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2� 15�7595 <br /> DEED �� TRL1�T <br /> L�an Noa '[��'I 5�47 ��o�1t[t�ued} Page � <br /> concerning any ind�btedn�ss o��ther abligation vf�frustor tv Lender�v►rhethe�existing now or�at�r. <br /> �vents Afi�e���ng Guarant�re ►4ny a��he preceding even�s vc�urs w�th respeet tv any�uarantor, endorser, surety, <br /> or accommodativn par�y o� an� o�the [r�debfiedn�ss or any guaran-�vr, en�orser, sur�ty, or accammodativr+ party <br /> dies or �ecames incomp�ten�E ❑r re�ok�s �r dispu�es the ualidity of, ar liabili�y under, any Guaran� of th� <br /> inclebtedness. <br /> [nsecur��y. Lender in goad��ith beiiev�s itselfi insecure. <br /> Exis��ng lndebtedness. The paym�n�t of any installmen�❑#principal �r any€n�teres�on fihe ExistEng [ndebtedness is <br /> no�made weth�n�he time required by�he promissvey note e�idencing su�h ind�b�cedness� ar a de�au[t accurs under <br /> the �nstrurr�ent securing �ueh End�btedness and is nv�cured during any app[icable grace period in such instrument, <br /> or any s€�rt ar other ac�ion is commenc�d to fvreciose any existing [ien on the Pa�vpertye <br /> Fi�ght�a Curee �fi any de�Fau[t, ��her than a default in payment, is curab[e and if�rusfior has not been gi�er� a notic� <br /> of a breach of�he same provision o��his Deed vf Trust wi�thin th� preceding�wei�� {�2� manths, �t rr�ay be cured if <br /> Tr�rsto�f af�er Lender sends wri�ter� no�i�e ta T�ust�r demanding cure of such de�au[�: 4�� cures the defauf��within <br /> tv�en�y �2�� days; or ��� if th� �u�e requires �nore �han twent� �2�) days, �mmediat�l� init�ates steps vvhich <br /> Lender de�ms ir� Lender's sale dQscretion tv be sufi�Ficien� to �ure �f�e d�fau[-� and fihereafter cor�tinues a�d <br /> C�rr�p�etes af[ reasanable and nec�ssary st�ps suffic�ent�a produce compliance as soon as r�asonabiy�racticaf e <br /> RIGN�`C5 A�� RE�IIiEDtES �[V DEFAUL`f. l�an E�ent of ❑e�au�t occurs under this Deed af Trust, a� an�r�ime thereafter, <br /> i rus�ee or�.ender may exercise any one�r more❑f the follawing righ'�s and remedies: <br /> A►��e[erativn [Jpvn Defau�ta A�dat�vna[ Rerr�edies. lf any Event vf aefiauft ocG�€rs as per the terms of the Note <br /> secvred hereby, Lerade�e�nay declare af� �ndebtedness secured by this ��ed�f Trust�o b� due and �ayab��and <br /> �f�e same shall thereupon bec�me due and payable without any presentrr�enti demand. protes�❑r nv$ice a�f any <br /> kind. �hereaf�er, Lender�aye <br /> ta� Either in persvr� �r by agen�, with or vvithvut bringing any activr� ar p�o�eeding, ar b� a �eceiver <br /> appopnte�l by a �aur�and withaut regard �o the adequacy o�r its securEty, en�er upon and take possessian <br /> a�the P�oper�y, or an�par��her�ofr in its own name or in�he name of�rustee. and do any act�vvhi�h �� <br /> de�ms nec�s�ary ❑r desirable fio preserr�e the va[ue, rnarketab��ity or rentabi[i�y e�f�he Property, ��pa�of <br /> the Praper� or in�e�es��r� the �rop�r�ty; in�rease fihe income frvm the Property �r pra�ec�th� securi�y of <br /> the Praper�; and, �ve�h or vvithau� �aking passessi�n ❑f ��e Proper�r, sue for ar othe�wise caf[ect the <br /> rentsr 155t��S and prafi�s ❑f the Prvperty, inc[uding th�se past due and unpaidr and app�y the sam�, fess <br /> ca�ts and e�cpenses v�opera�ian and �al[ec�ion a�arneys' fees,�v any indebfiedness secured by th�s ❑eed <br /> o� �rus�, a[[ in such vrder a�s L�nder rn�y deterrnin�. The e�ter�ng u�nn and taking possession flf the <br /> Properry, �h� co�lec�ia� of �uch r�nts, issues and �a�ofits, and ��e app[icatian �hereaf sha[I r�v� cure or <br /> v�raive any de-�au[t or r�o�ice ❑f de�au�t under this �eed o�Trust or�n�alidate an� act done in respons�tQ <br /> �uch default❑s�pursuant ta such �otic� of de�ault; and� notv�ithstandi�g the cantinuanc�in pflssession vf <br /> �he Prape�-� or the co[iection� receipt and appf�cativn of �ents, issues or pro�its, Trustee or Lender shal[ <br /> be ent��led to exercise e�ery righ�provid�d �ar in the Nate ar�he Rela�ec� Dacuments ar by lavv upon th� <br /> �ccurrence of any euent�#defau[t, inc[uding the��ght�o exercise�he pvwer of sa[e; <br /> {b� Commence ar� action�o�orec�vse this Deed of Trust as a mor�gage, appaint a receiver or specifi�ai[y <br /> enfarce any o�the c��enants hereot; and <br /> {c� ❑e[i��r tv Trus�ee a v�rrit�en ��claration v�def�u[t and demand �o�-sale and a written nv�ice o�defau[t <br /> and election to cause�rustor`s in�eres��n�he Prapee�y to he�o[d, �nrhich �ofiice Trustee sha[l �ause�o be <br /> du(y fi[ed for re�ord �n�he appropr�a�e a���ces o#the��un�y in