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EXHIBIT "A" <br />201507545 <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NE1 /4NW1/4) of Section <br />Twenty Eight (28), Township Twelve (12) North, Range Twelve (12) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, <br />more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Northeast Quarter of the <br />Northwest Quarter (NE1 /4NW1/4); thence easterly along the North line of said Section 28, a distance of 425.0 <br />Feet; thence deflecting right 94° 28' and running southwesterly, a distance of 594.0 feet; thence deflecting right <br />85° 18' 35" and running westerly a distance of 388.32 feet to the west line of said Northeast Quarter of the <br />Northwest Quarter (NE1 /4NW1 /4); thence northerly along said west line of the Northeast Quarter of the <br />Northwest Quarter (NE1 /4NW1 /4), a distance of 593.9 feet to the place of beginning <br />