� . � � 2� 15�7�44
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<br /> s�c�ndar��r contv�gen�;t�ge�her��i�h ari��in�erest or charges pr�vided �n flr arising ou�of su�h indeb�edness, as
<br /> v�e�l as the agreements and covenan�s �f this Security Inst�rrument and alI Rela��d:Documents �hereinaf��r al�
<br /> referred t�as�h�"Indeb�edn�ss"�. - . , -
<br /> FUTURE ADVAN�ES.To the extent p�r.mit�ed by 1aw,this 5ecur�ty Instrument�ri11 se�ure future ad�rances as if
<br /> such advances v�ere made�on the,date.�f�h�s Securit�Instrument regard�ess of the fact that fr�m�ime t�ti.me�here
<br /> may be n��balance�ue under the n�te and regard�ess of whether Lender is abiiga�ed fv make such future advances.
<br /> �R�SS C�LLATERALI�ATI�I�T:� It is fhe expressed in�ent af Grantor ta cross callateralize a1I �f its
<br /> Indebtedness and �b�iga�ians to�Lender, bov�rs�ever aris�ng and v�hensoe�er incurred, excep� any obligativn
<br /> e�isting�r arising against the.principal:.dwe�Iing of any�ran�or. � .
<br /> �L�'ARR�ANTIES.'Grantor, f�r �tself, i�s heirs,�pers�na� �representa�ives, successars, and ass�gns, repres�nts,
<br /> v�arrants,cavenan�s arid-agrees with�ender,i�s=success�rs and assigns,as follows: �
<br /> Performanc� vf Ub�igation�. �rantor promises to perform alI �erms, ��nditians, and c��renants of this
<br /> Se�uri�y Instrument and Re�afiec�Dacuments in accvrdance v�i�h the terms can�ained�herein.
<br /> � . : � ,.., . -
<br /> Defense and Tit.�e to Property..At_tl�e time of e�ecu��on and deliver�of�his instrument, Gran�ar is la�full.y
<br /> seised af�he estate hereb� �on�re�ed and has the e�ciusive r�ght ta m�r�gage, gr,an�, can�re� and assi�n the
<br /> Proper�y.Gran�or.covenan�s that the Pr�perty��s�unencumbered and free of a111�ens,e�cept for encum�rances
<br /> of recflrd acceptal�le��.Lender. Fur�her, Grantor co�enants that Gran��r�il�v�rarran� and defend generally
<br /> the title ta the Prflper�r against_;any and al� cla�ms and demands �ha�s�ever, subj ec� to �he easemen�s,
<br /> restrictions, �r other e�cumbrances �f.rec�rd accep�able t� Lender, as may be l�s�ed in �he schedule of
<br /> except��ns �o �c��rerage in any abstra�t of ti��e or ti�1e insurance policy insuring Lender's �nteres� in �he
<br /> Proper�y.
<br /> ��ndit�on of Property. Gran�ar pr�mises a� aIl times to preser�re and�� maui�ain the Proper�y and e�ery
<br /> part th�reof an_good repair,.��r�n.g arder, and conditi�n and wil�from time��time, make al�needful and
<br /> praper repa�rs so that�he value of�h�e Pr�per�y sha�l n�t ul any v�ay be impa�red..
<br /> � Remova� of any Part�f.the property. �rant�r.prumises not:�a remo�e any part�f the Property fr�m its
<br /> present locat�on,except:for�replacement,main�enance and rel�c,ation in�he�rd�nary�ourse�f business.
<br /> A��erations t� the Pr�pert�. Grantor promises to abstain fram the c�mmi�s�on �f an� �raste �n �r in
<br /> �arinectivn vsiith�he Pr�per�:Fur�h�r,Gran�or shall make nv mat�rial alterat�ons,addrtions�r�mprovements
<br /> �f'any �ype whats�ever-to the Property, regardless of whe�he�r such alteration�:, add�tions �r i�mprovemen�s
<br /> vvou�d increase�the value of-�he 1'rop er�i, nor p ermi� anyone to'do s❑ exc ept fvr�enan�xmprovements and
<br /> c�mple�ion of i�ems pursuant��o�ap�roved�plans and spec�fications, �crithout Lender's prior written consent,
<br /> v�rhich cansent may'be:���hhe�d���by Lerider in i#s s��e discretion. Crantor v�i�I compX� �ri�h a�1 Iavvs and
<br /> r�gula�ions of a11 public au�h�r��ies ha�ring jur�sdic��an n�er the Pr�per�r including,�i�hvut,limitatYvn,thase
<br /> relating to the use, �occu�ancy�and ma�tenance there�f and s�aa�1 up�n�reques�promptly su�m�.t ta Lender
<br /> evidence of suc�i comp�ian�e. `` '
<br /> Due vn Sa�e--�ender's Cansent.Gran��r shal�not se1�,fur�her en�umher Qr af.her�is�dispose of,except as
<br /> herein prov�ded, any or�all of i�s��nteres� in any part of�r ali of the Proper�y v�thou� firs� ab�aining the
<br /> writ�en consent �f Lender. If any en�umbrance, lien, transfer or sale or agreement f�r these is crea�ed,
<br /> Lender may declare i.mmediately due and payal��e,the en��re ba�ance af the Indebtedness.
