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2� 15�7583 <br /> Transfer�f the Pr�perty�r a Benef�cial Inter�st in Bvrroyver.If a��or�ny par�flf the Proper�y or any interes� <br /> in �� is sold or �ransferre� tor if a beneficiaX in�erest in Borravver is so�d �r transferred and Barrower is n�t a <br /> natura� person� ��thou� Lender's prior writ�en consen�, Lender ma�, a� �ts op�ian, require immediate paymen� in <br /> ful� flf a1� sums secured by this Security�. Hovvever, �his option sha�1 no� be exercise� by Lender if <br /> exer�ise�s prahibited by fed�ral lavv as of the date�f this Securi�y Instrumen�. <br /> �f Lender exerc�ses �his op�:ian, Lender shall give B�rrovver no��ce of ac�e�era�ian. The no�ice shal� prav�de a <br /> period �f not Iess �han the �runimum number of days established by Applicable Lavt� from the da�e the n�tic� is <br /> de�ivered �r maile� uTi.t��n �uhich Borrawer must pay a�� sums secureti by this Secur�ty �nstrument. Yf Barrower <br /> fai�s �� pay�hese sums pri�� �o the exp�ra�ion of this peri�d, Lender may invake any remedies p�rmitted�y t�.a�s <br /> S ecuri�y Instrument w�thout further no�i ce or deman�on B arrav�rer. <br /> B�rrower's Right to Rein�tate. �f Borro,wer m�ets c�r�ain condit�ans, Borro�rer shall ha�re �he rzgh� �Q have <br /> enf�rcement�f this Secur�ty� �ns�rument discon�in�ed a�any time prior to �he ear��er�f �a} S days �or such other <br /> period as App�icable Law may spec�fy for reinstatement}befare sa�e of the Property pursuan�t�any po�ver of sale <br /> contain�d �n �his Securi� �ns�rument; or �b� en�r�y flf a judgment enfarc�ng �h�s Secur�ty �ns�rument. Those <br /> cond��ions are tha�Borrotiver: �a} pays Lender a�l sums which then WQuld be due ux�der�h�s Security �ns�ment <br /> and t.�ie Contract as if no acceleration had occurred;�b}cures an�defau�t of any o�her Covenants or agreements; �c} <br /> pays aI1 expenses incurred irn enforcing this Se�urity Ins�rumen�, inc�uding,but nat��m�ted ta,reasonable at�orneys' <br /> fees t� the ex�ent permitted�y law; a�d�d} ta�es such actzon as Lender may reas�nab�y requ�re to assure�hat�he <br /> izen af this Securxty Ins�rum.ent,Lender's rights in�he Property and Barrow�r's obl�ga�ion�a pay�he sums secured <br /> by�his 5ecurity�nstrument �ha1l can�inue un.changed. Upon reinstatemer��by Borrflwer, �his Security �ns�men� <br /> and �he obligati�ns secured hereby shall remain fu��y effec�iv� as if no acc��eration had occurred. H�wever, �his <br /> right t�re�ns�ate shal�nat apply in the case af accelera�ifln under�he s�ctior�tztled Transf�r of the Froperty or a <br /> Benef�c�al Interest�n Borrovver. <br /> Hazardous Suhstances.Borrawer sha��no�cause vr permit the presence,use, disposal, st�rage, �r release of any <br /> Hazardaus 5ubstances on ar in�he Properfiy.Btirro�rer shall not do,nar allaw anyone e�se�o da,anything affec� <br /> the Pr�perty�hat is in violatian of any Environmental Lavv. The preceding tw� sen�ences sha11 not app�y ta �he <br /> presence,use,or storage an�he Property�f small quan��ties of Hazardous Substances�hat are generally recognized <br /> t�be appr�pria�e to n�rmal residen�iax uses and t�main�enance af the Pr�perty. <br /> Borrflwer sha�l promp�tly giv�Lender written n�t�ce�f any investigatian,claim, deman�, lawsu��or other act�an by <br /> an� governmental or regu�a��ry agency or priva�e party involving the Prflper�y and any I-3azardous� or <br /> Env�ronment.