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EXHIBIT "A" TO DEED OF TRUST EXECUTED BY CARLA GRABAU <br />NUNNENKAMP AND LONNIE NUNNENKAMP <br />201507651 <br />A tract of land located in the East Half of the Northeast Quarter (E1 /2NE1 /4) of Section <br />Twenty -Seven (27), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6 P.M., <br />Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point <br />on the East line of the Northeast Quarter of Section Twenty -Seven (27), said being one <br />thousand five hundred fifty -three and six tenths (1553.6) feet South of the Northeast <br />Corner of Section Twenty -Seven (27); then South a distance of seven hundred one and <br />twenty -five hundredths (701.25) feet; thence West a distance of three hundred thirty <br />(330.0) feet; thence North a distance of seven hundred one and twenty -five hundredths <br />(701.25) feet; thence East a distance of three hundred thirty (330.0) feet, to the place of <br />beginning and containing 5.3125 acres, subject to the highway right of way over the east <br />forty (40) feet of the tract. <br />