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2� 15�7�58 <br /> Par�el I D N u m ber:4 Q�Q��119 which current��has the addre�s of <br /> 51� E 2�d St ��'treet� <br /> �rar�� I s 1 and �City�, �e�raska ��8�l ��ip�"ode} <br /> (�'Prcaperty A�dress�'): <br /> T�3GETHER WTTH a���he im�prnvements n4�v vr hereafter erected on the p��pe�r,��.d all easeme�ts, <br /> appurtenances,an.�fixtures naw or hereafter a par�of the property.A�1 replacements and.��.dit�ons shal�also <br /> be co�ered�by this�e�urit�Instru.���t.All of the forego��g is refe�'red�a i�this Security Instrument as th� <br /> "�ropert�."Borrov��er understands and�grees that MERS holds only 1ega�titl�to the i�terest�granted by <br /> Barraw�r�n this�ecur�ty Instrument,but,if nec�ssary to�omply with 1aw or eustorn,MERS(as for <br /> Lender and Lender's suc�es�ors and�.ssigns)has��ie right:�o exercise any ar al1 af th�se interests, in��ud�ng, <br /> but not Iimi�ed�o,the ri�ht to forecios�and sell the propex�'y; and�o ta�e any action requised of I.fender <br /> incluciing,but not limited to,releasing and canceling th�s Secur��y�nstrument. <br /> B�JRR�'L1tTER CQVENA�NTS that�orrower is la��tt�ly seised o#'the estate hereb}�con�e�ed and has the right <br /> to grant and convey th�Property and��at the Proper�is�anencumbe�ed�, except for encumhran�es of r��ard. <br /> �o�rower�varrants and w���defend gen.�erai�y t�ae t�t1e to the Property against a��claim�and demands, subj ect <br /> ta any encumbrances flf�ecord.. <br /> THIS SE�URITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform co�renants fa�na�ianal use and non-un�forrr�cvve�.ants <br /> �ith limited�ar�at�ons by jurisdi�tion to constitute a ur��form s��ur�ty instrument�overi�.�real proper�y. <br /> UNIF�RM Cty1IENAIVTS.�orrower and Lender covenant and agree as fol��ws: <br /> '!. Payment of Pr�ncipal,[nter�st, Es�row It�ms, and Late�har��s.�orrower shall pay when du� <br /> the principal of,and interest on,�he debt evidenced b�the No�e and Iate�harges due ur�der the l�ote. <br /> Baz�ra�ver shall a�so pay funds far Escr��It�ms pursuant ta Sectxon 3.Payments�lue under the Not�and <br /> thi�Seeurity In�st�u�e�t sha11 be made in U.S. currency. How���r, �f any ch�ck or other instrurnent <br /> recei�ed b�Lend��as pa��ment under t�.e Note�r this Security Instrument i�returned ta Lender unpaid, <br /> Lender ma�reqt��re tha�any or a11 subs�quent paymentS due under the No�e and this Security Instrument <br /> be made in one or more of the fQ1low�ng forms,as selected by Lender: (a)cas�a; �b�money order; �c� <br /> certified check,bank check,treasurer's check or ca�hier's c�eck,pravided an}�such�heck is drawn upon <br /> an institu��on�vhose deposits are insured by a federal agency, instrumen�a.lity,or enti�;�r�d�E�ectroni� <br /> Funds Tran.sfer. <br /> Payments are de�med received by Lender when received at the�ocat�vn designated in the Note or at such <br /> other location as may be designated by L��der in accardance�v�th th�notice prfl�isions in Secti�on 14. <br /> Lender rx�ay return any payment or part�a�payment if the paym�nt or partia�payments are insufficient to <br /> bring the Loan current. Lender may accept any payment or part�al payment insuff icient to bring the Loan <br /> current,without�aiver flf any rights here�nder or prejudice to its rig�ts to refuse such payment or <br /> partial payments in the futur�,but Lender is not obliga�ed to appl�such payme�ts at the time such <br /> payments are acce�ted. If each Periodic Payment xs applied as of its sched�u�ed d�e date,the�Len�er <br /> �eed n�t�ay interest Qn u�napplie�l funds. Lender m�a�hold such unapp�ied funds until Iionower ma��s <br /> payment to bring t�ie Lvan current.If Bfln�v�rer does not da so�ithin a reasanabie perio�of time, <br /> Lender shall either ap�ly such funds or re�urn them to Bvrrower. If�.ot applied earli�r, such funds will <br /> be applied to the o��st�ndi�g principa�balance und�r the Note immediate�y prior to fareclasure.No <br /> offset or claim�v��c�.Borr�v�er rnig�,t have novv ar in the future a�a�nst Lender shall relie�e Borrower <br /> from making pa�ments�ue under the Nate and this Security Instrument ar perf�rming the ca�enants and <br /> agreements secured b�th�s Security Instrume�t, <br /> FHA Deed of Trust Wit�►MERS-NE 9/34/2414 <br /> Bankers SystemsT"� VMP� VMP4N[�!E]{�5dfi�.QO <br /> Walters Ktuwer F�r+ar�cial Senrices Page 4 of 17 <br /> q0 34G3G684� 0233 42p �417 <br />