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2� 15�7�32 <br /> BDRR�WE���VENANTS that Bnrrawer is lawful�� s��sed of the e�ta��h�reby conveyed and has�he r�ght�o <br /> gran�and c�n�ey the Proper�y and�hat the Pr�per�y ��unencum�ered, except far encumbrances af record. <br /> Borrnv�er warrants and will defend g�neral�y the t�t��tn th�Praper�y aga�nst al.� claims and d�mands, sub�ec�to <br /> an��ncumbran�es of rec�rd. <br /> THIS SECURITY�N��TRUME�T�ombines uniform covenants fnr natianaX use and non-uniform cow�nan�s wxth <br /> limited�ariati�ns by jur�s�i��ion tfl consti�ut�a uniform securit� ins�rument c�v�ring r�al proper�y, <br /> Uniform Co►renants. Borrower and Lender covenant an�agr��as ffl��aws: <br /> '1. Payment nf Princ�pal, �nterest, Es�r�►n► items, Prepaym�nt Charges, and �.ate Charges. Bnrr�wer <br /> sha��pa�when du�th�p�incipa� of, and interes�on, th�debt evidenced�y the�ote and any pre�aym�n� <br /> charges and�a�e charges due ua�der�he No�e. Borr�v�er shal� also pay funds for��crow �tems pursuant to <br /> Secti�n 3. I'a�ments due under the Note and this Se�ur�ty �ns�rument sha��b��made�n t1.S. currency. <br /> �awev�r, if any ch�ck�r oth�r instrument recexved b� Lender as payment under�he Nn�e or th�s Secur�ty <br /> �ns�rumen� is returned�a Lender unpa�d, L�nder may require that an�or a�l sub�e�uent pa�m.ents due under <br /> �he Note and thi�Secur�ty �nstrurnent be made�n one or more of th�fol�ov�ing f�rms, as se�ected by Lender: <br /> �a} cash; �b} mone�order; �e}cer�ifi��check, bank check, tr�asurer's check or cashier's ch�ck, pro�ided any <br /> suc�check is drawn upan an�nstitu��on whose dep�szts are�nsured by a federa� agency, instrun�entality, or <br /> �ntit�; ar�d} E1ec�ronic Funds Transfer. <br /> Paymen�s are deemed re�e��ed b�r L�nder When re�eived a�th�lflcat��n d�s�gnated in the Nate or at su�h <br /> other�ocation a�ma�be des�gnated by Lender�n accardance with�he natzce pr�v�sions in Sec�i�n �S. <br /> Lender may r��urn an�pa�ment or p�ial pa�ment if�he payment�r partia� payments ar�insuffic�ent to <br /> bring�he L�an curren�. Lender ma�r acc�pt any pa�men�or partial payment insuf�C�ent ta br�ng�he L�an <br /> current, wi�hout wa�ver flf ar��rights hereunder or pre�udice to its r�gh�s�fl r�fuse such paym�nt or partia� <br /> paymen�s in th�future, �ut L�nder is no�obl�gat�d�a appXy such payments a�the t�me such payments are <br /> accep�ed. �f each Periadic Payment is appiied as�f�ts schedu�ed due date, then Lender need not pay inter�st <br /> on unappl��d funds. Lender may ha�d such unappl�ed funds unt�� Borrower makes payments t�bring the <br /> Loan curren�. �f Borrower do�s not do so��th�n a reasonabl�per�od flf�zme, Lender sha�l e��her appiy such <br /> funds or�return�hern to Borrower. If n�t app��ed�ar��er, such funds wi�l�e app��ed�o�he autstand�ng <br /> principa�.balan��under the�ote immediatel�prior�o farec�osur�. No affse�or��ainz v�rhzch Borrower maght <br /> have no� or xn th�futur�aga�nst Lender shall reii�ve Barrow�r fr�m rnaking payments due und�r the I�o�e <br /> and this Secur��� �nstrum�nt or perf�rming the c�venants and agreemen�s se�ured by�his Se�urit� <br /> Ins�rument. <br /> �. App��catifln vf Payrnents or Prn��eds. ��cept as otherwise d�s�ribed in th�s Sect�on 2, a��payxn�nts <br /> aC�ep�ed an�appl�ed b�r Lender shall be app��ed�n the fo��ov�i�g ard�r of priarity: �a} �n�erest due und�r the <br /> Note; �b}pr�nc�pa� du�under the No�e; �c� amounts due under S�ct�on 3. Suc�paym�nts sha�l be app�ied t� <br /> each Period�c Paymen�in th�order in which it became due. Any r�maining amounts shall b�applied f�rs�to <br /> la�e charges, s�cfl�d to an�r other amounts due und�r�his Se�urity�n��rument, ar�d then t�reduce the <br /> principal balan�e nf�he Note. <br /> If Len���rec��ves a paymen�frorx�B�rrower for a d�l�nquent Per�od�c Paymen�v�hiCh includes a suff�c�en� <br /> amoun��o pay any late charge due, the paymen�may be appli�d to the delznquent paymen� and the Ia�e <br /> charg�. �f more�han�ne P�riodic Paymen��s au�stand�ng, Lender may app�y any paymen�rece�ved from <br /> Borr�w�r t� the r�payment af the Per�od��Paym�n�s if, and t�the exten��hat, each paymen�can be pa�d �n <br /> full. Ta�he extent that an�exce�s e�ist� af��r th�payment is app�ze��o �he fu��paymen�of one or more <br /> Peri�di� Payments, such excess may b� app��ed t� a�.y�ate charges due. Va�untary prepayments sha�I�e <br /> app�ied f�rst�o an�prepayment charg�s and then a�described in the Note. <br /> NESRASKA-5ingle�amily-Fanni�MaelFreddie Mac UNIFaRM 1N5TRCIMENT �orm 3d28 11a1 <br /> VMP� VMPStN��[13�2� <br /> WoIters Kluwer Financial Ser►►ices Page 4 of 17 <br />