2� 15�7482
<br /> �EED �F TRUST
<br /> � ���nt�r�ued} Page �
<br /> Trust, tn��ud�n�cvsts�f evidence of t�tle in�onnection w3th sale,T�ustee shall app4y�he proceeds o�sale
<br /> tv payment❑f �i}al�sums expended under the terms a��his Deed af Trus'�❑r under�he terms o�the Note
<br /> n�t then repaid, includin� but nn� �im��ed ta aGcrued interest and 1a�e �harges, �ii} all other sums �hen
<br /> secured here�y,and �iii}the rema�nder, i�any, ta the person ar persans legal�y enti�led th�r��o.
<br /> �c} Trustee may in the manner pro�ided by iaw posfpone sale of al!or any po�ion of�he Proper�y.
<br /> Rem�dies Nof Exclusi�e. Trustee and Len�er, and each o� them, shall be enfiitled ta enforce payment and
<br /> perfvrmance of any ind�btedness or abligatians secured by fihis Deed of Trust and�o exer�ise ali right�and pawers
<br /> u�der t�is Deed o�Trus�, �r�der t�e tVo�e, ur�de�ar�y o�the F�elated �ac�ments, �r unde�any o�her agse�men'�ar
<br /> any iaws now ar hereafter in �orc�; n�twithstanding, some or all vf such �ndebtedness and ahligativn�secured by
<br /> �his Deed af Trust may nvw ar herea�t�� be otherwise secured, whether b�r mortgage, deed �f trust, pledge, lien,
<br /> assignment or atherwise. Nei�he� the acceptance vf�his Deed of Trust nor itis enforcement, whe#her by cQ�rt
<br /> aetion or p�rsuant tv the p�wer o�sa�e or❑ther povuers contained in this �eed o���ust, shall prejuds�e❑r in any
<br /> manner affect Trustee's ❑r Lender's right �❑ realize upvn vr enforc� any other security no� Qr hereafter held by
<br /> Trustee o�Lender,it being agreed that Trus�ee and Lender,and each of them, shall be entitled�a enforce this Deed
<br /> of Trust and any other security nvw or hereafter held by Lender vr Trus�ee in su�h order and manner as �hey�r
<br /> either vf them may �n thei�- absolute dis�retion �e�ermine. I�o �emedy Gvnfer�ed upvn or reserved �a Trustee ar
<br /> Lender, is intended �o be exclusi�e o�any v�her rem�d}r in this De�d of T�us�or by�aw pro�ided or permi�ted, but
<br /> each shall be �umulati�� and shall be in addition to ��ery �ther rem�dy gi�en in this Deed af Trust or now or
<br /> he��after existing at�aw or in �qu��y or by statu�e. Every pow�r or remedy given by the Nate or any o�the Related
<br /> Dacumen�s to Tfus�ee or Lender or #o whiGn either o� them may he otherwise entitled, may be ex�rcised,
<br /> con�urrently❑r independent[y,frvm time tv time and as of�en as may be deemed expedtent by Trustee vr �.ender,
<br /> and either o� them may pursue inconsis�en� remedies. N�th�ng in this Deed of Trusf shall be cons�rued as
<br /> prvhibiting Lende�-�rom se�king a defci�nGy�udgment agains#�he Trust�r to the ex�ent su�h actian is permitted by
<br /> lav►r. Election by Lender ta pursue any remedy shall nat exclude pursu�t of any atner remedy, and an efection�o
<br /> mak� expenditures or to take ac�ian ta pe�form an abf�gatian o�Trustor under this �eed o�Trust, after Trustor's
<br /> faiiu�-e to perFvrm,shail n�t affect Lender's r�ght to deciare a�default and exe�c�se it� remedies.
<br /> Request far NQtice. Trustvr, on behalf of Trus�ar and Lender, hereby requests that�copy af any Na�ice❑�De�ault
<br /> and a copy of any No�ice of 5ale unde��his De�d of Trus�be mailed to them at th�addresses set�or�h in th�firs�
<br /> paragraph�f this Deed v�Trust.
<br /> Attarn�ys` Fees; lExpenses. if Lender institut�s any suit ar actian to enfvrce any o�the terms o��his Deed o�
<br /> T�ust, Lendet'sha�s b�entitled to r�Gv�er su�h sum as�ne Gour�may adjudge reasonab�e as att�rneys'fees at tri�1
<br /> and upon any appeal. Wh�th�r or nat any caurt a�tian is in�ol��d, and �o the extent not prohibited by law, afl
<br /> r�asanable expenses Lender incurs that in Lender�s vpinivn are necessary at any time �ar the prot�ction of i�s
<br /> interest ar the enf�rcement o�its rights shall becarr�a part af the lndebtedness payable vn demand and shall bear
<br /> interes�a��he f�a�e rate�rom the dat�o�the expendi�ure until repaid. Expenses�o�er�d by��is paragraph include,
<br /> withau� limitation, hvwe�er sub�ecf to any.limi�s under applicable law, Lender's attvrneys'fees and Lender's legal
<br /> �xpenses, whe�her or na� �here is a lawsui�, including a�karneys' fe�s and exp�nses f�r bankr�uptcy praceed�ngs
<br /> �including e�rQrts fio mQdify a��acate any au�amatic stay or injuncti�n}, appeals,and any anticipafed past judgment
<br /> coliection services,the cos�of searching re�ords, abtaining tifile reports ��n�luding�ore�fosure reports}, surveyars'
<br /> reports, and appraisal fees, title insuranc�, and �ees for the Trustee, �o the extent permitted by applicab�e law.
<br /> Trustor afso wil� pay any c�urt costs, in addi�inn to all�ther sums pra�ided by�aw.