<br /> Insurance.Grant�r promises to keep the Proper�y i.nsured agaYns�such risks and in such form as may with�n
<br /> the s��e discr�tiun:of Lender be accepta��e,.causing Lender�o be nam�d as lass pay�e �r if reques�ed by
<br /> Lender, as mortgagee. The �nsu.rance cvmpan� shali be chasen by Grantar subj ect t� Lender's appraval,
<br /> v�hich shal� not be unreasonably �i�hlleld. AI� insuran�e poliG�es must prav�de tha� Lender ��11 get a
<br /> minimum of 1��days notice priar-t�cancel�ation.At Lender's d�scre�ivn,Grant�r may be required t�praduce
<br /> receipts af paid premiums and x:enewal p��xc�es.If Gran�or fai�s to�b�ain the required�vvera�e,Lender ma�
<br /> do s�at Grantvr's expense.Grantor hereb}�direc�s each and e�rery insurer af the Pr�perty to make payment of
<br /> ��ss to Lender v���th the proceeds t�be app�ied, �nly at Lender's opti�n,t�the repair a.nd replacemen�of�he
<br /> damage or loss or to be app�ied to the Ind�btedness wi�h�he surplus,if any,to be paid by Lender i��Grantor.
<br /> Payment of Taxes and Uther Applicable �harges. Grantor pr�mises to pay and t� discharge liens,
<br /> en�umbrances,�ta�es,assessmen�s,lease payrnents and any other charges re�a�ing�o�he Proper�y v�rhen 1e�ried
<br /> oz assessed against Grantar or the Pr�per�. . ,
<br /> � En�v�ironmenta�. Ilaws and Hazardous ar Toxic Materials. Grant�r and every ��nant have been, are
<br /> �� presen��y and.sha1� con�inue to be �n� strict compliance with any ap�l��able lvcal, s�ate and federal
<br /> en�r�ro�mental��la�s and�regulations.�Ftu-�her,ne��her Grantar nor any tenant sha1�.manufacture,store,handle,
<br /> discharge �r dispose of hazardous �r�oxic materials as may be defined by an�state �r federal Iav�r on�he
<br /> Prope�-�, except.to �he. e�tent �he e�istence �f such mater�a�s has been present�y disclosed in �vritfng to
<br /> Lende�•. Grant�r v�i11 immedia�e��i n�ti.fy Lender�n�riting of.any asser�ion�r c�a�m made by an�parCy as to
<br /> �he possib�e v�o�at��n af appl�cable s�ate and federal envir�nmental Ia�s xncluding th� Iocatian of any
<br /> hazardflus or toxic ma��rials;�n�r abvu��he Property. Grant�r indem�ies and holds Lender harm�ess frQm,
<br /> wi�hout Iimi�ati�n,.an� Iiabili�y_�r e�pense �f whatsoever nature incurred directly �r �.n,directly ou� �f vr in
<br /> conn�ction,with: (a)�:an�envir��menta�Ia�s affec�ing a��or any part of�he Pr�perty or Gran��r;[b}the past,
<br /> pr�sent ar future exis�en�e vf an�hazardous mat�ria�s in, on, under, a�bou�, or ema.na�ang from �r passing
<br /> through the Pr�pert� �r any part thereof ur an� proper�y adj acent thereto; (c} any pas�, present or future
<br /> �2UD�-�015 Campliance Systems,In�.3855-CB3D-2�I5.8.4.991
<br /> Cammercia�Real Estate SeGurity Ins�rument-DL�D07 Page 2 of 5 �vww.cnmpiianr.esystems.cnm
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