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2� 15�7595 <br /> DEED �� TRUST <br /> Loa� Noe 7��'�5�47 {�ot�t�t�ued} Pag� 7 <br /> �f�is �e�d o�Trust shall b� �ind�ng upon and inure �o the b�ne�i� vf th� parties, �he�r su��essors and assignse [� <br /> ownership o�the Praperty becames �ested in a person v�her than Trustor, Lender, �►rithout na�ics ta Trustor, rnay <br /> dea�vvi�h Trustor`s su�cessars wfth reference tc��his �eed of Trust and�the lndeb�edness by way❑��orbeararac�or <br /> extens�on withau�reieasin�Trus�or�roa�r��he�bfigations o�this Deed of Trust vr liabil�ty under�he lndeb�edness. <br /> Ti�n��s of�he Essence. �ime�s�f the essence in�he pertarmance o�this Deed of Trus�. <br /> V4faive Ju�y. AlI parties to th�s Deec� vf�rus� hereby�rai�e�h� right�� a�y lu�y trial in any actionr prv�eeding, �r <br /> �aunter�Iair�brought by any pa�r aga�ns�any c�t�er party. <br /> V�a��er �f Hornes�ead �xem�#�vn. �r�s�or hereby �eieas�s and �vaives a[[ rights and ber�e-�Ets af �he homest�ad <br /> exemption laws af the S�ate a�[V�braska as�o ali �ndebtedness secured by this D�ed of Truste <br /> ❑EF[N�Td[JNSe The�allowing words shal[ have th��oljowing rneanings whee� used in this Dee�v�Trust: <br /> Benefrciary. The vvo�d "Bene�Ficiary�°' r�eans Equitable Bank, and i�s succ�ssors and assigns. <br /> Borrv►rver. The �nrord "Borrawe�`° rr��ans Zachary T Thompson and [V�arCy Fi Thompson ana inci�des afI �a-signers <br /> and cn-rnakers signing�he [Vote and a[[their successars and �ssigns. <br /> Deed a� �'rust. The warc�s °'Deed o� �rus�" rmean this Deed o�F �frust am�ng Trustar� Lender, an� Trustee, and <br /> ir�clud�s vvi�hout [imi�a�ian al[ assignrr7ent and s�cur��y interesfi pr�visi�ns r�la�ing t� the Persor�a� Prvper-ty and <br /> Ren�s. . � � � , . <br /> EnvirvnmentaI L�`►�rs. The �words "En�ironmenta� Laws" mean an� and a[[ sta�eo �e�ieral and lo�a� s�a�utes, <br /> reguf a�ions and vrdEnanc�s �ela�ing to the pro�ection o� humar� health or,the envir�nment, inciuding wi�hvut <br /> �imi�a�ion �he Comprehensi�e En�ironmental Response, G�mpensa�ian, and L�abili-�y Act o� �98�, as ar�ended. 4-� <br /> LJ.S.C. Se�tian 96a�, e� seq. {"CER�LA"�, the Sup�r-�und Ar-nendrr�enfs and R�au�thorizat�vn Ac�of �986, Pub. L. <br /> Na. 99--�99 �"SARA"},�he E�a�ardous 1V�a�erials Transporta�ivn�ct,49 L�.�.C. Sectivn 7$4'�T�t seq.,the Resource <br /> �onservati�n and F�ecav�ry Acfi, 42 U.SaC. Section �9�'[. efi seq., or a�her app�iGable state or�edera! �aws, rules, <br /> or a-egulations adopted pursuan��hereto. <br /> EW�nt of De#au[t. The uvords `p Even�of Defau[t" mean any af�he e�ents af default set fflrth in�his I�eea o��rust`rn <br /> �he e�ents v�default sec�ion o��his �eed o��rust. � <br /> Existin� Inc�ebtedness. Yhe vvord� °'Exis�ting lndebtedn�ss" rnean the 6nde�tedness described in �the E�ist�ng Liens <br /> provision c�f tF�is �eed o��rus�. <br /> G�aran�y.` The word "Guarant�" ��ans�he guaranty frvrra guaranfior, endors�erE���ur�tyf or-ac�ommodatio� parey t� <br /> Lender, in�lud�ng�ithvut limitatian a guaranty of a[[or part o��he lVate. <br /> Hazardc�us Subs#�nces. T�e r�vord� "Hazardaus Substances" m�an r-nate�-�a�s that, beGause o� th�ir quan�ity, <br /> �oncent�ation or.physica[. �hemi�a6 or in�rectious characfieris�ics, may �aus� or pose � pr�sent v� potential hazard <br /> �v humar� health or the en�ironment v+�hen emproperly used,treated, stored. d�spas�d o�F� generated f manufac�ured, <br /> -�ranspar�ed ❑r atherwise hand�ed. The wor�ds 8S Hazardous Substances" are used in �heir �ery broaties� sense and <br /> includ� �r+ri�hout dim�ta�i�n any