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2� 15�7522 <br /> f�E�� �F TRLJST <br /> {��rltinued j Page � <br /> lav►r, or any other law which may prewent L�nder from br�ngin� any actian against Trustor, including a claim for <br /> deficiency to �the extent Lender is atherwise �n�itled �o a c�aim for de�iciency, befare ar after Lender's comm�n�ement <br /> c�r comple�ian af any for�closure action, either judicially or by exercise af a pvwer o�sa1e. <br /> PAYIVIENT �ND PERFaRi�ANCE. Ex�ept as otherr�ise prvvided in this �eed Qf Trust, Borrower shall pay t� Lender all <br /> �nde�tedness secured by this p�ed of Trust as it be��mes du�, and B�rrower and Trustor sha�l perfarm all the�r <br /> respe�ti�e abligations und�r the Credifi Agreement, this De�d of Trust, and�Che Relat�d Dacum�n�s. <br /> P�3SSESSIU�V AND 6VIAINTENA�VC� C]F THE PI�D�'�#�YYe Barr�wer �nd Trustor agre� '�hat gorrower's and Trus#or's <br /> p�ssessian and use vf the Proper�y shall be go�ern�d by�he fallowing pr��isions: <br /> Passessivn'�nd lJse. Until the ❑ccurrenc� af an E�ent fl� Default, Yrustar may �1} remain �n possessfon and <br /> �ontrol of the Praperty; {�� u�e, ope�ate or mana�e th� Property; and �3y callect th� Rents from th� Prope�ty. <br /> Duty to Maint��n. Trusto� shall ma�ntain thg Praperty in gaod condition and promptly per�Fo�m al1 repairsr <br /> rep�acer�nent�, and main�en�n�e necessar��a preser�e its�alue. <br /> Gvmpli�n�e With En��rvnmen#ai Laws. Trustor represents and warrants t❑ L�nd�r tha�: �1 y During the period vf <br /> Trus�vr's awnErship afi the Prap�rty, there has �een no use, genera�ion, manu'�acture, �torage, treatm�n�, disposal, <br /> releas� or threatened release of any Hazardvus Substance by any persvn on, under, abvut ar �ram �h� Praperty; <br /> ��� Trustor has no knowledge o�, a� reason to believe that there has �een, except as pre�ivusly discic�s�d to and <br /> acknvwled�ed hy Lender in writing, �a� any breaGh or uivlativn ❑f any Environm�n�al Lawrs, (by any use, <br /> generation, manufa�ture, st�rrag�r treatment, disposalr release or threatened release of any Ha�ardous �ubstan�� <br /> on, under, about or fram the Property by any p�-iar ovvners or v�cupants of the Prvperty, ar �c� any ac�ual vr <br /> th�ea�ened li�igativn �r claims a� any kind by an� person relating �a such matters; and (3f E��ep� �� pre�iously <br /> disc�ased to and acknowledg�d �y Lender in w��tin�, fa� nei�h�r Trustor nor any t�nant, con�trac�or, agent vr ather <br /> autharized user af the PrQp�rty shal[ use, generate, manufactur�� s�ore, �Creat, dispase af or refease ar�y Hazardous <br /> �ubs�anc�❑n, under, ab�ut or fram�he Praperty; and {bf any such a�ti�i�y shall be c�ndu�ted in��mpliance wi#h <br /> all applicabie federal, s�ate, and lacal laws, regulations and ardinan�es, including withaut limitatian afl <br /> En�iranmental Laws. TrustQr authorizes Lender and its a�ents to enter upon the Property tv r�nake such <br /> inspec�E�ns and �tes�s, at Trustor's �xp�nse, �s Lender may d��m apprnpria�e �Q d�termine compliance Q� #h� <br /> Property with thi� sectic�n �� the Deed of Trust. Any inspections or tests made by Lender shall be for Lender's <br /> purpa$�s �nly and shall no�C be cons#rued to cre�te any respvnsibility or�iability❑n the pa�t of Lender�Ca Trustor or <br /> ta any other persvn. The representations and war�anties �antained herein are bas�d an Trustar's due diligence in <br /> in�estig�t�n� the Property �ar Ha�a�dous Suas��n�es. Tfustor h�r�by �1� re�eases and wai��s any futu�e claims <br /> agains� Lend�r f�r indemnity or �ontributi�n in the e��nt Trustor becomes liable for cleanup �r vther costs under <br /> any such law�; and ��� agr���to indemnify, d�f�nd, and hv�d harmle�s Lender against any and a�[ claims, losses, <br /> liabilities, damages, penalties, and expenses which Lender may directly ar indirecfily�us�ain or s�##er r�sul�ing�rom <br /> a breach afi this sec#ion of �h� ❑eed o�r Trusfi or as a ca�nsequen�e a� any use, generation, ma�nu�ac�ure, storag�, <br /> dispasal, release❑r threa�ened release vccurring priar ta Trus�or's awnership or interes�t in the Property, whether ar <br /> nat the sam� ►nras ar shauld ha�� been known to Trustor. Th� prv�isions of this sect+vn of the D��d of Trust, <br /> in�luding the abligation to indemnify and defend, shall surWive the p�yment of the Indebtedness and the s��isfactian <br /> and recan��yan�e o�the lien vf thiS I7e�d of Tru�t and shall not�e affected by L�nd�r's acqu�sition❑f�ny interest <br /> in the Proper�y, whether by f�reciasure or otherwise. <br /> Nuisance, Waste, Trustar sh�ll no� �aus�, condu�t Qr permit �ny nuisan�e no� cvmmit, permit, ar su�€er any <br /> Stripping o� or waste on or to �he Properfiy or any portian o� the Prop�rty. Withaut