2� 15�749�
<br /> ��� �n addit�an to the rights �nd�o-wers g�ven to the Trustee and Be�efic' '
<br /> iary herexr�, the B enef c�ary
<br /> shal� have a11 su�h ather rights both in law axld e ui for co�lectron af the '
<br /> q �Y �ndebted.ness s�cured
<br /> hereby as xt would hav� �ut for this Deed of�rust; A �[� co�:renants and
<br /> �� agreements �f Trustor set
<br /> fort�in this �eed of Trust sha11 be j o�nt and several� I� this�eed of T
<br /> . � � � _rust shall be gov�rned�y the
<br /> laws �f th� State af Nebrasl�a; [I� l.n the e�ent an one �r mor� of . . ,
<br /> Y the prov�sions canta�ned ln thls
<br /> Deed �f �'rust, �r the Note or a�y other sec�uri inst�ument ` '
<br /> . ty g�ven �r� c�nnect�on w�th the
<br /> rndebtedness hereb� secured sha1� for any reason be held to be inv ' '
<br /> . a1id, �l�ega� or unexif�rceab�e �n
<br /> a�� respect, such invalidity, i�legallty, or unenforcea�rli �hall at th� o tian of B
<br /> _ . , tY � p ene�cra.ry, nat
<br /> a�'fe�t any�ther�ro�xsl�r�of this Deed of Trust, but t�is De�d�f Trust '
<br /> sha1l be constru�d as �f such
<br /> �nval�d, i��ega1, �r uner�orceab�e prov�sxon had never been conta.ined he '
<br /> reln or thereln. If the��en of
<br /> th�s 1�]eed of Trust is �nvalid or unenforceable a.� to a� art of the inde
<br /> Y I� btedness hereby secured or
<br /> e�r�denced by the Note, or if the lien �s inv�aiid or unenforceable as to an
<br /> Y part of the 1'rope�ty, the
<br /> unsecured �r part�ally secure�. por�ion af su�h inde�ted.ness sha�1 be com �etel
<br /> p y pald pnor to the
<br /> payment of the rema�ning and sec-ured, or �art�ally 5ecure� ortion of such indeb
<br /> � tedness, ar�d al�
<br /> payments made on such indebtedness, whether�oluntary o�under foreclasure or�the
<br /> r enforcement
<br /> action or proc�dure, sha1� be considered t� have been �rst aid on and a Iie
<br /> � pp d to the full paym�nt
<br /> of that p�r�x�n �f such indebtedness whzch �s not secured or n�t fu11 •
<br /> y secured by the �ier� �f th�s
<br /> Deed af Trust; and �m� �he cavenarits a�d. agr�ements contained �ra� this D
<br /> eed of Trust shall band,
<br /> and the�ene��ts and advantages hereof sha11 �nure ta the res ective he�rs exe ` '
<br /> , p , cutars, admlrustrators,
<br /> s�.c�essors and a.�signs of the partres hereto. �TV�herever used h.ere�n, the sin Iar number
<br /> gu sha�i
<br /> �nc�ude the plural and cor�versely, and the use of an ender sha11 be a
<br /> Y g ppi�cable t� aI� g�nders.
<br /> �������e v er ��i� �er.�n ''�e���lciary" xs used h.erzin, it ��a�l inciu�� ��i� �e a.� r���az ' � �
<br /> g r or �o�c�ers o�t�.e
<br /> N�te or the�ndebted.ness secured hereby.
<br /> SEVENTI-�. U�on wrrtten request �f Benef�cxary statrr�. that ail amoun.ts and '
<br /> � Yndebtedness
<br /> se�ured h�reby h.ave �een paid, and u�on surrender of this Deed �f Trus� and the
<br /> Note to Trust�e
<br /> for th� cancellatznn and retent�on and upor� a e�t h Tr�st�r �f Trus �
<br /> p Y�- Y tee s fees, Trustee sha1�
<br /> re�onvey to Trustor, ar the person or person� legally�ntitled thereto, �vithout warran a�l o '
<br /> �Y� Y� rtion
<br /> �f the Property then he�d by Trustee hereunder. The rec�tals�such reconve ance
<br /> y of any matter� or
<br /> facts shali be conclusive proof of the tru�fi�.ness thereaf T�ie antee�f an reco
<br /> � y nveyance may be
<br /> described as "the person ar�ersons legally ent�t�ed thereto.''
<br /> EIGHrI'�-I. Except for a�a.y notices, demands, re uests �r other ca�municatr
<br /> 9. ons requ�red
<br /> under appl�cable law to be given irl an�ther manner, whenever Benef ci Tru.sto�or
<br /> �y, Trustee gives
<br /> �r serves a:ny notrce �i.�clud�ng, withou�l�mitat�on, notice �f defauit a�c� notice �f sale deman
<br /> , �, ds,
<br /> requests �r other corr�munications wYth respect ta �his Deed of Trust each such natice de
<br /> 3 , rnand,
<br /> request or other communication shall be in wrrtix�g and shal� be effective on1 if the sarne �
<br /> y s
<br /> de��vered b��ersonal servxce �r ma�.led b�certified maxl, osta e re al.d. return re '
<br /> p � p p , ceipt requested,
<br /> addre�sed to the address of the party to wham r�a�Ied as set f�rth at the end af thi.
<br /> s Deed af Trust.
<br /> Ar�y party may at any tir�e c�ar�.ge its acic�.r�ss lor suci�no�i�es ���/-������1��� �i�1i�,;.i�.=~�� +�[.�p - � -�
<br /> .1 g `�' V 41.14 �i E.li�i
<br /> partxes hereto, as aforesa�d, a notice�f such chan�e. Any not�ce hereux�der sha�X be deeme
<br /> d to ha�r�
<br /> been g�ven to Trustor or�ene�cxa�y when gzven in the manner desi ated herein
<br /> � .
<br /> IN WIT:N�S� �V�-I]ERE�F, the Trustor ha.� s7gned ax�.d de�iv�red this Deed of Tru
<br /> st the day
<br /> �d�ear�rs$�b����t��n.
<br /> .
<br /> ����,
<br /> _ �
<br /> �
<br /> �.,..... L�rena�ha ava
<br /> �
<br />