases or any applicable fandlord/teriant law. Trustor also agrees to maintain and
<br />:IT;:, tenant to ('vi)JY "ith the 1-7in, of the Leases and applicable law.
<br />7- %SEHOLDS,; ;LANNED LNIT DEI—ELOPMENTS. Trustor agrees to comply with the
<br />! recur "'t is on if dhc Prop,-rry includes a unit is a cond
<br />oMiniuul or a
<br />all of "RistOr'S d'!tiCS under the cowtnants, by-laws, or rcgulatiom of the
<br />dl Debt fails to make na,•jncric whe,-, dil'o. Trustor
<br />t,:C) Is under Ult of this se�:UritY instrument or any other document e.X,-cut,.,d
<br />.1,
<br />OF for file
<br />'tm
<br />C' tv on
<br />Dc,Dt or Ilia,, Trc,;pc, of nny, vmcnt or
<br />tn. q
<br />3 of 6"
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