<br /> Righ#s vf Trustee. T�ustee shall ha�e all o�the rights and duties of Lende�as set forth in this s�ctian.
<br /> P�WERS AND DBLIGATI�NS UF TRUSTEE. The fvl�owing pravisions relating ta �he powers and obl�ga�ions o�Trusfee
<br /> are part Qf this �eed o�Trust:
<br /> Power� of Tru�tee. !n addition to all powers of Trustee ar�sing as a matter of law, Trustee shali have the Qow�r tv
<br /> take the fvllowing a�tions with respect�a the Property upvn the wri�t�n re�uest nf Lender and Trustvr: �a}join in
<br /> preparin� and filing a map or plat of the Real Property, including �he d�dicatian of s��-eets or o�her rights tv �he
<br /> public; �b} j�in in granting any eas�ment or cr�ating any r�s�rictian an the R�aI Proper�y; and �c} jnin in any
<br /> subordination ❑r othe�-agreemen�a�fec�ing this D�ed�f Trust or the in�eresfi of Lender under this ❑ee�of Trust.
<br /> T�us�ee. Trustee shall meet all qualifi�ations requir�d fi�r Trus�ee under app�icable �aw. In addition ta �he rights
<br /> and r�em�dies set forth aba�e, wi�h respe��tc� alf or any part vf the Proper-ty, �he Trustee sha�1 ha�e the r�gh#to
<br /> �areclase by natice and sa�a, and Lende�shaii have �he righ�ta fareclase by judic�a� fareclosure, in �ither case in
<br /> accordance vvith and ta�he fiuli exten�pra�tded by applicable faw.
<br /> Successor Trust�e. Lender, at Lend�r's option, may from time�o time app�inf a successvr Trus�ee�o any Trustee
<br /> appv�nted under this ❑eed vf Trust by an instrumen� �xecuted and acknawledged by Lend�r and reGo�-ded in �he
<br /> office af the r�ecorder of Hall County, 5tat� af Nebraska. The �nstrument shall con�ain, in addition to a!I other
<br /> matters required by s�ate law, the names of the �rigina� Lender, Trus�ee, and TrustoT, th� book and page �or
<br /> camputer system referenc�} where this Deed of Trust is recarded, and the name and addres� af the successor
<br /> �rustee,and�he instrument shall be exe�uted and acknowledged by all�the bene�iciaries under�his Deed a�Trust or
<br /> �heir successors in intere�t. The successor��ustee, without ��n�eyanG��f�he Property, sha�� succeed to all �he
<br /> tifle, power,and duties conferred upon the Trustee in�h is Deed of Trust and by applicable law. This procedure�flr
<br /> substi�utian�f Trustea shai!go�em�❑�he exclusion af all other pro�isiQns�or su�sfitutian.
<br /> NaT�GES. Any nvtice required �v be giWen under this Qeed of Trus�, including w�thaut limitati�n any natice af d�fault
<br /> and any no��ce of sale shall be given in writing, and shall �e ef�eeti�e when actually detivered, when ac�ualiy re�ei�ed
<br /> by telefacsimile�uniess other�wise required by!aw},wh�n depvsited wifih a nationa�ly recvgnized o�ernight cvurier, ❑r, i�
<br /> mailed, when depvsi�ed in the United 5tates ma#i, as firs�class, cert�fed or registered mail pQstage prepaid, di�ected ta
<br /> the addresses shown near th� beginning af�his Deed ❑�Trust. A�i �ap�es ��nQtices of fareelosure from the hold�r of
<br /> any �ien which has �riori�y over��is I�eed ��T�-ust shall 1ae sent ta Lender's address, as shovvn near the beginning af
<br /> this ❑eed vf Trust. Any party m�y change �ts address fvr notices under this Deed af Trust �y giving farmal wr�tten
<br /> notice to the o�her part�es, speci�ying that the purpose Qf the nQ�ice is t❑ chang� �he party's a�dress. Far nflti�e
<br /> purpvses, Trus�nr agrees to keep Lender�nformed at al!times a�Trustar's current address. Un�ess otherwise provided
<br /> or requsred hy lavv, ff there is mnre�han one�rustar, any r�otice gi�en by Lender t� any Trustor is deemed'�� be nvtice
<br /> gi�en tv all Trustors.
<br /> ELECTR�N1� CQPIES. L�nder may copy, e�e�tronically o�- otherwise, and thereaf#er des�ray, the ❑r�ginals vf th�s
<br /> Agreement andlar Refated ❑acuments in �he regular course o� Lender's business. Af� such capies praduced �rom an
<br /> electranic form vr by any ather reiiable mean� �i.e., photographic image or facsimi�e}sha�1 �n all respects be considered
<br /> e�ui�alent to an ar�g�nal, and Borrower her�by wai�es any rights or abjectivns�o�hs use o�such copies.
<br /> M15GELLAIVE�US PR[]VfS1�NS. The f�llowin� miscel�aneous pravisions are�par�of this ❑eed of Trust:
<br /> Amendmenfs. This Deed o�Trust,�vge�her with any Rela�ed Documents, constitutes the entire understanding and
<br /> agreemen�Qf the parties as tv the mat�ers set forth �n �his Deed o�Trus�. No alteration af or amendmen�to this
<br /> Deed of Trust shall be effective u�less gi��n in writing and�igne� by th� pa�y ar pa�tie�svught t❑ b��harged vr
<br /> bound hy the afterat�vn❑r amendmenfi.
<br /> Annual Reports. lf the Property is used �vr purpases o�her than Trusta�'s residence, Tn.�s�or shall fumish �o
<br /> Lender, upon request, a certified statement o� ne� aperating income recei�ed �rom the Praperfy during Trustar'�
<br />