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2� 15�7�32 <br /> in�he Proper�y and rights under�his Se�urity Instrument; and�d} takes such act�on as Lender�nay <br /> rea�onab�y requ�re�o assure�hat Lender's �n�eres�in the Froper�y and r�ghts under this Security Ins�rum�n�, <br /> and Borrower's�bl�ga�ion�o pay th�sums s�cured by�his Securi�y Instrument, shall con��nue unc�aanged. <br /> Lend�r may require tha�Borrawer pay such r�instatement sums and expenses in one or m�ore of th�f���owing <br /> f�rms, as sei���ed by Lender: �a} cash; (b}maney order; �c}cer�i�ied check, ban1�check, �reasurer's�h�ek or <br /> cashier's checks pr��ided any such ch�ck is drawn u�on an inst�tut�on whose deposi�s are insured by a <br /> federal agency, �nstrumen�al�ty�r enti�y; nr�d} E��ctronic Funds Transfer. Upon rein��a�emenf�y Borr�v�er, <br /> this Se�urity �nstrument and abligatians secured h�reby shall rema�n fu��y effec�i�e as �f n� accelera�ion had <br /> occurr��. H�w�v�r, th�s right to reinstate sha�� no�apply �n the�ase Qf acc��era�ian under Section �8. <br /> ��. Sale of Note; Change of Laan Servicer; Natice of Grievance. The Nflte or a partza� in�er�s��n�h� <br /> Note�t�geth�r wi�h�his Securi�y�nstrumen��can b��o�d�ne ar mare times w��hout pr�or not�ce ta <br /> Borrower. A sale m�.gh�resu���n a chang�in�he enti�y �knawn as �he "Lo��z Set�vicer"}tha��oll�c�s Periadic <br /> Paymen�s due under�h�Note and this Secur��y �nstrumen�and perfarms o�her nZ�rtgage loan servic�ng <br /> ab�i�at�ons under the Not�, th�s Security �nstrumen�, and Applicah�e Lavv. There a�so migh�be one or more <br /> chang�s�f�he L.aan Ser�i��r unrelated��a sa�e af the Note. If�her�is a�hange of the L�an Ser�xcer, <br /> Borro�ver w����e�iven writt�n notice�f the chang�whi�h vvi11 s�a�e the name and address of the new Loan <br /> Ser�ic�r, the address�o whi�h payments�hould be made and any ather�nformat�on RESFA requir�s in <br /> c�nnectian wi�h a no��ce of transf�r of ser`r�cing. If the Nti��is said and thereaf�er the Loan.�s serviced by a <br /> Loan Serv�cer�ther than�he purchaser of�he Note, the�nor�gage Ioan serv�cing obligat�ons�o B�rrower w��� <br /> rem�ain wi�h the Loan Ser�icer or be transferred ta a success�r L.oan Servicer and are not assumed by th.e <br /> Nate purchaser un�ess o�herwise prov�ded by�he No�e purchaser. <br /> Nei�her..Borr�wer n�r L�nder may commene�,�oin, or be�o�ned t�any jud�cia�action�as ei�her an <br /> x�d���dua� 1�t�gan�ar�h�memb�r of a c�ass}�ha�ar�s�s fra�n the other par�y's actians pursuant to�h�s <br /> Securi�y �ns�ru.ment or�hat alleg�s�hat�he other par�y has breached any pra�isi�n af, �r an�dut�owed by <br /> reason of, �his Securxty Instrumen�, un��� such Borrower or Lender has noti�ed the o�her par�y �with such <br /> notice gi��n�n compliance�v�th the r�quirements of Sec�ion 1 S}�f such al�eged hreach and affarded�he <br /> o�her party her�to a reasonab�e period after�he g��ing af such no�ice to�ake c�rrec���e ac��on. �f App��cab�e <br /> Law pra�ides a��me period which must elapse befare cer�ain action�an be taken, tha��ime period wi�l be <br /> d�em�d ta be reasonab�e for purpases�f th�s paragraph. The noti�e of accelera��on and opp�rtuni�y fo cur� <br /> g�ven to Borrow�r pursuan�to S�c�ion 22 and the na�ic�of acceleration g�ven�o Borr�wer pursuant to <br /> Sec���n �.8 sha11 b�deem�d�a sa��sfy the notice and oppor�unity to�ake�orrecti�e actxon pr���s�ons of�his <br /> Sect�on��. <br /> ��. Hazardvus Substances. As used in this Se�ti�n�I: (a� ".�la�ardous Substances"are�hvse subs�anc�s <br /> defined as t�xic or hazard�us substances, pa��u�ants, a�r was�es by Envir�nrnen�a� Law and�he f�Ilaw�ng <br /> substances: gasoiine, kerosene, o�her f�amma�le or to�ic petra�eum products, ��xic pes�icides and herbi�xd�s, . <br /> �o�at��e sfll�e�.�s, ma�er�a�s con�ainin�asbe�tas or formaldehyde, and radioactive materia�s; ��� <br /> "Enuironrr��r�tal Law"means federa� �aws and laws of the jurisd��t�an wher�the Propert�is I�cated�ha# <br /> rela��ta heal�h., safety or�nvir�nmental protectian; ��} "Ertvironmentar �`leartup"inc�udes any re�por�se <br /> action, remedial act�on, or removal a�t�on, as defined in Env�r�nmen�al Law; and�d} an ".Enviranmental <br /> C`nnditior�"means a condition tha�can caus�, contribute to, or n��erwxse�r�gger an En�ironmental Cleanup. <br /> Borrower shal�nat cause�r permit the presence, use, disposa�., s�orage, ar re�eas�of an�Hazardaus <br /> Subs�ances, �r threaten to re��ase any Hazardaus Subs�ances, on or in�he Prope�y. Borrower shal�na�da, <br /> nor al�aw anyon�else ta dfl, any�hing affecting�he Proper�y �a} that is in v�a�ation of an�En�iranmen�a� <br /> Law, �b}wh�ch creates an En��ronmental Condi�ion, ar�c} w�ich, due to�he presence, use, or release�f a <br /> Hazardous Substan�e, creates a�andx�ion�hat adverse�y affe��s the�a1ue of�he Pr�per�y. The preced�ng�wo <br /> NEBRASKA-Single�ami[y-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac l3NlFQRM INSTRUMENT Fvrm 3�28 11Q't <br /> VMP� <br /> VMP6tN£�t13D2� <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Ser�iGes Page 9 3 vf 17 <br />