IFmiting the generality of the <br /> foregoing, Trust�� will not remo�e, or grant tv any o�her party �h� right to remo�e, any timber, mir�eral� tincludEng <br /> oil and gasy, caa�, clay, scoria, soil, gra�el�r ro�k praducts wi�khout Lender's pri�r written�ansent. <br /> Remorr�C o��mpro�ements. �'rustor shall nat dem�aiish or remo�e any Imprv�em�nts�r�m the Real Prope��y withaut <br /> Lends�°s priar written cvnsent. As a canditivn to the remo�al of any Impro�ements, Lender may require Trus'�or to <br /> make arrang�ments satisfaG�ory ta Lender ta repiace such ImprQ�ements with Impravements af at leas� equal <br /> �alue. <br /> Lender°s Right to Enter. Lender and L�r�der's agents and representati�es may enter upon the Rea� Pr�p�rty at all <br /> r�asvn�bl� times to a�tend to Lender's int�r�sts and to in�pect th� Real Prop�rty �Qr purpvses Qf Trustvr's <br /> campliance with the terms and canditians Qf this deed vf Trust. <br /> Complianc� wi�h Governrr�ntal Requiremen�s. Trustar shall pramptly comply wi�h all �aws, ardinances, and <br /> r�guiat�ans, now ar hereafter in effect, of all gQ�ernmenta[ autharities applicahle to the use ar occupancy af the <br /> Prvp�rty. Trus�or may�on�es�in�oad fai�h any such �aw, ard�nance, or re�ufation and wi�hhold c�mpiian�e during <br /> any �ro�eed�ng, including appropriate appeals, so lang as Trustor has nati�ied Lender in v�riting prior ta doing so <br /> and sa Iang �s, in Lender's sale opinion� L�nd�r'�interests in th� Prv�erty are no�jeopardi�ed. Lend�r may require <br /> Trustar t� p�st adequa�e se�urity vr a surety hond, reasonably satisfactary ta Lender, to protect Lender's in�erest. <br /> Duty t� Prat�ct. Trust�r agrees neither to a�ar�dan ar lea�e unattended the Praperty. Trustor sha11 do all other <br /> acts, in addition tv those ac�s set for�h aboWe in�his seCtion, whiGh from the character and use of the �rQp�r�y are <br /> reasonably n�cessary to pro�e�t and preserve the P�vp�rty. <br /> DUE�N SAL�-CQNSENT�lf LENDER. Lender may, �t Lende�'s optipn, decfare�mmediately due and payabl� al� sums <br /> secured by this Deed af Trust upon th�sale or�ransfer, without Lende�'s prior written consent, of a11 ar any par�of th� <br /> Real Prop�rty, vr any interes� in �h� Reai Proper�y. A "sale or transfer" m�ans th� �orr�eyan�e of Real Prvperty ar any <br /> righ�, title or interest in fihe Rea� Proper�y; whether iegal, hene�Ficial or equitabie; whether �o�untary �r in�afun�ary; <br /> whether �y outri�h� sale, deed, instailment sale cvn�ract, land con�raGt, �vntract �vr d�ed, leasehold in�erest with a <br /> �errn grea�er than three 43} years, �ease-aption contra�t, or by safe, assignmen�, ar transf�r of any beneficia� interest in <br /> c�r ta any land trust halding titfe xv the Reai Prvperty, or by any oth�r method vf cvn�eyance af an in�erest in the Rea[ <br /> prop�rty. Howe�er, this optian shall nvt be exercis�d by Lender i# such exer�ise is proh�bit�d by fed�ral I�w ar by <br /> Net�raska law. <br /> TA�CES AND LIENS. Th� foll�wing pro�i�ions relatin� to the taxes and liens on the Property are part of �his ❑eed af <br /> T�ust: <br /> Paymer�t. Trustor shall pay when due �and in all e�ents p�iar�o delinquencyy all taxes, special taxes, assessments, <br /> �harges {including water and sewer}, �ines and impositions [e�ied a�ainst �r on aGcaunt o��he Praperty, �nd shall <br /> pay wh�n due a�! cfaims fo� work done on or for services r�nd�red ❑r m�terial furni�h�d to the Praperty. Trustar <br /> shall r�naintain the Praperty'�r�e a�all liens haWing pr�oriYy��er or equal to�he int�rest�f Lender under�h�s ❑��d of <br /> Trust, ExGept f�r the ��en vf ta�es and as��ssments not du�, ex�ep# fQr the Exi�ting indebtedness referred to <br /> belaw, and ex�ept as atherwise p�o�ided �n this C�eed af Trust. <br /> Ri�ht ta Cor�#est. Trustor rrxay withhaid p�ym�nt of any tax, ��sessm�nt, or �laim in conn�ction with a gvad fa�th <br /> dispute o�er the obiigatian ta pay, so long as L�nder's interes�in the Prop�rty is not jeapardi�ed. If a lien arises ar <br /> is f��ed a� a resul� a� nonp�ymen�, Trus'�vr sh�ll withFn fifteen ��5� days after �he lien arises vr, i� a lien is #iled, <br /> within fifteen ��5� days after T�ustar has notice o'F the �iEing, secure the discharge of �he lien, or if requested by <br /> Lender, deposit wit� LendEr cash�r a suffici�n�Gt�rpQrate surety bvnd ar other seGu�ity sa�isfactvey tv Lend�r in an <br /> amoun�suffici�nt tQ discharge�he lien plus any cos#s and a�tvrneys' fe�s� or other charges that could a�crue as a <br /> resu�t o�a for�clasur�Qr sal� under the lien. �n any contest,Trus�or shall de�end itself and Lender and shal!satisfy <br /> any ad�erse judgment be�ore en�orcement against the Property. Trus�or shall name Lend�r as an additional abfigee <br />