v�rhich�he Property is 1v�a�ed; and <br /> 4d} Vllith respec�to al[ �r any part of the Persana] Propertyo Lender s�a�� h��e all the rights and r�medies <br /> nf a secured party under�he Nebrasl�a lJnifo�-m Cvrr�mercial Code. <br /> Fo�eGIvsure�y F'owe�vf 5a�e. [f Lender e�ects fia f�rec[ose by exercEse of the Pvwer of Sale here�n �anta�n�d, <br /> �ender sha11 na�i�y Truste� and sha[l deposit wi�h T�usfiee this �eet� v#Trust and the Note and such receipts <br /> and e�idence o�expend'€tures made and se�uret�by th�s Deed of Trus�as Trustee ma�r�equire. <br /> {�} Llpon receipt vf such notice from Lender, Trustee sha!! cause tv b� recorded, pub�ished ar�d de���ered <br /> to Trus�ar such [Voti�� 06 De�Fau[t and Na#ice of�a�e as �hen reqr�Yred by 1aw and by�his Deed ❑f Trvst. <br /> Trustee shal�, with�ut demand ❑n Trustar, after such �ime as rriay �he� be required �y fav� ar�d af�er <br /> recvrdafiian o�such No�i�e af �efault and after Notice o�Sale ha�ing b�en gi��n as required by [avv. sel� <br /> �h� Proper� a� the tirne �nd p[a�e af sale fixed by it ir� such [Vn�ice v� Sa[e, either as a vvho[e, or in <br /> separate [ofis flr parceis or rtems as Trustee sha[[deem expedient, �nd in such or der as i-�may determine, <br /> �t publi� au�tion�o the h€ghes�bidder�or cash in �a�rv�ul man�y a�r the �n��e�{ S�ates payab�e afi the tirrae <br /> o� saie. Trustee shal[ deii�er to such pur�haser o� purehasers �herev� its good and sufficien� deed vr <br /> deeds con�eying �he property sa sold� but wi�haufi any covenan� ar warranty, express or impfied. The <br /> re�itals in such deed of an� matters vr facts shall be cvnc�usive prafl� �f the truth�ulness thereof. Any <br /> persan, including�rvithout�im�tatior�Trustor,Trustee, or Lender� rna�purchase at such sale. <br /> �b� As rrtay �e perrmi�fied by law� after deducting a[[ cos�s, �ees and expenses flf Trustee �nd a� this <br /> Trust, incfuding cvst�v�e�idence of tifi�e in connect�an with sa1e,Trustee sha[[ apply the proceeds❑f sale <br /> to payment of {i� a[f sums exp�nded under�he te�-ms vf this D�ed��Trust or under the�erms v�F�he Note <br /> nvt then repa�d, inc[uding bu� nvt �imited tn �ccrued interes� and [ate charges, {ii� a[[ vther sums then <br /> secured hereby, and �iii� �he remainde�-, ��an�,to the person or persons�ega��y entitied theret�. <br /> �c3 Trustee may in the manner p�ovided by law postpvne sale o�F a[[o�any pflrtivn af the P�operty. . <br /> Remedies Not Ex��usiWe, T�us�ee and LenderE and each ❑f t1�em, shall be en�i-t[ed t� enfor�e payment and <br /> performance o�any indebtedness or obliga�ians secured by this Deed ❑�Trus�and ta ex�rc�se aii rights and powers <br /> under this Deed ❑f Trust, under th� Nv�e, under any o�the Re�ated Dvcuments, or under any ather agreemerat or <br /> any [airvs now vr hereafiker in farce; notwithstanding, svme ar ai[ af such indebtedness and ob[igations secured by <br /> -�his �Jeed �f�i rust may nov+� vr her�afrter be o�herwise secured, whe�h�r by mortgager d�ed vf trust, pledget lien, <br /> assignrnent or ather-wisea Nei�her the acceptance ❑f �h�s Deed ❑� T�us� na� it� enfarcement, wheth�r by c�urt <br /> act�on ar pu�suan�to the pflwer af sale or vth�r powers �vntained en this �eed o�Trus�r sha[[ p�-ejudice ar in any <br /> �nanner af�ec��rustee`s or Lender's r�ght to rea[ize up�n or en�flrce any other security now or hereafter held by <br /> Trus��e or L�nder, i�bein�agreed tha�Trustee and Lender, and each o�themy shai� be enti�[ed to enfar�e�his Deed <br /> af Trust and any oth�r se�uri�y nc�w or hereafter held by Lender or Trus�ee in such arder and mann�r as they flr <br /> either o� fihem may in �heir absolute discreti�n determine. Nv remedy ��n�erred upon ❑r reser�ed �a Trustee ar <br /> Lender, is intended to be e�c[usive of any vther r�:medy ir�this fleed of Trust or by �aw prvvided a� perrnit�ede but <br /> eaeh sha[[ be cumulati�e and sha[f be in additia� �a every vther remedy giWen �n this Deed o� Trust or navv or <br /> hereafter�xisting at�aw ar in equity or by sta�ute. Every power ar remedy gi�en by the Note or any of�he Relat�d <br /> �vcurnents to Trustee or Lende� or tv which eifiher o� �hem may �e atherwise entirt�ed! may be exercis�d, <br /> con�urrently ar independently, trvm time ta time and as ❑ft�n as may be deemed expedienfi by Trustee or Len�er, <br /> and e�ther of them may pursue incansistent �-emedies. �[othing in this Deed ❑� Trust shalf be construed as <br /> prohibiting Lend�r�rom seeking a deficiency judgment agains�fihe Trustor ta the extent such aCtion is p�rmitked by <br /> Iaw. <br />