2� 15�759�
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> Nei�her Bo�-r�wer nor Lender may c�mmence,j oin, or be j oined ta any judicial a�tian�as ei�her an
<br />� indiv�duallitigant Qr the mernber of a class�that arises from the o�her partyt5 a�tion5 pur5uant t4 thiS
<br />;
<br />� Security Instrument�r tha�alleges that the other par-ty has br�ached any provision of,or any duty o�ved
<br />' by r�ason of,�his Security Instrument,until such Borro�ver or L�nder has notified the�ther par�y[with
<br /> such nntice given�n compliance with the requirernents of Secti�n 15)of such al�eged breach and affarded
<br /> the other party hereta a rea�anable per��d after the giving of such not�ce t�take corrective action.If
<br /> App�icable LaW provides a time period v�rhich must e�apse before cer�ain acti�n can be taken,�hat time
<br /> period will be deemed to be reasanable for purposes of this paragraph. The notice of acceleratian and
<br /> opportunity t�cure gi�en to Bnrrower pursuant to Section 2�and the notice af ac�eleration given t�
<br /> B�rr�wer pursuant to Secti�n ��sha11 be deemed t�satisfy the natice and�pp�rtunity t��ake corre�tive
<br /> action pr�visians�f this Se�tion�0.
<br /> Z'I. Hazardaus Su bstan�es. As used in this Section�1: [a} "Hazardous Substances"are those
<br /> substances defined as toxic�r hazardous substances,p�llutants,or wastes by En�irflnmental Lav�and
<br /> �he fol�ovving substances:gaso�ine,keros�ne,�ther flamrnahle�r t��i�petroleum products,taxic pesticides
<br /> and herbicides,�fllatile�al�en�s,materials con�aining asbestfls or formaidehyde,and radiaa�tive materials;
<br /> (b} "Environrnental Law"means federa�laws and iavvs of th�jurisdiction where the Property is located
<br /> that relate to h�a�th,safety or environmental protec�ion; �c} "Environmental�leanup"includes any
<br /> response action,remedial action,or rem�val action, as defined in Environmenta�Lav�r; and�d�an
<br /> "Environmental Condi�ion"means a candit�on that can cause,contribute to,or o�herw�se trigger an
<br /> Envir�nmental�leanup.
<br /> B�rro�ver shall n�t cause�r permit the presence,use, dispasal, storage,or re�ease of any Hazardous
<br /> Substances, or threaten to release any Hazaxdous Su�stances,an ar in�he Fr�pert�.B�rrower shall nat
<br /> d�,n�r allavv any�ne else to do,anything affecting the Property�a}that is in�iolatian of any Environmenta�
<br /> Law,��which creates an Environmen�al Condition,or�c}Which,due to the presence,use,or release of
<br /> a Hazardous Substance,creates a condition that ad�erse�y affe�ts the�alue�f the Proper�y.Th�preceding
<br /> two senten�es shall not apply to the presence,use,or storag�on the Property of small quantities�f
<br /> Hazardous Substances that are generally reCagnized to be apprvpriate to normal residential uses and to
<br /> maintenance flf the Prflp�rty�including,but�ot limited to,hazardaus substan�es in consumer products}.
<br /> Barrnwer sha11 promp��y gi�e Lender written notice af(a�any investigationy claim,demand,Iawsuit ar
<br /> other action by any governmen�al or regulatory agency�r p�.vate party inv�lving the Property and any
<br /> Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law af which Borrav�er has actual kno�I�dge, �b)any
<br /> Environmental Conditi�n,in�luding but no�limi�ed t�,any spil��ng,leaking,discharge,release�r threat
<br /> of release of any Hazard�us 5ubstance,and(c}any conditian caused by the presence,use or r�leas�of
<br /> a Hazardous Sul�sta.nce which adversely affe�ts the value of the Property.If Borrovver learns,�r is nvtified
<br /> by any governmental or regulat�ry authority,�r any p�ivate party,�hat any removal or��her remediati�n
<br /> af any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary,Borrovver sha11 promptly�a.ke al�necessary
<br /> remedial a�tions in accordance�ith Environmental Lavv.Nothing herein shall create any abligation on
<br /> Lender for an Envir�nmental Cleanup.
<br /> Non-U n iform �o�enants. B�rrower and L�nder further eovenant and agree as fo�lows:
<br /> 22. Ac�eleration; Remedies. Lend�r shall gi�e notice to Borr�wer priar ta acc�leration
<br /> fnllow�ng Barrower's breach of any cn�enant ar agreem�nt in this Se�urity Instrument [but
<br /> HCFG-00359
<br /> NEBRAS4CA-5ingle Family-Fanr�ie MaelFreddie Mac�NIF�RM 1N5TRLlIVIENT F�rm 3428 1101
<br /> VPVIPC�] a3l15
<br /> Wolters I�luwer Financiaf Servi�es 20151Q1915.�.2.3298-J2�954506Y Page 14 0�17
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