�� Law of which Borrovver has actual knovvledge. Zf Borrower �earns, or �s natified by any <br /> governmenta� or regulatory au�hori�y,that any remvval or a�her remed�ation�f any Hazardous Substance affectzng <br /> the Praperty is necessary, Borrower shall prom�t�y �ake a1X necessary rem�dial actions in accordanc� vvith <br /> Environme�ta�Law. <br /> As used in this paragraph, "�3azardaus Substance�" are those subs�ances def ned a��axic or hazardous �ubstiances <br /> by Environ�mental Law and the fol�o�ving substances: gaso�ine, ker�sene, other flammable ar �tix�c petraleum <br /> prflducts, taxi� pest�cid�s and herbicides, vfl�atile solvents, materials con�azning asbes�os ar formaldehyde, and <br /> radioac��ve ma�eria�s. As us�d in this paragraph, "Env�ronmenta�Law" means federal�av�rs and Iavvs of�he s�ate af <br /> Nebraska tha�re�ate to hea�th,safety or enviranmen�al protection. <br /> Acce�eration; R�m.ed�es. Lender sha�l give no���e to Borrotiver prior t� ac�e�erati�n following �vrro�ver's <br /> breach of any�ovenarat�r agreexnent�n thi�Se��rity Instrument or the Contract under whx�h aC�eleration <br /> is perm�t�ed [but�ot pr�or to ac�eleration under the se��ion t�tled Transfer of th�Property�r a Benef�cia� <br /> Interest�n Borro�ver, un�e�s Applicab�e La�vv provides vtherwi�e). The not�ce shali specify: �a} th� defau�t; <br /> �b} the a�tion required t� �ure the default; (�} a date, not �Qss than the m�n�mum number �f day5 <br /> establish�d by Applicabl�Lavv from th�date�h�not�ce is given�o Barrvwer,by w�ich th�defau�t�aust be <br /> cured; �nd �d) that fa��ur� t� �ure the default �n ar befflr� the date spe�if�ed in the notice may resu�t �n <br /> accelera�ion af the sums �ecured by thi5 Sec�rfty Instrument and sa�e nf th� Property. To the e�rtent <br /> permutted by layv, the no�ice shalX fur�her�nf�rm Barrower af the right to reinsta�e after acce�erat�on and <br /> the r�ght to bring a court actYon to asser�th�nor�wexistence�f a defaul�or any other defen5e af Borrower to <br /> a�celerat�on and 5aie.If the default�s not cured on or bef�re the date speci�ed in the noti�e,Lend�r at its <br /> �ption may require �mmediate paymQnt in full of a�l sums secured by �his Se�urity Instrument vv��hvut <br /> further de�nand and may �nvoke the pnvver of s�le and any o�her remedxes permitted by A�plxcab�e I�aw. <br /> To the extent perm�tted b� �aw, Lender �ha�� be entitled to co�lect a�l �xpenses �ncurred in pursu�ng the <br /> rernedies providQd fn this �ect�on,includ�ng,bu�nvt X�muted�o, reasonabie attvrn�ys' fees and costs of�it�e <br /> e��den��. <br /> If the power vf sa��is inv��ed, Trustee shall re�vrd a notic� of defauit�n each coun�y in which any part�f <br /> the PrQperty is lo�ated and shal�mail copYe� of sueh no�x�e in the manner prescribed by App���able Law to <br /> BQrroyv�r and �v the �ther� persons p�escribed �y Appifcabie La�. Af�er the time required �y App��cab�e <br /> Law, Trustee shal� give pa�blic notxce of sa�e �o the persons and in th� manner prescr�bed by Appli�a��e <br /> Law. Trus�ee,wi�hout demand on B�rr�wer, shal� sel�th�Prvperty at pub�ic auction to the h�ghest bidder <br /> at the time and p�ace and under�he�erms d�s�gnated in the notice of sa�e in flne ur more par���s and�n any <br /> �rd�r Truste� determines. Trustee may p��tp�ne 5a�e of all vr any parcel of the Praperty by pub��c <br /> announ�ement at the t�me and plac�of any previously scheduled saie.Lender ar its c�e�Ygnee may purchase <br /> the Property at any sale. <br /> Upon receip� of payment of the price bid, Trus�ee sha�l deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed con�eying <br /> the Pro�erty.The re�itals�n the Trustee'S deetl shall be prima facie evi�dence af the truth of�he statements <br /> C�2�D4-2Q15 Cvmpliance 5ystems,Inc.A6SC-7944-2d 15.3.5.l fl54 <br /> Cansumer Real Estate-Se�urity Instrument DL?036 Page 4 of S <br />