and alf hazardous or �axi� subs�anc�s, �-nateria[s �r was�e �s de€ined bv vr listed <br /> under�the En�irnnmenfial La�►rs. The ter� "�-lazardaus Substances" alsv inc�udes, v�rifihflut Iimitation, petrfl�eum and <br /> petro[eum by-produ�ts❑r any�ra��iar�thereof and asbestose <br /> �r�prvvem�ntsa The word "Impravernents" rneans aII existing and future �rr�pra�em�n�s, bui�d�ngs, struc�ures. � <br /> mabi�e hvmes af�Fixed an the �ea� Property. faci[i�ies, additions, replacement� and other constructian �n the Reai <br /> Prop��y, <br /> �rad�b�edness. The �vard "�ndebted�ess" means a[[ principa[, inte�est, ana othe�- ar�aunts, cas�s and exper�ses <br /> payab�e under �he Note ❑� Re�ated Do�umen�s, togefih�r with ai� r�nevva[s Qf, �x�ensivns v�, cnadificati�ns o z, <br /> �vnsoi:dations v�and subs�itu�iflr�s far�he 1Vote or Re[ated Documents and an� amounts expen de d or���anc�d by <br /> Lender to discharge Trustor`s ob[i�atians ar exp�nses encurred by 3r�stee ❑r Lender to enforce Trustar's <br /> nb��ga�i�ns under�h�s I]eed o�Trust,fiog��Fz�r with interest�n such amoun�s as provided in this❑eed fl��rus�. <br /> L�nder. The �nrord �'Lender" rneans L�qurtabl� Bank, its successvrs and ass�gns. �fhe wards "successor� or <br /> assigns°` rnean any person ar company tha�acquires any fn�eres�in the Nv�te. <br /> iVote. The �nrard "Note" r�n�ans �he promissory note dated �c�tober 29. ���5, ��7 the oClg�n�� prit7C9p�I <br /> a�o[�t�� �f $5�����.���rvrr���-ustor�a Lender,toge�her wrth alI renewals ❑f, extensions a�, rr�odifications afE <br /> re��nar�cings v€, cor�so[ida�ions vf, and subs�itutions fv� �he p�omissory note �r agreemen�. The ma�uri�y date o� <br /> this �]eec� o�Trust i� Navember �5, ��30. N�TIGE T� YR�S�'�R: THE N�TE C�dl[Te4�1V��1oAR�ABLE f�liY�RESI" <br /> �ATEs <br /> Pe�svnal Pr�perty. The enrords "�ersonal Pro�perty" rnean aI1 equipment, �ix�ures, and other ar��cles o� persona[ <br /> p�oper� nvv� or her�aiter ❑vvn�d �y Tr�storo and nvw ar her�a#�er a�a�hed vr afFi�ced to the Rea[ Property, <br /> tagether vvith al9 accessi�ns, nar�s, and additivns �n, a[[ replacements of, and aEl substitutions �For, any ❑f such <br /> property; and �ogether with a[� proceeds �including without [imi�atian all insurance proceeds and re�ur�ds o� <br /> prerriiums� �rom any sale or��he�disposit�on❑f th�Prvperty, <br /> Property, `�he warc� "Praper��' �neans coll�cti�eiy the Rea[ Praperty and th�P�rsona� Pr�perty. <br /> �ea� Pro�a��4 �h� wvrds "=�ea� �rc�perty" rnean�h� rea[ prapert�r, interes�s and righ�s. as �urther d�sc�ibed in this <br /> Deed❑�T�us�a <br /> ReIate� Dflcumentse The w�rds "Re�ated Docurr�ents" mean a[� promissa� notess credit agre�rrsents. �aan <br /> agreements, �nviranm�nta[ agreements, guaranti�s� securit�r ag�eer�entse m�rtgages, deeds of trust, security <br /> deeds, col[at�ral mortga�es, and a�! ❑ther enstruments, ag€�e�ments and dacumen�s, vvhether now �r he�eafter <br /> exist�ngr executed �n cannecfi�on with the Indebtec�ness. <br /> F�entss i he vvflrd "Rents°' means a[� presen� and tuture rents, re�enues, sncome, Essues, raya�ties, prafits, and <br /> �ther bene�i�s de�-��ed fror��he P�oper�y. <br /> Trus��e. The �nrord "Trust�e" means Equi�ab[e Bank {�rand fsfand Region�, �nrhase address is ��3-1�5 N Lflcust <br /> St� P� �a�c �5�, Gra�d fs�and, fVE �88�2-��6� and any subs�itute or suc�essor trust�es. <br /> T'rus��r, The w�rd "Trustor'° r�eans�a�hary T Thampsfln and 1Vlarc�R Thampson. <br /> EACFI TRUS`�"�F� �ICKN�INL��C��S H��I[N� �EAD ALL THE PR�1�C51�IVS �F �H15 DEED �F T'RUSTd AND EACH <br /> TRL�ST�R A�F�E�tS T'� �TS�E�iBIJISe <br />