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2� 15�7597 <br /> 11. ENVIR�NMENTAI� LAWS AND HAZARDC]US S[JSS�AN�ES, As used in this section, <br /> �I} �nvir�nmental Law m�ans, without limitation, the Comprehensive Environr��nta1 Re�panse, <br /> Campensat�an and Liability Act �C�R�LA, 4� iJ,5.�. 9��� et seq.}, and all ather federal, state and loca] <br /> laws, regulations, ordinances, court �rders, attorney genera� opinions ar interpreti�e letters concernin� the <br /> public health, safety, wel�'are, en�ironm�nt or a hazardaus subs�ance; and �2} Hazardou� Substance m�ans any <br /> t�xi�, r�dioactive or haLard�us materia�, wast�, pollutant �r contaminant �vhich has charact�ristics which <br /> render th� substance dangeraus ar patent�ally dangerou� to the pub�ic health, safety, welfar� or �n�ironment. <br /> The term includes, withou� limitation, any substances defined as "hazardaus rr�aterial," "toxic substances," <br /> "ha�ard�us vvaste" or "hazardous substance" under any En�ironmentai Law. <br /> Trustar represen�s, warrants and agrees that: <br /> A.Ex�ept as pre�iously disclosed and acknow�edged �n wr�ting to Benef�ciary, na Hazardous Substance is <br /> ar will be located, stored ar released on ar in th� Properry. This restrzc��on daes not apply tv sma�l <br /> quantities of Hazardous Sub�tance� �hat are gen�rally recognized to be �ppropriat� far the norma� use <br /> and maintenance of�he Property, <br /> B. Except as pre�iously disclased and acknowledged in writing to Ben�fi�iary, Trustor and e�ery tenant <br /> ha�e b�en, ar�, and shall remain in full campliance with an� a�plicable En�ironmental Law. <br /> �, Trustor shal] immediately notify Benefic�a�-y if a re�ease or �hreatened r�l�ase af a Hazardous Substance <br /> accu�� on, under or a��ut th� Praperty or there is a vi�latxon af an� Environn�ental Law concerning the <br /> Prop�rty. �n such an e�ent, T�rustor shall �ake a�� necessary remedial action in acc�rdance with any <br /> En�ironmental Law. <br /> D,Trustor sha11 immediaCely notify Beneficiary in writing as soon as Trustor has reasan to belie�e there is <br /> any pending ar threatened in�estigation, claim, ar proceeding relating to the release or threatened <br /> release of any Hazardous Substance or the violation of any En�iranmen�al Law. <br /> 12. ESCR�W F(]R TA�ES ANI] INSURANCE. Un�ess otherwise pro��d�d in a separate agreement, Trustor <br /> will no�be re�uired t� pay ta Beneficiary funds for taxes and �nsuranc� in escra�v, <br /> 13. JC7II�IT AND INDIV�DUAL LIABIL�TY; C[)-SIGNERS; SUCCESSaRS AND AS5IGN5 B(3LINI]. All <br /> duties under this 5ecurity Xns�rument are joint and individual. If Trustor signs this Security InsCr�ment but <br /> does not sign an evidence of de�C, Trustar daes sa only ta martgage TrusCor's in�erest in the Prop�rty to <br /> secur�payment of�he Secured Debt an�Tru�tor daes n�t a�ree ta be personall� liabie on the Se�ur�d Debt. If <br /> this S�curity Instrument �ecures a guaranty be�ween Benef��iary and Trustor, Trustor agrees to wai�� any <br /> r�ghts that may pre�ent Beneficiary from bringing any action or claim against Trustor or any party indebted <br /> under the obl�gation, These rights may in�lud�, bur are not limited to, any anti-defici�ncy ar one-action laws. <br /> The du�ies and benefits of th�s S�curity Instrument sha�l bind and benefit the su�cess4rs and assigns of Tru�tor <br /> and B�neficiary. <br /> 14. SEVERABILITY; INTERPR.�TATI�N. This Se�urity Ins�rument is� complete and fully integrated, This <br /> �ecuri�y �nstrument may not be amended ❑r ma�ified by �ra� agre�rraen�, Any se�tifln in thi� Security <br /> Instrum�nt, at�achxnents, or any agreement related to the Secured �]��t that confli�ts with appli�a�le law will <br /> not be effeCti�e, unl�ss �hat �avv expressiy ar impliedly permits Che �ariations by written agr�ement, If any <br /> section of this Security Instrum�nt �annat be enforc�d according �o its terms, that se�tion wil� be se�ered and <br /> �vil� not affec� Che enforceabi�ity of the remaind�r of this �e�urity �n�rrument. �Vh�never u�ed, th� sin�ular <br /> sha�� includ� �he plura� and the plural the singular. Th� �aptions and headings of the sections a�this Security <br /> Instrumen� are for convenienc� on�y and are no� to be used to interpret or d�fine the terms of thxs Security <br /> Instrument. Time is af�he essen�e in this Security Ynstrum�nt. <br /> 15. SU��ESS�R TRUSTEE. Beneficiary, at Beneficiary's aption, may from time to time remo�e Trustee and <br /> app�int a success�r trustee without any other formaiity than the desi�natian in writing. Th� success�r trus�ee, <br /> withaut cQn�eyan�e of the I'rop�rty, shall su�ceed to a�i the title, power and duties conferred upon Truste�by <br /> this Security Instrument and applicable law. <br /> 16. N�TICE. Unless otherwise required by law, any notice shall be gi�en by d�li�ering it or by mai�ing it by <br /> first �lass mai� ta the apprapriate party's address on page l of this Security Instrumen�, s�r ta any other <br /> address designated in writing. N�tice ta on� trust�r will be deemed t� be notice t� all trustors, Trustor and <br /> Beneficiary her�by request a �opy af any noti�e af defaul�, and a �opy af any noti�� af sal� thereunder, �e <br /> maiX�d to each party at the address far such party set forth on page 1 of this Security In�trum�nt. <br /> 17. 'L�VAIVERS. Except to the ex�ent prohibit�� Uy 1aw, Trus�ar waives a11 appraisement and hom�stead <br /> �xemption rights relating �o the Property. <br /> 18. I��N� ClF CREIIIT. The Secured I]ebt inc�udes a reval��ng line of credit. Although the S�cured D��t may <br /> be reduc�d t� a zera balance, this 5ecurity Instrument wiXl remain ir� effec� until released. <br /> Security instrumer�t-Dpen-�nd-Consumer-NE OC�-R��T-NE 7121�0�1 <br /> VMPa Bar�kers SystemsT"" VMP-C465iN�1 =�1 Q7f.QD <br /> Walters Kluwer Financial Ssr�ices a1994,2�11 Page 5 of 6 <br />