2� 15�7597
<br /> �h� property is �o�ated in ...�a11................................................... �t ,,....,,.,�.,.,,.........,,.,,.,.....
<br /> (C'nunty}
<br /> �41� Pioneer �lvd Grand Island Nebrasl�a 688Q1
<br /> .................................,.....................y .........,,.�.� ...........,.,.......,..., .....���.....,.......
<br /> �Addr�ss} (C�ity} �ZIP C'ade}
<br /> Togeth�r �uith all right5, easements, appur�enanc�s, royalti�s, mineral rights, oil and gas rights, a11 �vater and
<br /> riparian rights, d�tches, and water stock and all �xisting and future impro�ements, structures, fix�ures, and
<br /> r�placements that may now, or at any time in the future, be par�af the rea� es�ate described ab��e (a�1 referred
<br /> to as "Property"}.
<br /> 3, l�[A�IMUNI �BLIGATIUN LIMIT. Th� total pr�ncipal amvunt secured by this S�curity Instrum�nt at a.ny
<br /> one time shall not e��eed $ 21,.5.��.,0.4................................... . This �imitation of amoun� does not
<br /> includ� interest and other fees and charges �alidly made pursuan� to this 5ecurity Instrument. Also, this
<br /> 1 imita�ion daes not apply tQ advanc�s mad� under the terms of this 5ecur�ty Instrument ta protect
<br /> �eneficiary'� security and �o perfarm any af tMe c��enants contained in�his Security Instrument,
<br /> 4, SE�UREI�I�EBT ANI�F'[rTiJRE ADVANCES. The terrr� "Secured Debt" is defined as follaws:
<br /> A.�]ebt incurred under the terms af all promissory nate(s}, conCract(s}, guaranty�ies) or o��aer e�iden�� of
<br /> debt described helow and all their extensians, renewals, modificatians or subst�tutians. �You must
<br /> specificatl� iden�ify the deb��s}secured and�ou should ir�clude the firtaZ maturity d��e of such de���s}.}
<br /> Note I]at�d Uctober �8 2�1� IM Th� Amount Uf $21 5�� .��
<br /> Ac�ruing A� A Variable Rate With A Maturity Date �f �ct�ber 18� ����
<br /> Said Loan In The Name�s� �f Stev�n D Gratopp
<br /> And Lynda � LarsQn-�ratopp
<br /> B. All future ad��nces fr4m �eneficiar� to TrusCar a� oth�r fu�ure ab�iga�ions of Tru�tor �o Beneficiary
<br /> under any proznissory nate, ��ntract, �uaranty, �r aCh�r e�idence af debt execut�d by Trustar in �a�ar
<br /> af ��neficiary af�er �his ��curity Instrument whether nr not this Security Instrumen� is specif�c���y
<br /> referenced. If more than on� person signs thi� Security Instrument, each Trustor agrees that this
<br /> Security �nstrument �vill secure all future advances and future ob�igations that are gi�en to �r incurred
<br /> by any one or more Trustor, or any one ar more Trustor and �thers. All future ad�an�es and other
<br /> future abliga�ions are secured by this 5ecurity �nstrum�nt ev�n though ai� or part may not yet be
<br /> advanc�d. All future advances and ather fu�ture obligations are secured as if made on the date �f this
<br /> Securi�y Instrument. Nothing in �his Security Znstrument shall constitute a commitment �o rnake
<br /> additional or future loan� or ad�an�es in any amaunt. Any such commitment must be agr�ed �o in a
<br /> . .
<br /> separate wrx��ng.
<br /> C,All other abligations Trustor owes to Benefi�iary, which may Iater arise, to the ex�ent not prahibited by
<br /> law, including, but nat limited to, liabiiities for averdrafts relaCing to any depc�sit account agreement
<br /> between Trustor and Seneficiary.
<br /> �].All ad�itional sums advanced and �xpenses incurred by Beneficiary far insuring, preserving ar
<br /> otherwise protecting the Proper�y and i�s value and any �ther sums advanced and expenses incurred by
<br /> Seneficiary under the ternzs of this 5e�urity Instrumen�.
<br /> In the ��ent that �eneficiary fails ta provide any required notice of the right of rescission, Beneficiary waives
<br /> any subs�qu�nt security interest in the Trus�or's principal dwe�ling that is created by this Security �nstrument,
<br /> 5. DEED �F TRUST �C7VENANTS. Trustor agrees �hat the co�enants in th�s sectian are material obligatians
<br /> under the S�cured DebC and th�� Security Znstrument, I�` Trust�r b�ea�hes any �avenant in this section,
<br /> Beneficiary may refuse to rr�ake additional extensians af credit and reduce ��� cr�dit limit. Sy not exercising
<br /> either remedy �n Trustor's br�ach, �eneficiary does na� wai�e Beneficiary's right t� Xater�onsi��r the e�ent a
<br /> brea�h �f it happens again.
<br /> Paymen�s, Trustor agre�s that all payments und�r th� Secured Deb� wil� be p�id when �ue and in acc�rdance
<br /> with the terms of the Secur�d Debt and this �ecurity 7nstrumen�.
<br /> Privr Security Interests. VVith regard to any ather mortgage, deed of trust, security agreement or other l�en
<br /> document that created a priar securi�� interes� or encumbrance on the Proper�y, Trus�or agrees to make all
<br /> payments �vhen. due and t� perform or comply with all cavenants. Trustor also agrees not to allow any
<br /> madif�cation or e�tensian of, nor ta reques� any future ad�anc�s under any note or agreement secured by the
<br /> lien dacument withaut Benefi�iary's prior written appro�al,
<br /> �laim� Aga�nst Title. Trustor will pay all taxes �including any tax assessed to this I��ed of Trust},
<br /> assessments, liens, en�umbrances, lease payments, �round rents, uti�i��es, and ather charges relating t❑ th�
<br /> Praperty when due. Beneficiary may require Trustor to pra�ide t❑ Beneficiary copies of ali notices that such
<br /> am�un�s are due and the receipts evidencing TruStor's payment. Trustar wi�� defend txtle to the Property
<br /> aga�n�t any claims that would impair the lien af this Security Instrument. Trustor agrees to assign to
<br /> Benefic�ary, as r�qu�st�d by B�n�fic�ary, any rights, claims or defenses Trustor may ha�e against parties wh�
<br /> supply iabor ar materials to mainta�n or impr��e the Proper�y.
<br /> 5ecurity Ir�strument-C]pen-End-�onsumer-NE ❑CP-R�DT-N� 7l�I�D11
<br /> VMPU�ankers SystemsTM VMP-C����NE} ��1Q77.D�
<br /> Wolters Kluwer Financiaf Services D1994,2�11 Page 2 of G
<br />